八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum测试卷1人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum测试卷1人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum测试卷1人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?I.单项选择1. Take the map, Jeff. Then you wont have any problem _ that small hotel.A. find B. to findC. finding D. found2. The teacher always encourages us _ questions in class.A. to ask B. ask C. asking D. asked3. Hello! Could I speak to Lily? Sorry, she is sleeping now. She _ Shanghai.A. have just been to B. have already gone toC. has just been to D. has already gone to4. Look, theres no light in the house.A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to5. Hes clever, but _ he doesnt work so hard.A. on one hand B. on the hand C. on other hand D. on the other hand6. Tourists can choose to visit Kunming _ they like-spring, summer, autumn or winter.A. whoever B. whatever C. whenever D. Wherever7. Its reported that over eight _ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of8. Have you _ watched NBA games? Yes, I really enjoy them.A. ever B. still C. yet D. never9. Wheres Mr. Li? He _ Paris. He _ Paris many times.A. has been to ; has been to B. has gone to; has been inC. has been to; has been in D. has gone to; has been to10. I have never enjoyed success in playing ping-pong. Me _ .A. neither B. too C. also D. notII.根据句意及汉语提示填入恰当的单词1. I bought a new _ (照相机) from the supermarket last week.2. Its _ (难以置信的) that the boy can carry such a huge stone.3. I tell him to come back _ (无论何时) he wants to.4. Many children like to fly kites in _ (春天)5. She _ (害怕) that she might not find him in his office.III.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. These _ (Japan) came to China yesterday. They will visit the Great Wall.2. We met many _ (fox) in the forest.3. Its _(safety) to cross the road when it is a green light.4. People in Singapore _ (most) speak Chinese and English.5. We can buy different kinds of _ (India) food in the supermarket.6. Three _ (quarter) of the earth is ocean.7. Its a _ (real) interesting job.8. A moment ago _ (thousand) of birds flew over our city.9. Its _ ( believable) that he didnt know the accident until we told him.10.The story_(it) is moving, so I was moved.IV. 完成句子1. 这座山终年积雪。 The mountain is covered with snow .2. 不管故事是真是假,它很有趣。 true false, the story is interesting.3. 格林一家计划去某个轻松的地方度假。 The Greens are planning to go for vacation. 4. 你曾经去过游乐园吗? you ever to an amusement park?5. 一方面,你已经完成了工作,另一方面,你做得很好。 On the one hand,you have finished your work. , you did it very well.6. 她曾尝过日本食物吗? _ she _ _ Japanese food?7. 这个学校超过四分之三的学生来自农村。 More than _ _of the students in this school are from the countryside.8. 那个店里有漂亮的茶具。 There are beautiful _ _ in that store.9. 最好在秋天来这座城市旅游。 Its _ _ _the city in autumn.10. 这里全年的温度几乎一样。 The temperature here is _ _ _ all year round.V. 完形填空Do you want to come to our water park? If you do, youd better 1 before noon. Also, weekends are more 2 than weekdays, so try to visit from Monday through Friday. You can have a picnic outside the park, but you need to make sure to get a picnic area. You can 3 the park again with your ticket. If you cannot 4 a picnic area, we have different kinds of 5 . Glass and alcohol(酒精)are not allowed 6 inside and outside the park. If you come with your kids, tell them not to drink the water in the park because it is not 7 . Kids under five are not allowed into some water areas. An adult 8 watch his or her kids 9 when they are swimming or playing in the water. Dont do anything else when watching children, such as 10 on the phone or reading. We hope you can have fun here. 1. A. leaveB. arriveC. wakeD. sleep 2. A. beautifulB. crowded C. specialD. natural 3. A. finishB. studyC. enterD. play 4. A. seeB. getC. tourD. buy 5. A. snacksB. recipes C. pricesD. menus 6. A. eitherB. allC. bothD. each 7. A. cleanB. coldC. warmD. New8. A. canB. mustC. mayD. Might9. A. carefullyB. quickly C. clearlyD. possibly 10. A. seeingB. talking C. drawingD. showing VI. 阅读理解AOpen:Mon.Thur 9:30 a. m.5:00 p. m.Sat. & Sun. 10:00 a. m. 9:00 p. m.Welcome to Wonderful Museum. This month we are having a special show about fashions from different countries. You can find how people dressed many years ago. What did the Americans wear one hundred years ago? Did the Indians wear formal costumes for parties? And when did the Russians make the comfortable shoes in their factories? How long did the Japanese kimono exist(存在)? You will find the answers.After this trip of the fashion history, you can watch how to make clothes in old machines in the Clothes-making Room on the corner of this floor.1. On which day is the museum closed?A. Monday. B. Friday. C. Wednesday. D. Tuesday.2. You cant get any information about _ in the museum.A. South Korean clothes B. Japanese clothesC. Indian clothes D. German clothes3. The underlined sentence is mainly about _.A. the warm welcomeB. some questionsC. farming toolsD. some information you can get in the museum4. Most probably(可能地), you will visit the _ last.A. American Room B. Russian RoomC. German Room D. Clothes-making Room5. Which of the following is true?A. We can visit the museum at 9:00 a. m. on Wednesday.B. The museum isnt open at 9:30 p. m.C. We can visit the museum at 9:30 a. m. on Saturday.D. The museum is open at 9:30 a. m. on Sunday.BYou might think that Olympic athletes are the healthiest people in the world, Its true that many are. However, its also true that many Olympic athletes had to overcome illnesses early in their lives.One excellent example is Wilma Rudolph. She took part in track-and-field events in the 1960s Olympics. She didnt win just one gold medal. She won three At the time, people called her the fastest woman in the world”. As a young child, Wilma could not take part in sports. She had a series of serious illness, and then, at the age of 4, she got polio.She lost the use of her left leg, and the doctor said she would never walk again.The people in Wilmas family did everything they could to help her walk again. Wilma and her mother of ten traveled 100 miles to get treatments for her leg. Her brothers and sisters took turns giving her leg a daily massage. Four times a day, they helped her do special exercises for her leg. Amazingly, by the time Wilma was 9 years old, she was able to walk again. Before long, she started playing basketball and running In high school, she was a track star and then she went to the Olympics.Wilma stopped being a runner when she was 22 years old. She then became a teacher and track coach. Her story encouraged many people to work hard and to overcome difficulties6. Wilma Rudolph won gold medal(s) in the 1960s Olympics.A. no B. one C. two D. three7. Wilma couldnt use her _because of polio when she was four.A. left leg B. right leg C. left foot D. right foot8. Which of the following is NOT true according the passage?A. Wilma couldnt take part in sports when she was a little child.B. At the age of nine, Wilma could walk again.C. Wilma was a track star in primary school.D. Wilmas family member tied their best to help her walk gain.9. The under lined word encouraged probably means in Chinese.A. 要求 B. 鼓舞 C. 邀谢 D. 劝说10. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Wilma Rudolph overcame many difficulties to become a great athlete.B. Wilma Rudolph was seriously sick when she was a young girl.C. Wilma Rudolph was a great Olympic athlete, coach and teacher.D. Wilma Rudolphs family helped her overcome polio. VII. 选词填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空(有两个多余)。Natural island population southeast around amusement wonder be province perfect wish touristTaiwan lies in the 1 of China. Its the largest 2 in China. It has an area of about 36,000 square kilometers and it has a 3 of over 20,000,000. It is rich in 4 resources(资源). Bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous at home and abroad. Clothes and food are also famous 5 the world. Its beautiful scenery, such as Sun Moon Lake and Mount Ali, and its 6 climate(气候)make more and more 7 come to Taiwan.Taiwan has 8 a part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong 9 . All the people on both sides of the strait(海峡)have a strong 10 to unite our motherland(祖国统一). VIII. 补全对话阅读短文,从A-G五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使对话内容完整、正确。A: Maria, 1 ?B: I think a good friend is good at sports.A: You mean he or she is athletic?B: Yes. And 2 .He or she often makes me laugh.A: Anything else?B: Er, I think 3 .A: I cant agree with you. I like to have friends 4 .B: Do you think a good friend should be popular in school, too?A:Well, 5 .A. who are different from meB. how are youC. a good friend likes to do the same things as meD. thats not very important for meE. what is a good friend likeF. you are rightG. he or she is funnyIX. 书面表达假设你是Peter,你来自英国。今年假期你和父母到北京游玩,你已经在北京游玩了几天。请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇日记,记述你这几天在北京度过的快乐假期。提示:1. What have you done in Beijing?2. What do you think of the holiday?3. What are you going to do next?要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2. 70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。_

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