安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第17课时 Units 13-14习题.doc

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第17课时.单项选择。(D)1.(xx安庆一模)If you can speak English well,you will have a great _over others when looking for a job.AactivityBarticleCattentionDadvantage(D)2.(改编题)Why does Mary still use her old broken pen?Her family is very poor so that she cant afford_one.AbuyBbuysCbuyingDto buy(B)3.(原创题)Could you tell me how to behave politely in public in the UK?Yes._,you should keep your voice down and always queue.AAfter allBFirst of allCIn allDAt all(C)4.(原创题)In the past five years,my hometown_a lot.AchangesBchangedChas changedDwas changing(A)5.(预测题)Do you like the songs by Taylor?Yes.Country music_nice and full of feelings.AsoundsBlistensChearsDlooks.(xx枣庄)完形填空。Robert and Henry were going home from school,when,on turning a corner,Robert_1_out,“A fight! Let us go and see!” “No,” said Henry,“Let us go quietly home and avoid this quarrel.We have_2_to do with it,and may get into trouble.”“You are not a brave boy,and afraid to go,” said Robert,and off he ran.Henry went straight home,and in the afternoon went to school,as usual._3_Robert had told all the boys that Henry was a coward,and they laughed at him a great deal.A few days_4_,Robert was bathing with some schoolmates and_5_his depth.He struggled and screamed for help,but all in vain.The boy_6_had called Henry a coward,got away from the water as fast as they could,but they did not even try to help him.Robert was fast_7_,when Henry threw off his clothes,and sprang into the water.By great effort,and_8_much danger to himself,he brought Robert to the shore,and thus saved his life.Robert and his schoolmates were_9_at having called Henry a coward.They admitted that he had more_10_than any of them.Never be afraid to do good,but always fear to do evil.(A)1.AcriedBjumpedCsaidDturned(C)2.AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything(B)3.AOrBBut CAndDSo(D)4.AafterwardBbefore CagoDlater(A)5.Agot out ofBgot into Cgot onDgot off(B)6.AwhomBwho CwhichDwhose(D)7.AswimmingBplaying CcrossingDsinking(A)8.AwithBin ConDat(D)9.AmadBgood CsadDashamed(A)10.AcourageBstrengthCpowerDability.(原创题)阅读理解。In January xx,a big fire happened in one of Russias largest universitys libraries.It burned up more than 1 million historical books and it was described by some media as a “cultural_Chernobyl(切尔诺贝利)”Thanks to a new fireresistant(耐火的) paper,such accident can be avoid in the near future.Zhu Yingjie,a researcher from Shanghai Institute(研究所) and his team have developed a set of methods to produce paper with a new material,hydroxyapatite(羟磷灰石),which was found in tooth and bone.It is resistant to both fire and water.“Traditionally,paper is made of plant fibers,which are easily destroyed by water.The research in the past attempted to produce waterresistant and fireresistant paper.However,they found it was difficult to achieve the goal at the same time,”Zhu said.In xx,a student of Zhu was dealing with hydroxyapatite.While he wanted to filter(过滤) out the water and continue the experiment,he found a film appeared on the filter paper,instead of getting hydroxyapatite powder(粉末)The discovery inspired Zhu.He did more experiments to improve the material.“Traditional papermaking needs lots of woods and damages the environment.Hydroxyapatite is a perfect material for paper,”Zhu said.At present,Zhu and his team are making effort to improve the new material.Soon this kind of paper will be put into production.It is sure to make a big and deep difference to our life and the environment.(B)1.What does the underlined phrase “cultural Chernobyl” refer to?AA big event about culture.BA big disaster about culture.CA great moment about culture.DA great character about culture.(A)2.The main material of the fireresistant is _.AhydroxyapatiteBtoothCboneDplant fibers(C)3.Zhu Yingjie got inspiration from one of his _.AteacherBresearcherCstudentDfriend(A)4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe paper used to be made from the woods.BNow we can buy this kind of paper in the supermarket.CIt is the first time that people produces fireresistant paper.DThe new paper will be much cheaper than the traditional ones.(D)5.What is the main idea of the passage?ATo introduce us a clever student.BTo tell us something about a researcher.CTo advise us how to protect the environment.DTo show us something about a great invention.(预测题)书面表达。每个人在中学时代都有一个令自己最喜欢,最尊敬,最难忘,最重要的老师,请你选择一个合适的话题,以“My_teacher”为题,写一篇短文。写出你的这位老师的令人喜欢、尊敬或难忘的原因。要求:1请补全标题,如important,favorite,unforgettable,necessary,respectful等。2文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。3词数不少于80。My_teacherMy favorite teacher is my history teacher.He is always very humorous and knowledgeable.In his class,I can learn a lot about the history of China.So I am good at telling history stories,and I often get good grades in history tests.At the same time,I always ask him some questions about history.He can always give me some right and pleasant answers.One day,I had a problem about one of the ancient emperors.He couldnt answer me at once.But he looked it up in many books and on the Internet.At last he got the answer in the late night and he told me the next morning.I really respected and liked him very much.He teaches me a lot and helps me a lot.He will be my favorite teacher for ever.

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