江苏省盐城市亭湖区八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省盐城市亭湖区八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省盐城市亭湖区八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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江苏省盐城市亭湖区八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 TaskLearning aims1. To learn more about giant pandas and other wild animals.2. To learn how to write a report about wild animals.3. To get to know some facts in the reports and try to express their own opinions Learning activitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词的词性、词义和划线部分的音标。1. female _2.peaceful _3. daytime _ 4.mice _5. upright _二、了解下列生词的用法。 1. peaceful adj. 和平的,安静的 n. peace 和平,安宁全世界人们都热爱和平。People all over the world love_. 我们希望世界永远和平。We hope the world will be _ forever.三、翻译下列短语。1.beautiful black-and-white animals_2.spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk _3.have one or two babies at a time_4.look like little white mice_5.get smaller and smaller_6.keep taking the farmland_ 7. have nowhere to live_8.take actions to do sth._ 9.walk upright_10.move around in the daytime_Activity two PracticeGiant pandas are in danger. Step 1 Play a game: Describe to your partner what an animal is like and let him/her guess what animal it is. Take turns to do this. Step 2 Listen and answerWhy is the number of the giant pandas getting smaller and smaller?Step 3 Read and complete1. Read the report carefully and fill in a table to get to know more about giant pandas.Giant pandas are in dangerBaby pandasGiant pandasAppearancelook like_ animals, look like _Character_ animalsFooddrink _for _a daybamboo shoots and leavesdangeronly _ giant pandas in the world because their _ are becoming _.If farmers _, giant pandas_If people _, then _Actions_about the giant pandas in China, tell them about the problems for giant pandas2. Read the report silently and try to tell the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1_ Para 2_ Para 3 _Para 4 _ Para 5 _3. Read it again and find some good sentences._Activity three ReportBears are in dangerStep 1 Read the notes on bears. 1. Enjoy some pictures of bears. 2. Describe the appearance, ability, character of bears and the danger they are facing.Step 2 Finish the report on bears. 1. Finish Part C on page 72. 2. Check your answers and read aloud.Activity four Writing. Step 1 Watch and describe1. Search the Internet for a video of animals, watch it!2. Choose an animal you are familiar with and make some notes about it. Notes about _Appearance: _Character: _Food: _Ability:_Danger: _Action: _Step 2 Write a report. _Activity five Homework:Finish your report and make it better. Exercises【检测反馈】一、选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 sad act mouse lose peace1. We must take _ to protect the wild animals.2. Can we train _ to do any tricks?3. People all over the world wish to live in a _ world.4. Many wild animals are in danger because of the _ of living areas.5. _, I didnt pass the English exam.二、单项选择。( ) 1. I hear that mother pandas have only one or two babies _. A. at time B. at times C. at all times D. at a time( ) 2. Harbin is a beautiful city. _ people come to visit the Sun Island every year. A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousand of D. Thousands ( ) 3. The number of the students in our school _ becoming _ now. A. is; smaller and smaller B. are; bigger and bigger C. is; fewer and fewer D. is; more and more( ) 4. What _ Xi Wang _ at ten days? A. did; like B. was; look like C. did; look like D. be; like( ) 5.We are not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, our sports meeting will be put off. A. will rain; rains B. rains; will rain C. will rain; will rain D. rains; rains三、句型转换。1. A tiger will eat a person if it is hungry.(对划线部分提问)_ will a tiger _ if it is hungry?2. We take care of animals .It is very important.(保持句意基本不变)_ very important for us _ take care of animals 3. He went on practising speaking French. (保持句意基本不变) He _ _ speaking French.4. My mother does most of the washing in my family.(改为否定句) My mother _ _ most of the washing in my family.5. My brother put his watch on the table just now. (改为一般疑问句) _ your brother _ his watch on the table just now?Exercises【巩固提高】 一、阅读理解。One day a man and a tiger were walking together. The man said, We man are the strongest in the world. The tiger said to the man. What did you say? Men are the strongest? Oh, no. I dont think so. We tigers are the strongest. They walked on. They saw a picture. In the picture there was a man sitting on the top of a tiger. Look, the man said. The man is on the top of the tiger. As you see, we men are stronger than tigers. Oh, no. If we tigers knew how to draw pictures, wed put the man under the tiger.( )1. One day a man and a tiger were talking about_. A. who was the strongest B. who was the tallest C. who was the happiest D. who was the weakest( )2. The man thought _. A. men could do anything B. men was the strongest C. tigers were strong animals D. tigers were cleverest animals( )3. When the tiger heard what the man said, he_. A. ran away from the man B. stop talking with him C. didnt agree with him D. felt angry with the man( )4. As they walked on, they saw a picture with_. A. some men beside a tiger B. some tigers under a big tree C. a man on top of a tiger D. a tiger on top of a men( )5. The tiger knew_. A. man was the strongest B. who drew the picture C. a tiger drew the picture D. tigers were the strongest二、书面表达。某英语杂志开辟动物家园栏目。请以_ Are in Danger为题,写一篇短文,以便为该栏目投稿。词数80100。要求如下:1、围绕主题(长相,能力,性格、食物、面临的危险及原因,采取的措施)进行叙述;2、字迹工整,语言规范;适当使用长句。_

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