河南省2019中考英语复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题七 形容词和副词(考题帮)检测.doc

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河南省2019中考英语复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题七 形容词和副词(考题帮)检测.doc_第1页
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河南省2019中考英语复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题七 形容词和副词(考题帮)检测.doc_第2页
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河南省2019中考英语复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题七 形容词和副词(考题帮)检测.doc_第3页
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专题七形容词和副词1.xx包头He is a person, but he is good at telling funny stories.A. serious B. patient C. kind D. humorous2.xx海南改编Uncle Liangeats out because his wife always makes delicious food for him.A. seldomB. sometimesC. oftenD. always3.xx包头He was oncekilled in a car accident several years ago.A. completelyB. sadly C. exactlyD. nearly4.xx重庆B卷It rainedyesterday. I had to stay at home.A. heavilyB. quietlyC. hardlyD. quickly5.xx天津Tianjin is one of cities in China.A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger6.xx江西Could I speak to Paul? I phoned .Sorry, he is still in his meeting.A. lateB. earlierC. earliestD. later7.xx广东What do you think of the movie Operation Red Sea?Wonderful. Ive never seen a moviethan it.A. more excitedB. more excitingC. most excitedD. most exciting8.xx郑州二测Our volleyball team achieved great success in the match again. Wow! Few could play , I think. A. betterB. wellC. worseD. badly9.xx许昌二模Is Paul going to help us?Paul?!When I talked to him,he just told me about all the problems he had.A. NearlyB. HardlyC. ReallyD. Always10.xx省实验三模Staying with families and friends in our free time is one of things.A. the happiestB. happierC. the happyD. happiest11.xx郑州八中三模Playing video games is a waste of time.I cant agree more. There are meaningful things to do.A. the mostB. moreC. the leastD. less12.xx平顶山三模Another student drowned (溺死) a few days ago. What a pity! Thats a lesson to us. We must take the rules .A. carefullyB. silentlyC. clearlyD. seriously13.The designer was not any of these works, so he decided to create a better one.A. pleased with B. famous for C. good at D. busy with14.I heard you made a new family rule Put away your phone while at home.Yes. We were busy checking our mobile phones before, but now we enjoy communicating with our family.A. alwaysB. neverC. seldomD. sometimes15.There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, Mount Huang in autumn.A. simply B. finally C. luckilyD. especially16.We can collect rainwater when it rains , and use it to water plants.A. softlyB. heavilyC. noisilyD. quietly17.2019原创Nowadays people wish to havefood than before as their life improves.A. healthyB. healthierC. healthiestD. the healthiest18.The hotel is very old. Its one of buildings in the city.A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. the oldest19.2019原创What do you think of the movie?Great! I have never seen a one.A. good B. badC. better D. worse20.2019原创You were speaking too fast. Can you speak a little ?A. more slowlyB. most slowlyC. more loudlyD. most loudly【参考答案】15 AADAC610 BBABA1115 BDAAD1620 BBDCA


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