人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试A卷.doc

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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试A卷.doc_第1页
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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试A卷.doc_第3页
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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择题 (共6题;共12分)1. (2分)Whats this?Its a plate.A . B . 2. (2分)You are a good student!_.A . OKB . Thank youC . Yeah.3. (2分)我们有一位新的音乐老师。 A . We have a new music teacher.B . We have a new English teacher.C . We have a teacher.4. (2分)- Whats this?- _A . Its a desk.B . Good-bye.C . Nice to meet you.5. (2分)Im Chen Jie.A . 你好B . 再见C . 我叫陈杰6. (2分)The baby is _year old. A . twoB . oneC . three二、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)判断对错。Li MingLiu Wei8:00 a.m.eat breakfastdo morning exercises10:00 a.m.have sportsdancing11:00 a.m.go for a walkclean room5:00 p.m.play footballgo shopping9:00 P.m.watch TVgo for a walk(1)Li Ming does morning exercises at 8:00 a.m.(2)Liu Wei goes shopping at 5:00 p.m.(3)Li Ming plays football at 5 oclock p.m.(4)Liu Wei goes for a walk at 11:00 a.m.(5)Li Ming cleans room at 5:00 a.m.三、 填空题 (共2题;共10分)8. (5分)补全对话。AIts mineBThey are tomatoesCIts warm and cloudyDIts 45 yuanEIts on the second floor(1)Wheres the teachers office?_(2)Whats the weather like in Sydney?_(3)How much is this skirt?_(4)What are these?_(5)Whose coat is this?_9. (5分)从方框中选择恰当的选项补全下面的对话。Vicky:Hello,John!_John:I like winter bestVicky:_John:Because I can play in the snow and make a snowman.Vicky:I dont like winter_John:Whats your favourite season?Vicky:_John:Why?Vicky:_AWhy do you like winter?BWhich season do you like best?CMy favourite season is autumnDI can pick fresh apples in autumnEIts too cold四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共14分)10. (2分)I _ (经常)forget to eat _(早餐).11. (2分)Where are you going? Bookstore. Im going to buy a new _ _.12. (4分)看图,把单词补充完整。h_t_f_m_13. (1分)t p a l n _ 14. (5分)根据首字母或汉语提示填写单词。(1)There are s _ days (天) in a week (周).(2)How many _ (盘子)?(3)H_ old are you?(4)Tom is my b_.(5)We have t _ fingers (手指).五、 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 (共9题;共21分)15. (3分)争做小翻译家(1)Thats my brother._(2)Thats my sister._(3)Thats me._16. (1分)These are potatoes._这些是马铃薯17. (1分)Heres your bill.(英译汉)_18. (1分)The desk is beside the door._19. (1分)I do homework on Saturdays._。20. (3分)我对澳大利亚很感兴趣。I_ _ _ Australia.21. (1分)How many mangoes do you have?_22. (5分)“你们星期一有什么课?”“我们有语文、数学和科学课”。_ do you have _ _? We have _, _ and science .23. (5分)写以下列短语。一些牛奶_ 一枚鸡蛋_ 一个蛋糕_想要_ 一些水_六、 句型转换 (共5题;共13分)24. (1分)This is an elephant.(改为一般疑问句)_25. (4分)读句子并按要求改写。 (1)The three ducklings are on Mother Ducks back. (根据划线部分提问)_the three ducklings?(2)The big egg opens later.(改为般疑问句)_the big egg _later?26. (1分)I am six years old. (对划线部分提问)_27. (5分)Its my dog. (改为同义句) 28. (2分)She is 1.64 metres. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is she?七、 根据要求完成句子。 (共9题;共17分)29. (1分)There is a school behind the bookstore. (变一般疑问句)_30. (1分)My sister cooks for us in the evening. (改为一般疑问句)_31. (1分)This is my friend ._32. (5分)连词成句。(1)the , at , look , dog ._.(2)Im , China , from ._.(3)a , dog , I , have ._.(4)candless , many , how ._?(5)the , bread , cut ._.33. (1分)birthday is April Alices in Cousin.(连词成句)_34. (1分)Her, is, Mary, name(.)_35. (1分)his family what does do like to (?)_36. (5分)brushes he teeth his in the morning (.) 37. (1分)race,there,a,was,second()_八、 补全对话 (共3题;共15分)38. (5分)选词填空 A. How many B. How much C. Would D. What E. Can(1)_he skate? Yes, he can. (2)_you like a sandwich? Yes, please. (3)_are these? Theyre lions. (4)_is this toy monkey? Fifteen yuan. (5)_umbrellas do you have? Three. 39. (5分)选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整。A: Hello, Mary! _?B: Its Thursday.A: _?B: I have Chinese, art and maths on Thursdays.A: _?B: Miss Chen is our art teacher.A: _?B: She is strict, but she is very funny, too.A: Oh, your picture is very nice._?B: Yes, there is. There are many trees.A.Is there a forest in the picture ?B. What day is it today?C. Who is your art teacher?D. Whats she like?E. What do you have on Thursdays?40. (5分)Whats she like? 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 选择题 (共6题;共12分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、二、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、三、 填空题 (共2题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共14分)10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、五、 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 (共9题;共21分)15-1、15-2、15-3、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、六、 句型转换 (共5题;共13分)24-1、25-1、25-2、26-1、27-1、28-1、七、 根据要求完成句子。 (共9题;共17分)29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 补全对话 (共3题;共15分)38-1、38-2、38-3、38-4、38-5、39-1、40-1、

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