江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练23 Unit 7(九上)练习 牛津版.doc

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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练23 Unit 7(九上)练习 牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练23 Unit 7(九上)练习 牛津版.doc_第2页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练23 Unit 7(九上)练习 牛津版.doc_第3页
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课时训练(二十三)Unit 7(九上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.xx洪泽模拟 Wendy is my best friend. To me, our friendship is price.A.offB.beyondC.underD.within2.xx上海模拟 Jenny is an independent girl and she is considering a boarding school(寄宿学校).A.enterB.enteringC.to enterD.entered3.xx内江 Aron has lost his right arm, he never gives up his dream to climb mountains. A.SinceB.AlthoughC.Unless D.If4.xx南通模拟 China is going to a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.A.set upB.put upC.wake upD.turn up5.xx眉山 Would you like to go to the city park?Im not sure. If Mark doesnt, . A.neither I doB.neither do I C.neither I will D.neither will I6.xx哈尔滨改编 My favourite TV programme is Readers. I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.A.readB.to readC.readingD.reads7.xx南京一模 Stephen Hawking, the writer of A Brief History of Time, made his final on TV in March, xx to talk about his research on the universe. A.appearanceB.advantageC.agreementD.achievement8.xx东营 Whos your favourite teacher?Miss Green. She makes us English in an interesting way.A.believe inB.take part inC.come up withD.fall in love with9.xx营口 Why didnt you write down what the teacher said?Because she spoke fast I couldnt follow her.A.too; toB.very; thatC.enough; toD.so; that10.I looked through my test paper again and again I wouldnt make any mistakes.A.soB.becauseC.so thatD.unless.xx黄石改编 阅读理解The first Chinese actor captured(征服) the hearts of many Chinese in the USA.He read a letter by Zhuge Liang(l81234) to the emperor of Shuhan during the Three Kingdoms(220280) period in the new season of Growling Tiger and Roaring Dragon(虎啸龙吟).The letter has been read by so many students.We would never have thought that the text written in old Chinese could be so beautifully read in another language. As a result, foreigners begin to show interest in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, translated by C.H. Brewitt-Taylor and Robert E.Hegel.Earlier in November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV programme called Monkey. Most of them were hearing the story for the first time. However, the story of the Monkey King isnt new to Chinese children in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.As soon as the TV programme came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.Chinese scholars(学者) should do a better job of introducing Chinese literature(文学) to the rest of the world. At the same time, we could encourage Western schools to try something different.Reading international literature is an effective way of understanding other peoples in the world. And the more we understand each other, the more beautiful the world will be.11.The letter by Zhuge Liang(181234) to the emperor of Shuhan(220280) was read so beautifully in another language .A.in China B.in CanadaC.in the USAD.in England12. most of the pupils in England were hearing the story of the Monkey King in November, 1979.A.For the first time B.For the second timeC.Again and againD.For several times13.The underlined word “effective” might mean “”.A.meaningfulB.useful C.ideal D.practical 14.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A.Western children are interested in reading Journey to the West.B.Reading international literature can help understand people in the world.C.The Monkey King never gives up in order to help the weak.D.Chinese scholars have done best in introducing Chinese literature to the world.15.The best title for the passage may be .A.How to read world literatureB.Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a traditional Chinese bookC.The traditional Chinese literature goes to the worldD.More and more foreigners read traditional Chinese books.xx本溪 任务型阅读If you have seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean(加勒比海盗), you must remember Johnny Depp who played the leading role as the captain(船长).The film series were such successful movies that they climbed to the top of all the most popular movie lists. At the same time, Depp became one of the most popular actors in Hollywood. Depp owns a large number of fans from the young to the old. Right now, Johnny Depps time has arrived. He has been named “favourite actor” for seven years in a row. Also, he was chosen as “the sexist(最性感的) man alive” by People Magazine.But success never came easily for him. It took a long time to make Depp remembered by the public. He was able to catch peoples eye with roles in many movies from the family film like Charlie and Chocolate Factory to the serious film like Public Enemies, which was chosen as “best movies” for xx. Johnny Depp is a person who never gives up trying a new start. Because of his interesting popularity, Depp was invited to play the screen role as the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton. “Depp can always bring the film surprise and were expecting his wonderful performances all the time,” he said.根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每个小题答案不超过6个单词)。16.Which role made Depp one of the most popular actors in Hollywood? 17.Who loves Depp, the young or the old? 18.Is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a serious film?19.How many movie names are mentioned in the passage? 20.What can you learn from Johnny Depp? .选用方框中的单词或短语填空the rush hour; actresses; more five; alive; in the 1980s; five more; working closely with; dreams of21.Mum, can I spend minutes chatting with my best friends?22.Hepburn spent her last few years UNICEF.23.Its dangerous to drive fast during .24.The young man making much money and travelling around the world.25.Zhao Wei is one of the most famous in Asia. 26.This song was popular among young people .27.The documentary brings many kinds of plants and wild animals on screen. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空28.The invention of the computer is a great (achieve).29.Many people like to add some sugar while (drink) black tea.30.Not only my friends but also I (be) interested in football and Messi is our favourite football player.31.In the West, youd better avoid (ask) peoples ages.32.The play (base) on her novel is suitable for all ages.33.The young man insisted on (get) up early every morning. 34.Mary is crazy about dancing. Her dream is to become a successful (dance). .根据汉语意思完成句子35.xx宿迁改编 陆毅在人民的名义这部电视剧中扮演主角。Lu Yi in the TV series In the Name of People.36.xx淮安 为了在晚会上不被误认为是他的孪生弟弟,凯文戴了一副眼镜。In order not to his twin brother, Kevin at the party.37.这对新人相爱多年,今天终成眷属。真好! The new couple each other for many years and they are finally today. How nice!38.你觉得李安导演的电影怎么样? the films Ang Lee?39.在巴金的一生中,他因在写作领域的努力而多次获奖。, Ba Jin won many awards in writing.40.这部影片如此成功,以至于使成龙成为一位中国功夫巨星。The film was it made Jackie Chan become superstar.参考答案.1.B2.B3.B根据句意及语境得知前后句存在让步关系,故用although引导,“虽然埃伦失去右臂,但他从未放弃登山的梦想”。故选B。4.A5.D“Neither + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”表示“也不”;空格处所在的句子是if引导的条件状语从句,主句使用一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时表将来。故选D。 6.Cspend time (in) doing sth意为“花费时间做某事”。故选C。7.A 8.Dbelieve in意为“相信”;take part in意为“参加”;come up with意为“想出”;fall in love with意为“爱上”。根据后文“in an interesting way”可推知,此空表示“爱上”。故选D。9.D10.C.主旨大意 文章描述了中国文化在西方国家的传播,呼吁中国学者在将中国文学介绍到其他国家时要做得更好。与此同时,我们也鼓励西方学校尝试一些不同的东西。阅读国际文学是了解世界上其他民族的一种有效方式。我们互相了解的越多,世界就会越美丽。1115CABDC .16.The captain.17.Both the young and the old.18.No, it isnt.19.Four.20.Work hard to achieve our dream./It is not easy to succeed. (答案不唯一).21.five more22.working closely with23.the rush hour24.dreams of25.actresses26.in the 1980s27.alive.28.achievement29.drinking30.am31.asking32.based33.getting34.dancer.35.played/plays the/a lead role; called36.be mistaken for; wore a pair of glasses37.have been in love with; getting married38.What do you think of/How do you like; directed by39.During his lifetime; because of his efforts40.so successful that; a Chinese kung fu

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