九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark综合测评 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark综合测评 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark综合测评 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark综合测评 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 4综合测评(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第一卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分)听对话和对话后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)6.A.He used to have big bright eyes.B.He used to wear glasses.C.He used to be thin.7.A.Math.B.P.E.C.Physics.8.A.She is too busy.B.She is too shy.C.She is afraid of tests.9.A.Yes,she did.B.No,she didnt.C.No,she doesnt.10.A.He often plays table tennis.B.He often plays basketball.C.He often plays tennis.听对话,完成表格信息。每空一词(5分)Charlies Free TimeIn the pastAt presentHe had much free time.He used to play 11. a lot,watch TV for about 12. hours and play soccer every day.He has a lot of homework and cant do many 13. things.He can 14. only once a week.One thing is the same:He does some 15. at the weekends.第二卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16.I dont want to you.You must decide what to do by yourself. A.helpB.influenceC.askD.refuse17.Please dont talk about problems in public.Its impolite.A.seriousB.privateC.creativeD.convenient18.I go for a row on the lake.A.am usedB.am used toC.used toD.used19.Mr.Green is really good at telling jokes.This makes him a popular teacher.Youve got the point.Students all like teachers.A.kindB.carefulC.humorousD.polite20.The girl the dark.She cant get out at night.A.is interested inB.is glad aboutC.is afraid ofD.is angry with21.If you dont work hard for most of the year and then work hard for only a few days before the exam,you will probably .A.succeedB.finishC.failD.pass22.Lily has entered Tsinghua University.Really?Then her mother must be her.A.proud ofB.worried aboutC.interested inD.mad at23. will you your broken watch?I am going to take it to the watchmakers.A.How;do withB.How;deal withC.What;deal withD.What;did with24.He will come on time it rains heavily.A.so thatB.even thoughC.andD.because25.The famous singer will come and sing for us ,so I will go to the concert tonight.A.all the timeB.from time to timeC.on purposeD.in person.完形填空(10分)There was a boy in India who was sent to a boarding school by his parents.26 being sent away this boy was the best student in his class.27 the boy changed when he went to the boarding school.His grades started dropping.He 28 being in a group.He was lonely all the time.And sometimes he even felt like killing 29.All of this was because he felt no one loved him.His parents started 30 the boy.But they didnt know what was wrong with him.So his dad decided to travel to the school and talk with him.They sat on the bank of the lake near the school.The father started asking him casual(随意的)questions about his classes,teachers and sports.After some time his dad said,“Do you know 31 I am here today,my dear son?”The boy answered back,“To check my grades?”“No,no.I dont care about your 32,” replied his dad.“I am here to tell you that you are the most important person to me.I only care about you.I only want to see you 33.YOU ARE MY LIFE.”These words 34 the boys eyes to fill with tears.He hugged his dad.They didnt say anything to each other for a long time.Now the boy knew there was 35 on the Earth who cared for him deeply.He meant the world to someone.And today this young man is one of the best students in a university and no one has ever seen him sad.26.A.AfterB.BeforeC.ByD.For27.A.ButB.AndC.AlthoughD.Since28.A.likedB.enjoyedC.hatedD.appreciated29.A.yourselfB.herselfC.myselfD.himself30.A.worrying aboutB.laughing atC.giving upD.looking for31.A.howB.whenC.whereD.why32.A.sportsB.classesC.gradesD.teachers33.A.awfulB.happyC.hard-workingD.angry34.A.causedB.allowedC.taughtD.told35.A.nobodyB.someoneC.anyoneD.everybody.阅读理解(30分)ADear Tommy,Im writing to you on your third birthday.I want to tell you something about your grandmas time.I was born sixty-eight years ago in a small village.Transportation used to be a big problem.When we traveled from village to village,we used to walk or ride horses.Shopping was not an easy job,either.There were no supermarkets in the neighborhood.We used to grow most of our own food:rice and vegetables.We kept things cool in a special underground room.The biggest difference is that you have electricity.We didnt have electricity until very late in our small village.We didnt have any televisions of course.We used to perform our local music and enjoy it very much.Life used to be very hard,but I was not upset.I would like you to know about the old days and be happy about what you have when you grow up.Remember,feeling good about life is the key to happiness.Love,Your grandma36.This letter is written by .A.a grandfather to a grandsonB.a grandmother to a grandsonC.a grandfather to a granddaughterD.a grandmother to a granddaughter37.Tommy is when the letter is written.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four38.This letter is mostly about .A.the writers old life experienceB.the writers future lifeC.what a kid can do for old peopleD.how the writer has changed39.Which is NOT true about the writer?A.She was born in the countryside.B.She felt good about the village life.C.She used to grow vegetables in the village.D.She used to walk or ride horses from city to city.40.Why does the writer write this letter?A.She wants to show that life now is really happy.B.She wants to tell others that life was so hard in the past.C.She wants the kid to be positive about life in the future.D.She wants the kid to dream about ones future life.BI used to skate a lot.With every Olympic song,I found excitement growing inside me when I was first to skate at the age of five.But,unluckily,I was badly hurt in a match.I quickly stopped my skating.Smiling,my husband just said,“Skating is your passion(酷爱),but of course we can stay at home.”It was crazy,I know,that a thirty-seven-year-old mother of two children wanted to skate under disco ball lights after 10 years.I found the excitement growing inside me.I loved to skate.So I was out there having the time of my life,listening to the music with a smile on my face and heart.I hoped I could skate again.I belonged here.It was so right to be back on the ice.“Did you use to be a skater?” A little girl looked up at me with questioning eyes.Taking time to give my answer,I looked around the rink (溜冰场),where I could see so many years of lessons,Olympic dreams,and a love of the ice that would never die.“No,” I answered.“Im a skater.” With a smile,I glided away.Skating had finally turned me into a championa winner of a lifelong passion for my favorite sport.41.Why did the writer have to stay at home?A.Because she was hurt.B.Because her husband didnt want her to skate.C.Because she had to look after her children.D.Because she didnt love skating any longer.42.The writer first started to skate years ago.A.5B.10C.27D.3243.The writer went back to skate because .A.she wanted to be a champion of the OlympicsB.she loved skating very muchC.she wanted to make a lot of moneyD.she didnt love to stay at home44.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “glided” is “”.A.滑行B.消逝C.旋转D.跑步45.For the writer,has come true.A.to be a winner among all the skatersB.to be a champion of the OlympicsC.to be a good motherD.to win the lifelong passionC阅读下面短文,从所给的AE五个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、 内容完整。He used to cause(引起) a lot of troubleMartin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy.He used to be a “problem child”,but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life.He didnt use to give his mother many problems.However,after his fathers death a few years ago,46. His mother couldnt afford to pay(不能负担)her childs education.To do this,she had to work,and so was often not at home.His mother looked after him as well as she could.Unfortunately,Martin still caused problems for himself and his family.He was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble with(与冲突)the police.Luckily,his mother was very patient(有耐心的)47. In the end,she made a difficult decision:to send him to a boys boarding school.Martin hated it and caused a lot of trouble.One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.48.But the head teacher(校长)said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.Martin called his mother,but to his surprise,this phone call changed his life.“It was exactly what I needed,” he said.“My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me.She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us,he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.49. I realize that since my father died,I have been afraid of being alone,and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.”Now Martin has really changed.He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class.50. His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself,and as Martin himself says,“Its very important for parents to be there for their children.”A.How was he able to change?B.and she didnt give up trying to help him.C.Thats when I decided to change.D.Martins life became much more difficult.E.His teacher agreed and thought Martin was wasting his time(浪费时间).词汇(10分)A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。51.You f in the driving test.What a pity!52.Im too shy.Im afraid to give a s in front of the class.53.Smoking isnt allowed in p.54.I wonder if you can tell me something about the (背景)of the novel.55.Its a(n) (私人的)conversation between us.It has nothing to do with her.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。56.Our headmaster is talking with the (interview)in his office.57.What a mess!Your room requires (clean).58.He (use)to cry about little things,but now he seldom cries.59.Mr Zhang went to (African)on business last week.60.Could you please tell me (exact)what the teacher said?.补全对话(10分)A:Hello!61. B:Im Tina.A:Oh,Tina!Im Bob.Do you remember me?B:Oh,Wow!I remember.How nice to see you!62. Now youre thin and tall.A:Yes,I did.And you used to have long hair at that time.But now your hair is short.B:Right.I also remember you used to be naughty and talk to others in class.A:63. But you were a good student.And you used to be good at many subjects.B:Look!Whos that over there?A:Hes Tom.64.B:65.A:Yes.But now he is humorous and outgoing.A.Did he use to be serious?B.But you used to be fat and short.C.He used to be my best friend.D.May I know your name,please?E.And the teacher used to criticize me for that.书面表达(15分)由于父母工作变动,Mike两年前随父母从英国来到了中国北京。他想给他祖父母写一封信,叙述来中国后的各种变化。请你根据表格内容,代替Mike完成这封信,词数80左右。注意:1.信息完整。2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。In EnglandIn Beijing常和祖父母聊天父母繁忙,没人聊天早餐吃面包、喝牛奶习惯了面条和鸡蛋;更加强壮不喜欢球类运动对篮球感兴趣Dear grandparents,How is it going?_Yours,MikeUnit 4综合测评附:听力原文.1.M:I used to be afraid of snakes because theyre really scary.2.W:I used to get up late,so I bought an alarm clock.3.M:My little sister has been always afraid of spiders.4.W:I used to be on the swim team.5.M:When I was very young,I used to chat with my grandfather.6.W:Jim,you used to have good eyesight,didnt you?M:No,I didnt.I used to wear glasses.Q:What did Jim use to be like?7.M:Jane,what subject did you use to hate?W:I used to hate physics.Q:What subject did Jane use to hate?8.M:Ann,whats your biggest problem?W:My biggest problem is that Im too busy.Q:Whats Anns biggest problem?9.M:Lily,do you like eating candy?W:Yes,I do.But I didnt like it in the past.Q:Did Lily like eating candy in the past?10.W:Mike,what did you use to do after school?M:I used to play basketball.But now I often play table tennis.Q:What does Mike often do after class now?.W:So,Charlie,could you please tell me about your free time?M:Well,five years ago,when I was nine,I had much free time and I used to play games a lot.And I used to watch TV for about 4 hours every day.W:Four hours?Thats a lot of TV!M:Yes,but now I havent got time for TV.I have a lot of homework and I cant do many fun things.W:Its sad but thats life.M:I think so.Now I can swim only once a week.But I used to play soccer every day.W:Is there one thing you used to do when you were nine and you still do now?M:Well,one thing is the same!I do some reading at weekends.W:OK.Thank you,Charlie.答案部分:.1.A2.B3.C4.C5.A.6.B7.C8.A9.B10.A.11.games12.four/413.fun14.swim15.reading.16.B17.B18.C19.C20.C21.C22.A23.B24.B25.D.26.B27.A28.C29.D30.A31.D32.C33.B34.A35.B.36.B37.C38.A39.D40.C41.A42.D43.B44.A45.D46.D47.B48.E49.C50.A.51.failed52.speech53.public54.background55.private56.interviewer57.cleaning58.used59.Africa60.exactly.61.D62.B63.E64.C65.A.Dear grandparents,How is it going?I hope you are both healthy.I havent seen you for two years,so I miss you very much.I remember I used to talk with you after school.But now I have nobody to talk with because my parents are very busy every day.And my eating habits have changed,too.I used to have bread and milk for breakfast in England,but now I am used to eating noodles and eggs.They make me stronger than before.For sports,I didnt use to play ball games,but now I am interested in playing basketball.Thats all I want to tell you.Wish you happy and healthy.Yours,Mike

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