七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit8测试题I. 单项选择( )1.Wehave_artfestivaleveryyear. A.aB.anC.theD./( )2._istheschooltrip? _April. A.When;In B.What;On C.Where:In D.When;On( )3.(xx济南)TheDragonBoatFestivalis_thefifthdayofMayonthelunarcalendar(阴历). A.in B.on C.at D.by( )4.(xx宿州市埇桥区期末)Happybirthday,John! _. A.Thesametoyou B.Thanks C.Yourewelcome D.Happybirthday( )5._DayisonJune1stand_DayisonSeptember10th. A.Childrens;TeachersB.Childrens;Teachers C.Childrens;TeachersD.Childrens;Teachers( )6.WhenisJayChousconcert? Its_threeoclock_theafternoon. A.at;in B.at:on C.in;in D.on;in( )7.(xx.长沙市长郡教育集团期末)Canyoucometomyparty tomorrow?aItsmy_birthday. Sure. A.thetwelfth B.twelve C.twelfth( )8.(xx蚌埠市期末)Whosthat? _mother. A.TomandLucys B.TomsandLucys C.TomsandLucy D.TomandLucy( )9._isNationalDay. A.October1st B.September 10th C.May1st D.June1st( )10.Doyouhaveamusicfestival_yourschool? A.on.B.atC.forD.From( )11.(xx阜阳市九中期末)WhatisthemonthafterApril? Its _. A.July B.March C.February D.May( )12.(xx宿州市埇桥区期末)Mom,canyouhelpmewithmyEnglish now?Sorry,Jim!NowImreally_.Pleaseaskyourdadforhelp,OK? A.busy 3.healthy C.tall D.Small( ) 13.Is Jims birthday on May 22nd? _.Its on August 22nd. A. Yes,it is B. No.it isnt C. Yes,he is D. No.he isnt( )14. These blue pants are_. They are for his birthday. A. Jack B. Jacks C. Jacks D.Jacks( )15. My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. Really? _ A.I dont think so. B. Have a good time! C. Thats very strange. D. You should try it.II.完形填空(10分) I am a twelve-year old boy.I am a_1_in No. 5 Middle School. Now I am in Class 4,Grade 7.Today is March 8th,_ 2_ Day.Its the_3_ day of the_4_ month. Its also my birthday.My mom and dad have a birthday_5_ for me. My friends and classmates_6_ here. They are Linda,Tom,Peter,John and Lucy. There is a big cake on the table. There are 12 candles_7_ the cake. There Is also salad,hamburgers, fish,eggs and. vegetables on the table. They_8_the song Happy Birthday to me.I get gifts_ 9_ them.I am very_ l0_ .( )1. A. classmate B. student C. teacher D. boy .( )2. A. Teachers B. Womens C. Childrens D. doctors( )3. A. eight B. six C. eighth D. third( )4. A. fourth B. first C. sixth D. third( )5. A. present B. party C. day D. meeting( )6. A. do B. be C. is D. are( )7. A. under B. on C. at D.of( )8. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. to sing( )9. A. to B. with C. from D. for( )10. A. boring B. busy C. happy D. tidyIII.阅读理解A Vera is thirteen years old. She was born(出生) on July 27th. Mrs. Smith is her mother. Today is Veras birthday. There is a party for her. Lots of her friends come to her birthday party. A birthday cake is on the table. There are some bananas , oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too. But Vera doesnt like them. What does she want? Can you guess? Vera sees a red card in her mothers hand.It says: Happy birthday to you,dear Vera. There is a nice present for you. Open the box on your dresser,you can find it. Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box. Ah,a nice T-shirt! How glad she is!( )1. When is Veras birthday? A. November 27th. B. September 27th. C.July 27th. D. July 29th.( )2. Wheres Mrs. Smiths present? A. On the desk. B. In the box. C. In the dresser. D.In the drawer.( )3. What does Vera want? A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. A T-shirt. D. A book.( )4. How old is Vera? A.13. B.14. C.15. D.16.( )5.There arent on the. table. A. apples B. strawberries C. oranges D. ice-creamBDearGrace.Wehaveareallyfunterm.Doyoulovevolleyball?OnSeptember7th,weavolleyball game at fourintheafternoon,Itsinterestingforme,Myteachersayswecanseesomegreat volleyball stars.In October.wehaveaschooltrip.Irsrelaxingforus.InNovember,wehavean art festival and an English party.TheartfestivalisonNovember3rd.TheEnglishpartyisonNovember18th.Its Tim in our classroom.Sallys birthday is on December11th.1wanttobuyawhite modelplane for her.Tim wants to buy a book.Youcanbuyabirthdaycakeforher,Shemust behappy.Yours.Bob( )6.Bobsschoolhasa_onSeptember7th. A.soccergame B.volleyballgame C.basketballgame D.tennis game( )7.Theschooltripis_forBob. A.boring B.interesting C.relaxing D.easy( )8.Whenistheartfestival? A.ItsonSeptember7th. B.IsonDecember11th. C.IsonNovember3rd. D,IrsonNovember18th.( )9.TheEnglishpartyis_. A.inthelibrary B.inBobsclassroom C.inSallysroom D.inthestore( )10.Bobwantstobuy_forSally. A.amodelplane B.abookC.a radio D.abirthday cakeIV.词汇运用(15分)A)根据句意及提示写出单词,补全句子(10分)1.D_isthelastmonthofayear.2.Ayearhastwelvem_3.Todayismyt_birthday.Iamtwentyyearsoldtoday.4.Idontpass themath t_,Imsosad.5.(xx宿州埇桥区期末)Kates room is not tidy.Her t_(东西) areeverywhere.6. (xx安庆市大观区期末)Who is your history teacher this t_(学期).7. Ihaventheardfromhimsincelast_(一月).8.Whenistheschool_(旅行)?9.Whendoyouhaveanart_.(节日)10. Teachers Day is in _(九月).B)用所给词的适当形式填空11. _(nation)DayisonOctober1st,12.Johnisnineyearsoldnow,Todayishis_(nine)birthday.13. Please_(come)tomypartynextweek.14. Wehavesome_(party)everyyear.15. When ishis_(mother) birthday? ItsonMarch3rd.V.根据汉语意思完成句子(10分)1. 我们学校每年都安排一次学校旅行。 Wehavea_ _atourschooleveryyear.2.今天下午你想来参加我的生日聚会吗? _you_ _tomybirthdayparty_ _.3.他们住在那幢白色大楼房的二十楼上。 Theyliveon_ _floorofthatwhitebuilding.4.学校活动日在十月二十二日.你父母可以来我们学校, SchoolDayison_22nd.Yourparentscan _ _ ourschool.5.在学校活动日那天,我们过得很愉快。We_ _ _ _onSchoolDay.VI.补全对话(10分)从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。Bob:Hi,Lily.1_Lily:Hi,BobMybirthdayinonMay5th.Bob;2._A. Which school are you in?B. On September 25th.C.When is your birthday?D.Yes,we do.E.Because it is Lu Xuns birthday.F.No,we dont.G.Is it on September 25th?Lily:LuXunMiddleSchool.Bob:Great.Do you have a school tripLily:3._ But we have School DayBob:Really?Whenisit?Lily:4._Bob:Whyisthat?Lily:5._Bob:Oh,thanks.Lily:Yourewelcome.VII.任务型阅读(10分)Hello!MynameisTina.IcomefromAmerica,butIloveChinaverymuch,Because my mother is Chinese.TodayisOctober18thmybirthday.Inthemorning.myparents take me (A)_ a store and buy a red skirt for me.(B)forI likeredverymuch.Intheafternoon.wegotoDisneyland.I havefunthere.(C)Intheevening.wehaveabirthdaypartyathome.Myfiendsallcometo myparty andweeatabigcake.Thankmyparentsandfriendsforgivingmeahappybirthday!根据短文内容.完成下列各题。1.写出(A)处所缺的单词。_2.写出(B)处两线单词for的汉语意思。_s.将(C)处两线的句子译为汉语。_Whatdotheyeatintheevening?_5.IsTinahappytoday?_VIII.书面表达(10分)假如你是一位位班主任.新学期开始了.请你根据F面的长格。向学生们介绍本学期的主要话动安排。要求:不少于50词.开头已经给出,不计人总词数。ActivitiesTimeschooltripSeptember20thbasketballgameOctoberEnglishtestNovemberChristmaspartyDecember25thGoodmorning,boysandgirls.Newtermbegins,Wehave someinteresting andfunthingsforyou this term._

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