八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots单元自测同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots单元自测同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots单元自测同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots单元自测同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 7Will people have robots?Unit 7单元自测一、完形填空(15分)No one knows what our life will be like in the future. Here are some childrens _1_.Crystal: In the future, people will have more holidays. They will _2_ a lot of time traveling around the world. Maybe some families will go to the moon _3_ their holidays.Leo: I think the earth will be more _4_ and polluted. Maybe some people will _5_ their houses on other planets.Celina: Students in the future wont need to go to _6_ and they will study at home. What will happen _7_ students have problems with a subject? They will _8_ with a teacher through videoconferencing(视频会议).Simon: In the future, people will speak _9_ languages. Maybe there will be _10_ one language in the world. And it will be much _11_ for people to talk with each other.Lily: Robots will play an important _12_ in our life. _13_ will help humans do all kinds of work.These predications may seem impossible today, but I _14_ they will come true one day. The future must be quite different from today. Lets just _15_ and see.(B)1.A. resolutions B. predictionsC. programs D. activities(D)2.A. buy B. loseC. show D. spend(A)3.A. for B. withC. of D. from(C)4.A. beautiful B. importantC. crowded D. popular(B)5.A. draw B. buildC. save D. move(D)6.A. town B. work C. hospital D. school(A)7.A. if B. or C. but D. though(C)8.A. agree B. fightC. discuss D. laugh(B)9.A. more B. fewerC. better D. worse(A)10.A. only B. still C. already D. ever(B)11.A. slower B. easier C. luckier D. quieter(C)12.A. game B. joke C. role D. tape(D)13.A. I B. He C. We D. They(B)14.A. mind B. believe C. remember D. like(A)15.A. wait B. forget C. sleep D. stand二、阅读理解(30分)AWelcome to Robot Toy Store! Weve got some new robots. You will love them!Name: RobodogPrice: $85.25For children of 8 and upIt can feel happy, angry and sad! It will play with you, but it will never ask youfor water or food.Name: RobopandaPrice: $165.29For children of 8 and upIt will tell stories and play games with you. Its a xx Hot Holiday Toy! Comeand get your own Robopanda!Name: Mr. StrongPrice: $119.99For children of 6 and upHe can move his legs, arms, hands and listen to you and talk with you in simpleEnglish.Name: Mr. CoolPrice:$299.99For children of 10 and upTheres a screen on his face, and you can play video games. It will also teachyou how to say “Hello” in 20 different languages. (A)16.Tom wants a toy from the store, and he has 100 dollars. Then he can buy _. A. Robodog B. Robopanda C. Mr. Strong D. Mr. Cool(C)17.Jim wants a robot toy to talk with him. Then _ is a good gift for him. A. Robodog B. Robopanda C. Mr. Strong D. Mr. Cool(B)18.Robodog can_. A. play video games B. play with children C. tell interesting stories D. speak different languages(D)19.Which robot toy is for older children? A. Robodog. B. Robopanda. C. Mr. Strong. D. Mr. Cool.BA kind of little cars may some day take the place of todays ones. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size. The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline(汽油). If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used for the big, fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slower, small ones. (A)20.There is much pollution in the air today because _. A. people drive big cars B. people drive little cars C. the cars go 65 kilometers an hour D. the cars can go 450 kilometers an hour(C)21.The usual size of cars today is _ that of the future cars. A. much smaller than B. much the same as C. three times as large as D. a little larger than(B)22.Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Big cars cost more to own and to drive. B. Big cars are not useful for long trips. C. The cars of the future will be smaller than todays cars. D. Small cars are slower than big cars.CWhat do you think the future will be like?Here are some answers from some students. Yuan Li: If we dont take good care of the earth now, our children and grandchildren will be born into a world with much pollution. There will be fewer trees and more buildings, because there will be more people. Wang Tao: I think the weather in the future will be much hotter. People will be able to live in the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. Li Yue: I think the life in the future will be better. Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020, so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 100 years old. As for space travel, I would say, we will visit Mars(火星) in about fifty years. (D)23.The students are talking about _. A. ways to be successful B. how to take care of the earth C. robots they like D. life in the future(A)24.Yuan Li thinks _. A. there will be more people and buildings B. there will be more people but fewer buildings C. there will be more trees but fewer people D. there will be fewer trees and people(B)25.Wang Tao thinks the weather in the future will be _. A. warmer B. hotter C. cooler D. colder(C)26.Li Yue thinks we will visit Mars _. A. in 200 years B. by 2020 C. in 50 years D. by 2050 DBeep.beep. There went the bell! Robbie opened his eyes. He had been sitting in the room for a whole day, and now it was time for him to do something.Robbie looked out of the window. It was still snowing heavily and there was ice on the window. It was another cold day. Robbie was told to turn the heat on before the family got home. And he did_it.Then Robbie was told to do some cleaning work at once. It was an easy job for him, but a tough one for his master, Helen. He kept on working until every room was clean and tidy.For now, he had to cook dinner for the family.The first thing Robbie did was to get the big pot(锅) in the kitchen. Then he put some water in the pot and put it on the stove. He used one of his hands to cut up a chicken and added the pieces to the water to make a good soup. Then he got some tomatoes, cabbages and carrots to make a vegetable salad.At ten past eight he laid the table. Then he put some bread, the chicken soup and the salad on it. What a sweet smell! The moment he turned on the lights, the whole family came home.“The soup smells great, Victor,” said Helen. “You really know how to tell Robbie what to do.”Robbie is one robot that really saves the family a lot of work.(B)27.What is Robbie? A. A cook. B. A robot. C. A cleaner. D. A computer.(C)28.What do the underlined words “did it” in the second paragraph mean? A. Looked out. B. Got home. C. Turned the heat on. D. Did some cleaning.(D)29.What time did Robbie lay the table?(D)30.What can we learn from the passage? A. The story happened on a rainy day. B. Robbie didnt have to be told what to do. C. Helen found it easy to do cleaning work at home. D. Victor and Helen felt comfortable when they got home.三、任务型阅读(5分)从短文内容后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。What will the future life be like? 31._E_ Maybe one day we can work in Beijing, sleep in Chengdu and visit the moon for holidays.32._A_ Possibly, people will find ways to use cleaner things, such as sea water, to make energy without polluting the earth.We will have machines that can copy everything in the future. 33._D_ If the machine is like a fax machine(传真机), we can send food and gifts to our friends easily.We will have clever robots that work for us, and the robots can bring us useful things and take away our rubbish(垃圾). 34._B_ But in the future, if we think of something, the machine can make it for us.We will be able to go into computer games and films and everything will feel real. 35._C_Perhaps, one day we will be able to collect our dreams and put them on DVDs.A. We will have new energy that doesnt make pollution.B. Now we have to press a button(按按钮) to make a machine work.C. We will be able to make our homes seem like sunny beaches or anything we want.D. Put a cake on the machine and it will make a new one.E. I think we will be able to travel faster and safer around the world.四、词汇运用(15分)(A)单词拼写。Life today is very different from it was hundreds of years ago. We have a more comfortable life now, but we also have more problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. Pollution comes in many ways. The earth is much more 36.polluted(受污染的) than before. For example, do you remember the stars in the 37.sky(天空) at night? Can you see them now?Many years ago, the problem was not so 38.serious(严重的) because there were not so many people. When people used the land up or made the river dirty in one place, they moved to 39.another(另一个) place. But they cant do it now because there may not be enough lands or rivers. Pollution also kills animals. People kill lots of animals by changing their living places. Some 40.scientists(科学家) say these places are hard to rebuild. From this, we can see that people are bringing 41.danger(危险) to everything on the 42.earth(地球).Why does this 43.happen(发生)? Some people think that we human beings are the smartest animals in the world, so we can do anything we want. But now more and more people 44.disagree(不同意). They think this idea is wrong, and if people keep thinking like this, they will kill 45.themselves(他们自己) one day. They hope that people and the nature can live in harmony(和谐共处).(B)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。possible, fall, shape, probably, dance46.There are many robots dancing on the stage(舞台).47.It is impossible for my grandfather to shop online. He knows nothing about Internet.48.Im a kite lover. I have many kites in different shapes and colors. 49.Some old houses fell down in my hometown last summer.50.Tom is probably in the classroom, but Im not sure.五、语法填空(10分)There are many people in the world now. There 51.will_be(be) a lot more people next century(世纪). The earth will be very 52.crowded(crowd) so there will be a little room 53.for each person. Maybe there will be only standing room on the earth 600 54.years(year) later. That will be a very serious problem. But man is thinking of a way 55.to_solve(solve) the problem. 56.The moon is the satellite(卫星) of the earth. Maybe man will go 57.to_live(live) on the moon one day. But there is no air, no plants 58.and no life there. So scientists 59.are_doing(do) experiments now in many ways. They have to solve many problems 60.before man can live on the moon. I am sure our dreams will come true in the next century.六、书面表达(25分)61.假设你叫Henry,是一名美国中学生,你有一个梦想,希望将来拥有一个名叫Superman的机器人,可以帮你做以下事情:(1)打扫房子和购物;(2)陪你下棋和玩电脑;(3)还是一位百事通,你不懂的知识它都可以帮你找到答案。请你给你的朋友Dave写一封80词左右的电子邮件,和他分享你的梦想。_(1)本题要求根据自己的想象来描述未来。给出的提示和要求具体且明确。介绍未来时,多用一般将来时,且多用表示“将来”的时间状语。写作时要注意不能遗漏提示要点,层次清晰,语言流畅,想象合理。(2)文章结构开篇点题:我有一个梦想I have a dream. I will have a robot.篇中展开:机器人的功能clean the house, go shopping, play chess, play computer games with me总结:首尾呼应I hope my dream will come true one day.Dear Dave,I have a dreamin the future I will have a robot. I will call it Superman. Superman will be able to do many things for me. He will clean the house and go shopping, so I will have more time to study and exercise. He will also play chess or computer games with me, because I dont have any brothers or sisters. Superman will be a good teacher, too. He can answer all of my questions. How great it will be! I hope my dream will come true one day. Yours, Henry


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