七年级英语上册 Units 5-7阶段性测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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阶段性测试题(Units 57)I.单项选择(15分)( )1.(xx合肥市四十五中期中)-Whats this? Its_apple._apple is red. A, a;The B. an;The C. a;An D. the;An( )2. (xx南昌市新建区朕考)I have two ping-pong bats,_I play them every day. A. and B. or C. but D. because( )3.(xx.长沙市湘一外国语期末)Most of the shoes in the store_ on sale and this pair of shoes_very cheap. A. ares;is B. are;are C. is;are( )4. My sister doesnt like playing baseball. She thinks its_. A.interesting B. relaxing C. boring D. easy( )5.Do you like watching ping- pong matches? 一Yes,and _ favorite ping-pong player is Ma Long. A.we B, us C. Our D, ours( )6.Do you want_a book? 一Yes.I do. A. Buy B. Buys C. to buy D. take( )7. (xx南昌市新建区朕考)We often eat rice_lunch in China. A. in B. on C. for D.of( )8. We have_ in the middle of the day. A. breakfast B.lunch C. supper D. dinner( )9. (xx安庆市大观区期末)一Lets play basketball together. _ A. Sounds good B. Thats all right C. Yes,please D. Thank you( )10, This T-shirt looks_ and sells_. A. nice ;well B. well ; nice C. well;well D, good; nice( )11. My mother always_ clothes for me_a very good price. A. buy;to B. buys;in C. ells;to D. buys;at( )12._going to play basketball after class? Its great. A. How about B. How C. What D, Lets( )13. The small T-shirt is_. A.ten dollar B. ten dollars C. ten D.healthy( )14. (xx .长沙市长郡教育集团期末)_your mother_ dancing on the square? Yes,she_ A. Is;like;is B. Does;liker;does C. Does;likes,does( )15.Thank you for your help! _. A. Good morning B. You are welcome C. Fine. thank you D. Nice to meet you.II完形填空(10分) Hello,my name is David.I _1_a student in No, 1 I Middle School. In my spare(空闲的) time, I like doing sports. I like playing _ 2_ tennis and basketball. Look_3_my bedroom. I have a tennis racket. _4_ is on the table. I have two_5_.They are_6_ the bed Playing sports is very_7_, so I like it very much. I also like eating. Among(在之中) fruits,I like_ 8_ best. But I_9_like vegetables. I like French fries very much.So I am a little fat, The doctor asks me to eat more_10_food.( )1.A. is B. are C. am D. do( )2.A. the B.a C./ D.an( )3.A. at B. in C. for D. to( )4. A. It B. Its C. They D. Them( )5. A. basketballs B. basketball C. volleyball D. soccer( )6. A. in B. at C. to D. under( )7. A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. bad( )8. A. carrots B. ice-cream C. bread D. bananas( )9. A. do B. dont C. does D. doesnt( )10. A. relaxing B. healthy C. bad D. healthyIII.阅读理解(15分)AMaria : I like carrots and bananas. I dont like hamburgers or French fries. I have two eggs and a banana for breakfast.Bill: I like salad and chicken. I dont like ice-cream. I have chicken and tomatoes for dinner.Bob: l like hamburgers and ice-cream. I dont like tomatoes. I eat lunch at school. I have hamburgers and oranges for lunch.( )1. Does Maria like carrots? A.Yes,she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes,l do. D. We dont know( )2. What does Bill have for dinner? A. Salad and chicken. B. Ice-cream. C. Tomatoes and chicken. D. Hamburgers and oranges.( )3._eats two eggs and a banana for breakfast. A. Maria B. Bill C. Bob D. No one( )4._ likes ice-cream , but_doesnt like it, A. Bob;Maria B. Bill; Bob C. Maria;Bill D. Bob; Bill( )5. Does Bill have eggs or bananas for breakfast? A. Yes,he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. He doesnt eat egg or bananas. D. We dont know.B l am middle school student. My name is John, Im fourteen years old. I have three good friends they are Jack.I like healthy food.I like to eat vegetable,fruit and chicken.I like to drink milk,too.Tom likes hamburgers and ice-cream.He has hamburgers for dinner every day.He doesnt like vegetables.Jim likes to eat fruit very much. He often eats apples.bananas and strawberries.But he doesnt like carrots or tomatoes.Jack likes tomatoes.salad and bread.But he doesnt like milk. His mother wants him to drink milk.She thinks it is good for him.( )6. John likes_. A. sports B. healthy food C. healthy food D. hamburgers( )7. Who likes ice cream? A. Tony. B.Jim. C. Jack. D. Tom.( )8. Jim likes to eat_. A. carrots B. tomatoes C. vegetables D. apples( )9. Who wants Jack 10 drink milk? A. John. B. Johns mother. C. Jacks mother. D. Jacks father.( )10. Which of the following is TRUE? A. John is 13 years old. B. Jim doesnt like strawberries. C. Jack likes milk very much. D. Tom doesnt have healthy eating habits.IV.词汇运用(15分) A)根据句意及提示写出单词,补全句子。(10分) 1. (xx南昌市新建区联考)My brother wants to be a basketball s_ (明星).2. Bill and I are in the_ (相同的) class.3.Playing computer games is_ (有趣的).4.(xx宿州市埇桥区期末)I want to ask Tony some q_ (问题) about his family.5.(xx蚌埠市期末)We have all kinds of_(裤子) in different colors.6. I love sports very much, but I dont play themI only w_them on TV!7. Fourteen and sixteen is t_.8. Tom.Lily and Eric are a_my good friends.9. L often play football with my c_.10. We s_all our clothes at very good prices,B)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)11.David_ (have) two ping-pong balls.12.Carrots are_(health) food.13. I have some _ (bread) for lunch.14. My grandfather has a good _ (eat) habit.15. I need to buy a pair of _ (shoe).V.按要求完成句子(5分)1. He doesnt like strawberries. (用the boys代替he改写句子) The boys_ _strawberries.2. Do his parents have breakfast at school? (作肯定回答) _._ _.3. His brother has lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句) _his brother_ lunch at school? 4.How much is the sweater? (改为同义句) _the _ of the sweater?5.We sell skirts. The skirts are only Y28. (合并为一句) We sell skirts_only ¥28. V.根据汉语意思完成句子(10分)1.英语对我来说不难。 English _ very _ _ me.2.你弟弟在家吃午饭吗? _your brother _ lunch _ home?3.黑色短裤20元出售。The black shorts are _ _ _¥20.4.我表弟只在电视上看足球。My_only_football_TV.5.我没有篮球,但是我弟弟有。I_ _ basketball, but my brother_.VII短文填空(xx南昌市新建区联考)(10分)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。milk be with doesnt dimer vegetable have at like for My name is Mike. I have two sisters, They_ Emma and Sally. We have breakfast_home.For breakfast.we all drink_.Emma and Sally like eggs.but I dont.I like bread_breakfast.We_lunch at school.I like hamburgers_chicken.But they dont.They like hamburgers with_.We all have_ at home.Emma and I eat some salad.But Sally_.She_carrots.We often eat fruit after dinner.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._VIII.任务型阅读(xx阜阳市九中期末)(10分) Come to Williams Store! Do you like ball games? We have many ball game things. Soccer balls are 50 yuan. Volleyballs are 25 yuan. Basketballs are 35 yuan. Tennis rackets are 40 yuan. Ping-pong balls are 1 yuan. Ping-pong bats are 10 yuan. Come and see at Happy Store! Welcome to Happy Store! We have very good jackets for only 65 yuan. We have boys socks for 4 yuan.For girls. we have skirts in red for only 50 yuan. Come to Guangming Store! Do you need school things?我们的铅笔盒只卖2元! We have great pens for 5 yuan.A big notebook is 5 yuan and a_one is 3 yuan.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。( )1. What does Guangming Store sell? A. coat B.notebook C. baseball D.soccer ball2. We can buy a soccer ball,a basketball and n ping-pong ball for_yuan.3.将处断线句子翻译成汉语。 _4.将处画线句子翻译成英语。 _5. 根据上下文推测画线处所要补充的单词是:_IX.书面表达(10分) 假设你是Philip,请根据下表写一段话来介绍你的饮食情况,要求60词 左右。喜爱水果,蔬菜,相计,汉堡包早餐一个鸡蛋,一个汉堡包,个橙子在家吃午餐一个汉堡包.两根香焦,一个冰激凌在学校吃晚餐鸡肉,两红柿,苹果,甜点(dessert)在家吃

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