2019中考英语 课本回扣 九全 Unit 13-14习题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019中考(人新)英语课本回扣习及答案:九全U1314一、阅读理解Happy Campis aChineseshowproduced byHunan Broadcasting System. The series started in July 7, 1997, and has remained in production since then, because it is very popular. The show was hosted (主持) by the Happy Family:He Jiong,Li Weijia,Xie Na,Du Haitao, andWu Xin. Happy Camp is one of Chinas most popular shows, with aviewershipof tens of millions. The show is played every Saturdays. Because the show is so popular, it has won many awards (奖项) in Asia. This show has been watched by the Chinese people through out the world. This show is purposely (专门地) created for young people to watch. Over the years, the happy camp family has produced music albums (专辑) and movies. The main purpose of these productions is to bring happiness to the people. The hosts have been well known by the people.( ) 1Happy Camp is produced by _ Broadcasting System. A. Shenzhen B. Fenghuang C. Hunan D. Hebei( ) 2The series started in _. A. July 7, 1997 B. July 10, 2001 C. June 7, 1997 D. May 7, 1998( ) 3There are _ hosts. A. nine B. one C. four D. five( ) 4The underlined word “viewership” means “_” in Chinese. A. 电视机B. 电视观众C. 面试D.复习( ) 5Which of the following is TRUE? A. This show has been watched by American people. B. Happy Camp always makes people cry. C. Happy Camp is played every Sundays. D. Happy Camp has won many awards in Asia.【参考答案】1-5 CADBD二、单项选择。1. (导学号:22604028)If you can speak English well, you will have a great _D_ over others when looking for a job. (xx,乌鲁木齐)A. activity B. article C. attention D. advantage2. Its his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books. I agree with you. His latest book is up to his highest _B_. (xx,荆州)A. choice B. standard C. purpose D. wealth3. John _A_ the TV and helped his mother with the housework. (xx,天津)A. turned off B. heard fromC. joined in D. looked after4. Im going to Hong Kong next month. What about you, Jenny?I will _A_ social practice. (xx,贵港)A. take part in B. take placeC. take off D. take action5. Dont _C_ the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it. Youre right. Everyone should be a greener person. (xx,福建改编)A. blow away B. put awayC. throw away D. take away6. The chicken sandwich tastes so good. Could you tell me how to make it?It is easy. Just follow the _B_. A. discussions B. instructionsC. resolutions D. conditions7. The old building is too dangerous. I think it should be _D_ as soon as possible. A. turned off B. cut downC. shut off D. pulled down8. They have a little money and cant afford _C_ the ticket to the concert. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought9. Mark was caught in trouble. Luckily, with his brothers help, he _C_ it.A. repeated B. attendedC. overcame D. visited10. Can you imagine _C_ in 100 years from now?Itll be unbelievable. A. how will life be likeB. how life will be likeC. what life will be likeD. what will life be like三、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。The weather is closely related(联系) to our lifeIt is all around us all the timeIt is an important part of our livesWe cannot control it, but it often controls how and 1 we live, what we do, what we wear and what we eatRead this passage and learn 2 about the weatherWhat is the weatherThe weather is just the state of the atmosphere 3 any time, such as temperature, wind, 4 , sun, etcWhat makes the weather changeAs we know, not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlightSome places get 5 sunlightSo its warmer in those placesSome places get little 6 no sunlight in winterThen those places have colder temperaturesThese differences in temperature make the air and water 7 around the earthThe movement helps to take the heat energy from the sun across the earthSo the 8 changesWhats the difference between weather and climateClimate is a places weather over a long timeThe weather changes from day to day and 9 from hour to hourIt can be sunny in the morning, cold and wet in the afternoonBut the climate changes very 10 over lots of years1. A. where B. which C. what D. when2. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything3. A. in B. for C. on D. at4. A. water B. rain C. plant D. animal5. A. much B. more C. little D. less6. A. and B. so C. or D. but7. A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving8. A. sun B. earth C. weather D. sunlight9. A. already B. almost C. ever D. even10. A. differently B. slowly C. carefully D. easily参考答案110、ACDBB CACDB四、短文改错下面短文中分别有10处语言错误。请在错误的地方作出记号,增加,删除或修改某个单词。写在横线上。 We are all busy talking about and use the Internet which set up many years ago. At first ,the internet was only used by the government ,but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it as well as .However, computers were still expensive and the Internet was difficult to use it .Thirty years later, computers become cheaper and easier. Today it is easy to get on line and it is told that millions people use the Internet every day . Send e-mail is more and more popular between students.It has become one of the most important parts of peoples life.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5 _ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10 _参考答案1 use-using 2 was set 3 the government 去掉 the 4 1970s 5 as well 6 去掉 it 7 becomebecame 8 millions of 9 Sending 10 among五、书面表达。最近董卿主持的朗读者深受大家喜爱。下周你班将举行朗读者活动,主题为:感恩。请用英语写一篇讲稿,包含以下内容。What article/poem do you plan to read? To whom do you want to read it to show your thanks? How did this person help you?参考篇目:Rear-View of a Fading Figure 背影朱自清 Written for my Mother 写给母亲贾平凹 Mr. Fujino 藤野先生鲁迅How can I Thank You 让我怎样感谢你汪国真 注意:(1)短文内容可适当增加。(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。(3)词数:80-100。(4)短文首句仅供参考,不计入总词数。短文首句:Hello, everyone! Its my pleasure to be a reader. _ _ _ _Now let me read it for you. Hope youll like it.【参考范文】One possible version: Good morning, dear friends! Today Im so glad to have this chance to be a reader here. I plan to read Rear-View of a Fading Figure to my father. I am really thankful for what he has done for me. I still remember when I was a primary school student, I was so weak in study that I almost wanted to give it up. Instead of beating and scolding me, he encouraged me and believed in me and my study. After that, he insisted on helping me with my lessons every evening even when he came home, exhausted. With fathers help, I made progress gradually. And Ive become one of the top students who is full of hope for the future. Now let me read this passage/poem for you. Hope all of you will enjoy it.下附书面表达评分标准:采分点满分可给分值1.内容充实,覆盖要点(内容、要点)767分 描述了所有要点,内容合理、丰富35分 描述了大部分信息,内容比较合理12分 描述了小部分信息,内容不合理0分 没有作答或描述内容与主题无关2.用词适切,语法正确,句型多样(词汇、语法、句型)767分 用词适切,句型变化多样且有效,完全或基本没有语言错误35分 用词基本适切,句型较为单一,有少量语言错误但不影响理解12分 有较多语言错误,一定程度上影响理解0分 有大量语言错误,影响理解3.结构紧凑,意思连贯(语意、连词、指代)434分 行文连贯,连接词使用恰当,指代清晰12分 行文不够连贯,连接词使用不够恰当,指代不够清晰0分 没有连贯的意识4.书写规范,词数适宜(标点符号、大小写、词数)22分 大小写、标点正确,词数达标,书写规范整洁1分 大小写、标点有部分错误,词数达标,书写尚可辨认0分 大小写、标点错误较多,语言应用不规范,词数严重不足,书写难以辨认

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