七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts导学案外研版 (2).doc

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七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts导学案外研版 (2).doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts导学案外研版 (2).doc_第3页
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课题:Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.学习目标1、能识记、拼读本单元的单词; 2、会用这些频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, never.3、会用短语:spendon; like doing sth 一直喜欢做某事学习重点:用“ Would you like to. ? ” 发出邀请. 学习难点:频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, never 的用法及在句子中的位置。 课前预习 一. 英汉互译:1. 一盒巧克力_ 2. a CD_ 3. a cinema ticket _ 4. a concert ticket _5.一场足球赛_ 6. 一份杂志 _7. a scarf _ 8. a silk dress _ 9. 一件T恤 _二 短语翻译:1. 保持健康 _ 2. get some exercise _ 3. 花很多钱 _ 4. 去看电影 _5.去看足球赛 _ 6. at weekends _.三. 认真阅读P50的短文,根据句意完成句子。1. 她喜欢去购物, 并总是买贵的衣服. She _ _ shopping , and _ _ expensive clothes .2. 大明的妈妈喜巧克力,但她不经常买.Damings mother likes chocolate , but she _ _ _ any.3. 她花很多钱买书.She _ a lot of _ on books.4.玲玲的阿姨和叔叔喜欢足球, 但他们不去看球赛. Linglings aunt and uncle _ football , _ they _ _ to football matches .5. 他们通常在周末的时候在电视上看球赛.They _ _ football _ _ television at weekkends .6. 他们总是喜欢观看米兰队,但有时也看曼切斯特队。They _ _ _ AC Milan , but they _ _ Manchester United .课文导读Language Points: 1. Bettys cousin likes reading and she reads lots of books and magazines.Betty的堂妹喜欢看书,她看了许多书和杂志。1) like “喜欢”,其后接名词、动词不定式或动名词。 like + 名词,如:I like fish and vegetables very much. like to do sth理解为“(这时候)想做某事”like doing sth则是“喜欢做某事”,有时形容习惯性经常性的喜欢做。比如:Today I would like to see a film:今天我想去看电影。When I am free, I like seeing films:我有空的时候喜欢去看电影。2) lots of 相当于 a lot of “许多,大量”, 后面接不可数名词, 相当于much。后面接可数名词复数形式时,相当于many。eg: There is lots of/a lot of/much food in the fridge. 冰箱里有许多食物。 a lot of 与lots of 多用于肯定句,在否定句和疑问句中多用many或much。2. She likes going to concerts. 她喜欢去听音乐会. go 之后加 to 跟宾语, 可构成一些 动词短语 go to school 上学 go to the film 去看电影 go to the doctor 去看病 go to bed 上床睡觉3. They sometimes wear T-shirts. 他们有时穿T恤衫。辨析: put on / wear / in / withput on, wear, in和with都可以用来表示“穿”,但用法不同。(1) put on指穿的动作,其后直接跟穿戴的东西。例如:Its very cold. Please put on your coat. 天非常冷。请穿上你的外套。(2) wear指穿的状态,后面直接跟穿戴的东西。例如:Girls like to wear skirts in summer. 女孩子们在夏天喜欢穿裙子。3)介词in表示穿的状态,后面可跟衣服或颜色。例如:The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是我姐姐。 Im in black today. 我今天穿了一身黑衣服。(4) 介词with表穿戴只能作定语,而且常与眼镜、手套或帽子等名词连用。例如:The girl with glasses is our monitor. 戴眼镜的那个女孩是我们的班长。4. She has got 11 silk scarves, 20 shirts and a lot of shoes.在英语中,有些名词表示由两部分构成该事物的名词。这些名词常常只用复数形式。做主语时谓语动词要用复数,表示数量时常与“数词+ pair(s) + of”搭配。如:shoes鞋 trousers 裤子 glasses 眼镜 gloves手套 shorts短裤 scissors剪刀chopsticks筷子 That pair of trousers is Tonys. 那条裤子是托尼的 巩固练习 一 . 英汉互译. 1. 去看电影 _ 2. 观看足球赛 _3. 在周末 _ 4. 购买昂贵的衣服_5. 读书和杂志 _ 6. 花很多钱 _7. wear silk shirt _ 8. on television _9. read a magazine _ 10. football match _二 . 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 他喜欢读很多书和杂志。 He likes _ _ _ books and _.2. 她从不在电视上看足球赛。 She _ _ football matches _ _.3. 妈妈最喜欢的礼物是一件丝绸衬衫。 Mums _ _ is a _ _.4. 汤姆的生日礼物是一张电影票。 Toms birthday _ is a _ _.5. 他们总是听音乐。 They _ _ to _.三 . 单项选择. ( )1. He usually _ football at weekends. A. watch B. watches C. see D. sees( )2. Jim _ Chinese very well, _ he doesnt know how to write. A. speaks; but B. talks; butC. speaks; and D. talks; and ( )3. I have _ homework to do. A. a lots of B. a lot C. many D. lots of( )4. Its Damings birthday. _ do you send him? A. When B. Where C. What D. How( )5. She is a good teacher. She is _ angry (生气) with her students.A. usually B. nevev C. often D. Sometimes四 . 按要求完成句子1. She gives me a card. (改为同义句) She _ a card _ me.2. Tom often goes to the concert. (改为否定句和一般疑问句) Tom _ often _ to the cinema. _ Tom often _ to the cinema?3. We sometimes play football on Saturday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ football?4. Tonys sister likes music. (对划线部分提问) _ does Tonys sister _?五. 根据所给提示,用单词的正确形式填空。1. I have two _ (pair)of new shoes.2. The clothes are very nice. I dont know which one to _ (选择).3. I have two _ (票). One is for my mother, the other is for my sister.4. How much is this m_ ?5. How much do you _ (花费)on these presents?6. Please give me a c_ ticket.7. Hell buy two _ (box) of cookies for his son.8. This is a _ (丝绸) shirt. 9. I dont know those _ (singer).10. My aunt sells _ (衬衫).六、短文填空give,party,buy,birthday,see,maths,play,for,happy,loveToday is Miss Lis 1._She is thirty years old.She is our 2._ teacher.She is a very kind teacher in our school and we 3._ her very much.We 4._ lots of presents to her.The cold winter is coming,so I 5._ a red scarf for her.She likes it very much.Some of my classmates buy flowers 6._ her.She 7._ many flowers on her desk when she comes into the classroom.We have a birthday 8._ at night.We sing a birthday song and dance for her.She also 9._ games with us.We are very 10._ .我的教与学收获、疑问:

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