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Unit 1 Can you play the guitarPeriod 3 (1a-2a)Teaching aims: 1. New words: drum, violin, piano, play the drum/ violin/ piano, also, make; make friends.2.Target Language: What can you do?Can you sing?-No, I cant. But, I can play the guitar.Can you play the piano?- No, I cant. But Bill can play the piano.Can Bill play the guitar? - Yes, he can, but he cant sing.I canand , but I cantor I can and I can also I like to Teaching Key points:1. New words:2.Target Language: What can you do?Can you sing?-No, I cant. But, I can play the guitar.Can you play the piano?- No, I cant. But Bill can play the piano.Can Bill play the guitar? - Yes, he can, but he cant sing.I canand , but I cantor I can and I can also I like to Teaching difficulty:I canand , but I cantor I can and I can also I like to Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in;Listen to a song and learn the song.Step 2 Presentation1. Present new words “drums, piano, trumpet, violin.” by listening the sounds of instruments and learning the pronunciations. 2. read the words.3. Game: Memory challenge. Step 3 Work on 1a. 1. Read the title.2. First, lets draw lines to match the words with the pictures.3. Ask the students to check the answers.Step 4 Work on 1b. 1. Read the title.2. listen to some beautiful sounds of the instruments. Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a. 3. Ask the students to check the answers. Step 5 Work on 1c. 1. Read the title.2. Show the models.3. Students work. Step 6 Listening for the general idea of 1dT: Lets listen to the tape and choose the main idea of the conversation .The general idea of the conversation is .A. about the instruments. B. about some studentsC. to invite some students for the school concert.(Ask the students to check the answers)设计意图:以选择题的形式引导学生理解听力全文的大意,降低学习的难度。Step 7 Listening for the specific ideas of 1d1. Read the title.2. T: Now please look at the chart in 1e. What can Bill, Cindy and Frank do? What cant they do? Youll listen to the tape again. Listen carefully. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d.3. Ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard. The others write the answers on their books.设计意图:围绕着听力的具体细节来设计问题,训练学生听准关键信息并及时记下问题答案,学习掌握听力技巧。Step 8 Work on 1f. 1. Work in groups. Take turn to talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and cant do. 2. Mode: What can you do? - I canand , but I cantor Can Bill play the guitar? - Yes, he can, but he cant sing. /No, he cant, but he can.3. Students work.4. Show other pictures, and ask: Can he/ she/ they? Then tell students: They are great men.Step 9 Work on 2a. 1. 2a talk about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan.2. The main idea of the descriptions is _ .A. posters B. ads C. about abilities3. Read the three descriptions(描述) about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do.4. Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. Read the passage and fill in the chart.NameCanLikePeterAlanMa HuanStep 10. Make some notes, and do some exercises.

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