八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good rcise讲义 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Unit 6 Topic31. 重点单词(所有程度学生都要掌握)pollute (v.)pollution(n.)advantage(n.)disadvantage (反义词)disagree(v.)agree(反义词)rider(n.)ride(v.)careless(adj.)careful (反义词)care (v./n.)safe(adj.)safety(n.)safely(adv.)Asia(n.)Asian(adj.)France(n.)French(adj.)center(n.)central(adj.)win(v.)winner(n.)cycle (v.)cyclist(n.)二词组(的程度较差可以不掌握,中、上学生需全部掌握) Section A 1. a traffic accident 一个交通事故2. be hurt 受伤3. be afraid of doing/to do sth. 害怕做某事4. get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于做某事5. a little more confident 稍微有点更自信 6. obey/break the traffic rules 遵守/违反交通规则 7. fewer accidents 更少的事故 8. save energy 节约能源9. cause air pollution 导致空气污染10. park bikes 停自行车11. have an accident 发生事故12. send sb. to the hospital 把某人送去医院Section B13. light-colored clothes 浅色的衣服14. get a fine/ticket 得到一张罚单15. cross the road 过马路16. make a wrong turn 转错弯17. cause trouble 导致18. on the left-hand side of the road 在路的左手边Section C19. pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意20. traffic signals 交通信号21. obey the safety rules 遵守安全规则22. wear helmets 戴头盔23. share sth. with sb. 跟某人分享某事24. in case of 如果,假设25. give first aid 进行急救26. call sb./sth. for help 打电话寻求帮助27. In a word 总之28. make a call 打电话29. play on the street 在街上玩耍Section D30. salt-water lakes 咸水湖 31. empty into 注入32. in Asia 在亚洲33. go through 穿过34. an accident report 交通事故报告单35. be broken 坏了三重点句子(所有程度学生都要掌握) Section A1. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 如果人们遵守交通规则,将会有更少事故。if 意为“如果,要是,假如,倘若”,引导条件状语从句,要主将从现,详情见语法部分。There be句型的将来时为there will be; there is/are going to be.There is/are going to be中,is/are由后面主语的单复数形式决定(符合就近原则),There will be则单复数主语都适用。需要特别注意的是,此处there is/are going to be, there will be 中的be不可用实义动词have来代替。例:There will be a meeting later on. 稍后将有一场会议。 There are going to be three basketball games on the playground. 操场上将进行三场篮球比赛。few adj. 几乎没有,后接可数名词复数;同义词little,后接不可数名词。A few 一些,后接可数名词复数;同义词 a little,后接不可数名词。例:I have a few vegetables and a little fruit. 我有一些蔬菜和水果。I have few chances and little time to travel. 我几乎没有机会和时间去旅行。2. Cycling can help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution.骑自行车可以帮助我们节约能源并且不导致空气污染。cycle在此句中充当主语,故要变为doing形式,谓语单三。save energy 节约能源;save 还有“拯救”的意思。例:He tried his best to save the boys life. 他尽他最大努力去拯救那个男孩的生命。cause pollution 导致污染,pollution为不可数名词。Section B3. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.如果我们违反交通规则,我们可能得到罚单甚至处于危险中。break 违反;打破 break the traffic rules违反交通规则fine n. 罚金,罚款,get a fine 收到罚单例:I got a $40 fine for speeding. 我因超速驾车被罚了40美元。fine v. 对某人处以罚金,常用的短语是 fine sb. for sth. 因某事而对某人处以罚款。例:A policeman fined her $50 for parking in the wrong place.她违章停车,警察对她处以50美元的罚款。fine adj. 好的,晴朗的。例:Its fine today. 今天天气晴朗。Section C4. In every country people use bicycles for work, for sport or just for fun.在每个国家人们使用自行车来工作,运动或者娱乐。use v. 使用,常用短语为 use sth. to do sth.;use sth for sth./doing sth.用某物来做某事。例:They use the scissors to cut out/for cutting out the pictures. 他们用剪刀把图片剪出来。use n. 用途 例:The computer has many uses. 电脑有很多用处。5. Drivers do not always notice bicycles.驾驶员不会时刻注意自行车。notice作感官动词,可接不带to的不定式,也可接 doing作宾语补足语。例:I noticed them come in我注意到他进来了。(强调过程)I noticed her wearing a ring.我注意到她戴着戒指。(强调状态notice作名词,意为“通知,布告,启事”。例:The notice on the wall says, No smoking”.墙上的告示写着“请勿抽烟”。Landladygavemeanoticetomove.女房东通知我搬走。6. So bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them and know traffic signals.所以骑车人必须注意周围的交通情况,同时要了解交通信号。pay attention to“注意,留心,专心”。此短语中to为介词,pay attention to doing/n.例:Please pay attention to what I am saying.请注意听我讲的话。Pay attention to your writing.注意你的书写。7. In case of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid.万一发生事故,骑车的人应当知道如何进行急救。in case of“万一(发生),如果”。例:In case of fire, ring the alarm bell万一遇到火灾,即按警铃。I take an umbrella in case of rain.我带了把伞以防下雨。give first aid 做急救8. In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.总之,保证安全的最好的方法就是小心。in a word= in short“总之”,是对上文的概括。例:In a word,I dont believe her.总之,我不信任她。in word“在口头上”。例:We shouldnt study for the study in word.学习不应该只停留在口头上。in other words “换句话说”。例:In other words, she should give up singing.换句话说,她应该放弃唱歌。9. Look out and always be carful.小心为主,时刻留神。look out(表示警告,尤指危险)意为“小心,当心”。例:Look out! The car is coming.小心,有车开过来。look out for sb./sth. “小心,提防某人/某事”。例:Look out for your spelling mistakes.小心你的拼写错误。Do look out for the pickpockets.一定要提防扒手。look out of“朝外看”。例:Don t look out of the window. Listen to the teacher carefully.别朝窗外看,认真听课。Section D10.Qinghai Lake, the largest salt-water lake in China, lends its name to the province of Qinghai.青海湖是中国面积最大的盐水湖,青海省就是以它来命名的。前者+ lend one s name to+后者,指的是“后者以前者的名字来命名”。例:Shao yifu lends his name to the science building.这座科技楼用邵逸夫的名字来命名。11.Twenty- three rivers and streams empty into Qinghai lake.二十三条河流和小溪注入青海湖。empty into“流进,注入”。例:The yellow river empties into the yellow sea.黄河注入黄海。empty v.“倒空,排空”。例:He emptied the box of books.他把那箱书全倒空了。He emptied the water out of the vase.他把水从花瓶里倒掉。empty adj.“空的”。例:He has an empty plate.他有个空盘子。It s not good to drink on an empty stomach.空腹喝酒不好。12. It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the International Cycling Union.它是国际自行车联合会举办的海拔最高的自行车赛。hosted by the international cycling union为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词race。among“处在中,为所环绕,在之内”。例:She is sitting among children.她正坐在孩子们中间。He is the tallest among her classmates.她在她的同学中个子最高。(among+范围可以作为最高级标志。)among指三者以上, between指两者之间。例:I will come between one oclock and two oclock.我会在一点到两点之间来。A Chinese woman was among the passengers.旅客中有一位中国女士。4 语法:条件状语从句由引导词if(如果)或unless(除非)引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。注意:在含有条件状语从句的复合句中,表示将来时态,主句是一般将来时态,从句要用一般现在时,祈使句或情态动词主将从现原则 例:What shall we do if it snows tomorrow? 如果明天下雪,我们要做什么?Dont leave the building unless I tell you to.除非我告诉你,否则别离开这个建筑物。Ill help you with your English if I am free tomorrow.如果我明天有空,我会帮你学英语。He wont be late unless he is ill. 除非他生病,否则他不会迟到的。


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