七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第3课时)Section B(1a-1f)知能演练提升 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第3课时)Section B(1a-1f)知能演练提升 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第3课时)Section B(1a-1f)知能演练提升 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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Unit 12 What did you do last weekendSectionB(1a-1e)知能演练提升.根据句意及图画内容填写单词,每空一词1.They a kite last Sunday.2.Gina had with her friends yesterday evening.3.Did Jim swim in the pool?4.Peter for a test last weekend.5.Lily did something interesting to relax herself.Shethe guitar.单项选择1.I bought some gifts and my aunt.A.visitB.seeC.visitedD.saw2. went to the zoo with Jack?His friends.A.HowB.WhereC.WhenD.Who3.Where she on vacation? She her uncles house.A.did; go; went toB.does; go; went toC.did; went; went toD.does; went; go to4.?Very interesting.I liked it very much.A.Did you have a bookB.Was the trip relaxingC.What did you think of the movieD.How did you like the people there5.After dinner,he stayed at home and played violin.A.the;/;theB./;/;theC./;the;/D.a;the;the.短文填空,每空一词Yesterday I 1. up 2. six 3. the morning.I had milk and bread 4.breakfast.After that I 5.to school by bike.When I reached school, it was seven twenty.We had four 6.In class I7.hard.I had fried fish and some rice for 8.atschool.In the afternoon I 9.soccer for an hour.Then I 10.my homework.参考答案知能演练提升.1.flew2.dinner/supper3.swimming4.studied5.played.1.C2.D3.A4.C5.B.1.got2.at3.in4.for5.went6.classes7.studied/worked8.lunch9.played10.did

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