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短文改错 冠词 1 考查要点 1 考查不定冠词 定冠词和零冠词的基本用法 2 考查抽象化的具体名词前使用零冠词 3 冠词惯用语 2 考点1 不可数名词前面不加a改错 Whatagoodnewswe veheard 牢记高考中常见的纯不可数名词 如 weather fun space 太空 advice news progress information furniture等词永远不能与不定冠词连用 3 改错 Afterahourorsowebegantofeelveryfrightened 考点2 an 元音音素开头的名词a 辅音音素开头的名词 A E F H I L M N O R S X都以元音音素 e 开头 an hour honest honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头 但其读音却以元音开头 因此 前面要用等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母an useful university usual united European one eyed one way等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头 但其读音却以辅音开头 因此 前面要用a 4 误 Musiccanbringpeopleapleasure 但如果特指 令人高兴或快乐的事情 即为可数名词 Ithasbeenagreatpleasuretotalktoyou 考点3 表示泛指意义的物质名词 抽象名词前不用冠词 5 考点4 表示泛指概念的复数名词前不用冠词 误 Youngpeopleliketoreadthebooks Goodhealthisperson smostvaluablepossession ThereispubliclibraryineverytowninBritain 考点5 单数可数名词表泛指 故在其前用a a a 6 考点6 特指或者是谈话双方都知道的 用定冠词 OnThursdayIwillhavetodecidewhatIwanttodooveraweekend Tenminuteslater thefiremencameandputoutfire the the 7 考点七 表示季节 月份 星期 节假日的名词前一般不用冠词SchoolbeginsintheSeptember 8 考点8 表示独一无二的职务 头衔等做表语 同位语 补足语时 名词前不用冠词MrWangwaselectedthechairmanofthisconference 9 考点9 表示三餐 球类运动 棋类游戏的名词前一般不用冠词Let sgoandwatchthemplaythefootball 10 考点10 by后表示交通工具或方式的名词前不用冠词Nowmanypeoplewanttotravelbytheair 11 考点11 表示学科 语言的名词前一般不用冠词Ilikethemathsthoughtit sabitdifficult 12 考点12 thesecond和asecond的区别 Inordertofindabetterjob hedecidedtostudythesecondforeignlanguage Heisasecondtallestboyintheclass the a the 序数词表顺序 第几 a 序数词表次数增加 又一 13 五固定用法或词语 1 goodknowledgeof2 goodunderstandingof3 must necessity4 have giftfordoingsth5 leave school college6 in college7 on eto power9 take in office10 Internet11 therewas timewhen a a a a the the a 14 12 have take interestin interestsofthepeople13 in 2090in year209014 in Augustof2001in August 200115 Doyouspeak English Doyouspeak Englishlanguage 16 in historyin historyoftheMingDynasty17 on secondthoughts18 of age19 in faceof failure an the the the the the an 15 20 goodstateofmindin goodcondition21 Hekeptsilentfor moment Heisbusyat moment partof importantpartof partcottonplayedintheIndustrialRevolution23 at war24 Atnoonwereachedasmallvillage eastofthetown Summersin southofFrancearefor mostpartdryandsunny a a the an the the the waristobreakout A 16


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