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反意疑问句 1 反意疑问句英语中 反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成 其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问 起证实作用 一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点 2 结构 陈述句 简略疑问句 YouarefromAmerica aren tyou 陈述句 简略疑问句 陈述句 肯定句 否定句 否定疑问句 肯定疑问句 3 简略疑问句 动词 主语 Be动词情态动词助动词 人称代词 主格 注 简略问句如果是否定式 not应与be do will等系动词 助动词 情态动词缩写 4 陈述句简略疑问句 MaryisreadingEnglishnow isn tshe YoucanspeakFrench can tyou Tomwasawayyesterday wasn the YouoftenwatchTVintheevening don tyou Itisn tverycoldtoday isit Mr Clarkedidn tbuyacar didn the Theycan tunderstandme canthey Jackhasn tdonehishomework hashe 语调 当说话者的目的不在疑问 而是为了加强语气时 用降调 当说话者的目的在疑问 则用升调 5 特殊句式的反意疑问句 6 1 陈述部分是 therebe 结构的 疑问部分用there省略主语代词 Thereisanoldpictureonthewall isn tthere Therewillnotbeanytrouble willthere Therearen tanychildrenintheroom arethere Therelivedanoldmanonthemountain didn tthere Thereissomethingwrongwithyourwatch isn tthere 7 2 陈述部分用no nothing nobody never few seldom hardly little too to 等否定含义的词时 疑问部分用肯定含义 YouhaveneverbeentoBeijing haveyou Mr Fathasfewfriendshere doeshe Thereislittlemilkinthebottle isthere Hecoulddonothing couldhe Sheistooyoungtogotoschool isshe 3 否定前缀不能视为否定词 其反意疑问句仍用否定形式 Itisimpossible isn tit Heisnotunkindtohisclassmates ishe 8 4 代词作主语 A 陈述部分主语是表示人的不定代词everybody everyone somebody someone anybody anyone nobody noone等 疑问部分常用复数they 有时也用单数he Everyoneknowstheanswer don tthey doesn the Nobodyknowsaboutit dothey doeshe Everyoneknowshisjob dothey doesn the B 陈述部分主语是指示代词this that 或表示物的不定代词something anything everything nothing 疑问部分主语用it Everythingisready isn tit C 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词these those 疑问部分主语用they Thosearecups aren tthey 9 5 陈述部分有hadbetter v 疑问句部分用hadn t 主语 You dbetterreaditbyyourself hadn tyou 6 陈述部分有haveto v hadto v 疑问部分常用don t 主语 didn t 主语 Wehavetogetthereateighttomorrow don twe 7 陈述部分的谓语是usedto时 疑问部分用didn t 主语或usedn t 主语 Heusedtotakepicturesthere didn the Usedn the 10 8 陈述部分有wouldrather v 疑问部分多用wouldn t 主语 Hewouldratherreadittentimesthanreciteit wouldn the 9 陈述部分有wouldliketo v 疑问部分用wouldn t 主语 You dliketogowithme wouldn tyou 10 陈述部分由neither nor either or notonly butalso both and 连接的并列主语时 疑问部分主语根据其实际逻辑意义而定 we they you NeitheryounorIamengineer arewe 11 11 陈述句中的谓语动词为have hasto hadto时 其疑问部分的谓语动词应用don t doesn t didn t Hehastogetupatfourtomorrow doesn the Theyhadtoleaveearly didn tthey 12 陈述部分是 the 形容词 表示 一类人 时 疑问部分主语用they 表示 物 时 用it Theyoungenjoyplayingcomputers don tthey Thenewishelpfultous isn tit 12 13 祈使句的反意疑问句 疑问部分用willyou或won tyou Don tdothatagain willyou Gowithme willyou won tyou 14 Let s开头的祈使句 后用shallwe 或用shan twe Letus开头的祈使句 后用willyou 或won tyou Let sgoandlistentothemusic shallwe shan twe Letuswaitforyouinthereading room willyou won tyou 13 15 陈述部分为主语从句或并列句 A 并列复合句疑问部分 谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定 Mr SmithhasbeentoBeijingforseveraltimes heisinChinanow isn the B 带有定语从句 宾语从句的主从复合句 疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定 Heisnotthemanwhogaveusatalk ishe HesaidhewouldvisitJapan didn the 注 主句谓语是think believe expect suppose imagine等引导的宾语从句 疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句 Idon tthinkheisbright ishe Webelieveshecandoitbetter can tshe 14 16 陈述部分的谓语是wish 疑问部分要用may 主语 Iwishtohaveawordwithyou mayI 17 含有oughtto的反意疑问句 陈述部分是肯定的 疑问部分用shouldn t oughtn t 主语 Heoughttoknowwhattodo oughtn the shouldn the 18 感叹句中 疑问部分用be 主语 必须用否定形式 Whatcolors aren tthey Whatasmell isn tit 19 陈述部分的主语是I 疑问部分要用aren tI I mastallasyoursister aren tI 15 19 当陈述句部分有情态动词must时 反意疑问部分在初中有三种情况 A must表示 不可以 禁止 时 反意疑问部分要用must mustn t Youmustn tstopyourcarhere mustyou B must表示 必须 时 反意疑问句部分要一般用needn t Theymustfinishtheworktoday needn tthey C 当must用来表示对现在的情况进行 推测 时 反意疑问部分要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式 Hemustbegoodatmaths isn the 16 反义疑问句的回答 17 对反意疑问句的回答 无论问题的提法如何 如果事实是肯定的 就用yes 事实是否定的 就要用no 要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构 反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时 回答yes或no与汉语正好相反 这种省略回答的yes要译成 不 no要译成 是 Helikesplayingfootball doesn the 他喜欢踢足球 是吗 Yes hedoes No hedoesn t 是的 不是 Hissisterdidn tattendthemeeting didshe 他妹妹没有参加会议 是吗 Yes shedid No shedidn t 不 她参加了 是的 她没参加 18 PRACTICE PRACTICE 19 1 Idon tthinkthatthenecklaceismadeofgold A doIB doyouC isn titD isit2 Hiswifehadthecarpetsandthecurtainscleaned A hadn tB hadC didn tsheD didshe3 It smyson sweddingnextweek andIhavetodomybestforthat A haven tIB don tIC don theD isn tit4 Harrywouldn tbecomeateacherifithadn tbeenfortheholiday A wouldheB haditC woulditD hadhe D C B A 20 5 Noonelefthereyesterday A didn ttheyB didtheyC didn toneD didone6 Birdsrarelybuildnestsinourgarden A don ttheyB dotheyC didn ttheyD didthey7 YoumusthavebeentotheGreatWall A mustn tyouB haven tyouC aren tyouD mustyou8 learninghowtorepairmotorstakesalongtime A doesn titB don ttheyC doesitD dothey B B B A 21 9 Theymusthavestayedathomelastnight A mustn ttheyB haven ttheyC didn ttheyD mustthey10 Ifeellikegoingtothecinematonight A don tIB don tyouC doID doyou11 Let sstartoutearlytomorrowmorning A shallweB willyouC doyouD can tyou12 There snotmuchnewsintoday snewspaper A isn titB isitC isn tthereD isthere C D A D 22 13 Theyneedourhelpbadlyatthemoment A needn ttheyB needtheyC don ttheyD dothey14 Sheisunfitfortheposition A issheB isn tsheC doesn tsheD doesshe15 IwishtovisitAmerica A don tIB canIC mayID mayyou16 She sbeenaworkerhereformanyyears A isn tsheB issheC hasn tsheD hasshe A B C C 23 17 Whatbeautifulflowers A aren ttheyB aretheyC isn titD isit18 Motherusedtoliveinapoorvillage A usedsheB usedn tsheC didn theD didhe19 You dbettergoatonce A wouldn tyouB hadyouC hadn tyouD shouldyou20 IamveryinterestedinMarkTwain snovels A aren tIB amnotIC aren tyouD areyou A B C A 24 Terrific Congratulations TheEnd 25


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