2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Buying and Selling基础知识过关五练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Buying and Selling基础知识过关五练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Buying and Selling基础知识过关五练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Buying and Selling基础知识过关五练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Buying and Selling单元基础知识过关五根据汉语提示,写出下列单词及变形1付(款)_(过去式)2元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)_3十六_4便宜的;廉价的_(反义词)5n.口袋;袋子 v挣;赚下;赢得_ 6(用线、绳等)系;拴;绑;捆;束_(现在分词)7当的时候;在期间_8买得起;(有时间)做,能做_9分_10每天的;日常的_11丈夫_(对应词)12大门_13坦白的;诚实的_(n.)14价值_ 15相信;依赖_16创作;创造_ 17顾客;主顾;客户_18已经_19相像的;相仿的;类似的_ 20提供;供给_21发光;反射_ _(过去式)22成功;做成_(n.)23疯狂的;荒唐的_ 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1挣钱;赚钱_2(为攀谈而)走到跟前;走近_3付款;支付_4待售;供出售_5从一处到另一处_6升级;提升;上升_7加强;补充_8惊讶于;对感到惊讶_9推销产品_10出色;杰出;更为重要_11吸引某人的目光_12在方面有兴趣_13售空;卖光;脱销_14少于_根据汉语意思完成句子1玛丽写信时,孩子们正在外面玩耍。The children were playing outside _ Mary _ _ a letter.2我们想知道明天是否下雨。We wonder _ _ _ rain tomorrow.3恐怕我们买不起这么大一所房子。_ _ we cant afford _ _ such a large house.4听到他妈妈生病住院,我们很惊讶。We were _ _ _ his mother was ill in hospital. 5吃太多的肉不健康。_ too much meat _ healthy.6我认为在自行车上做作业不安全。I _ _ it would be safe to do my homework on a bicycle.7你能猜出下面这些句子的意思吗?Can you guess _ _ _ the sentences below?8一天,刘老师收到了她英国朋友罗斯的电子邮件。One day, Ms. Liu _ an email _ Rose, her English friend.9找到方法去吸引他们的目光。Find ways to _ _ _10不到一个小时我就卖完了我的曲奇饼干!I _ _ _ my cookies in less than an hour!. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. How much did you p_ for the computer?2The coat costs 100 d_. Dont you think it is expensive?3We picked_ (十六) pears and put them in the basket.4Lucy bought some_ (海报) of movie stars.5Look! Mrs. Smith is_ (烘烤) some bread in the kitchen.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Have you _ (hear) of Earth Day?2Im _ (surprise) to see my old friends in the city.3Im not sure if he _ (succeed) in the coming exam. 4The girl has an_ (interested) in collecting stamps.5Mr. Black asks the kids not to swim in the river, because its too _ (danger)用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空come up to, pay for, beef up, move up, be surprised to, have an interest in, stand out, catch peoples eye, less than, sell out of1There will be a football match next year. They need some young players to _ their team.2My sister is _ the ladder means she gets a better job.3I wont _ the books before I receive them.4The little boy _ the policeman and asked for help.5I _ find that man was so trusting. 6. My brother _ music.7If you want to _ among your classmates, you should spend more time on your study.8The girl wears her new dress to _9Im sorry we have _ all the apples.10It took me _ ten minutes to walk to the movie theatre.按要求完成下列各题1The new car cost him 50,000 yuan. (改为同义句)He_ 50,000 yuan _ the new car.2Our basketball team is going to play in_Shijiazhuang(对画线部分提问)_ _ your basketball team _ _ play?3I think it would be safe to ride a bicycle.(改为否定句)I _ _ it would be safe to ride a bicycle.4The Danny DeskCycle is only_five_dollars(对画线部分提问)_ _ is the Danny DeskCycle?5When does the train leave? I want to know.(改为复合句)I want to know _ the train _6It was a great idea. (改为感叹句) _ _ the idea was!7I wonder if you are going to be a scientist. (改为同义句)I _ _ _ if you are going to be a scientist.8Could you tell me how I can get to the park?(改为简单句)Could you tell me_ _ _ to the park?9These cookies are cheap. He said.(改为复合句)He said these cookies_ _10I have already finished my homework.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ your homework _?.连词成句将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出,词语不得重复使用。将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出,词语不得重复使用。1. do, any, English, know, you, business _?2. store, when, open, your, new, will_?3. me, my, for, father, bread, baked, some _.4. need, products, quality, with, good, customers _.5. year, in, the, were, red, this _. 详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1pay; paid 2.dollar 3.sixteen 4cheap; expensive/dear 5.pocket6tie; tying 7.while 8.afford 9.cent 10.everyday 11.husband;wife 12.gate 13.honest; honesty 14.value 15.trust16create 17.customer 18.already 19similar 20.offer 21.shine; shone 22succeed; success 23.crazy重点短语1make money 2.come up to 3pay for 4.for sale 5go/walk over to 6.move up 7beef up 8.be surprised to 9push a product 10.stand out 11catch ones eye 12have an interest in13sell out of 14.less than重点句型1while; was writing 2if/whether it will 3Im afraid; to buy 4surprised to hear 5Eating; isnt6dont think 7the meanings of 8received; from9catch their eye10sold out of【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.pay 2.dollars 3.sixteen4posters 5.baking.1.heard 2.surprised 3.will succeed 4interest 5.dangerous短语运用1beef up 2.moving up 3.pay for 4came up to 5.was surprised to 6has an interest in 7.stand out 8catch peoples eye 9.sold out of 10less than句型突破.1.paid; for/spent; on 2Where is; going to3dont think 4.How much 5when; leaves 6.How great7want to know 8.how to get9were cheap 10.Have; finished; yet.1.Do you know any business English2When will your new store open3My father baked some bread for me4Customers need products with good quality5Were in the red this year

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