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汉译英1.我爷爷学跳舞只是为了消遣。_ _2.让这位学生带你参观一下我们的学校吧。_ _3.我希望将来他会成为一个优秀的足球运动员。_ _4.非常感谢你帮助我学习英语。_ _5.教室里那个穿红色衣服的女孩是谁呀?_ _6. 他们经常在空余时间通过电话相互聊天。 _ _7 感谢你带领我们参观这家博物馆。_ _8. 做眼保健操对我们眼睛有好处。_ _9. 汤姆住在一栋离他学校很远的楼房里。_ _10. Andy每天花一个小时练习打网球。_ _11. Tom足球踢得很好,他想要踢下一届世界杯。_ _12. 阅读使我们感觉很开心。_ _13. 你周末还喜欢干别的什么?_ _14. 非常感谢你给我写信。_ _15. Sandy住得离学校不远。_ _16. 那个穿蓝T恤衫的人不是运动员。 _ _17. 他用英文写日记只是为了消遣吗?_ _18学生们每天去超市很多次。_ _19我希望学生们的梦想将成真。_ _20图书馆从上午9点到下午4点开放。_ _21作为一名中学生,我很少有时间打网球。_ _22每天听音乐让我感到很开心。_ _23. 你们的地理老师周末喜欢做些什么?_ _24. 做早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。_ _25. 他经常在图书馆借关于英雄的书。_ _26. 父母们通常为了什么而担心?_ _27. 在动物园以北有一个警察局吗?_ _28. 学生们正期待着在温暖的春天外出旅行。_ _29. 我的邻居昨天和我家人分享了她的美味蛋糕。_ _30那个生病的孩子将不再害怕鬼了。_ _31. 谢谢你教我英语。_ _32. 做课外活动似乎很有趣。_ _33. 他今天没有时间和你打排球。_ _34. 从图书馆借书花费我大约半个小时。_ _35 大部分的中国家庭会给孩子们一些糖果作为招待。_ _36. 你弟弟擅长打网球吗?_ _37. 他不是我们学校足球队的成员._ _38. 他经常带领新学生们参观他们的学校。_ _39. 他每天花10分钟练习。_ _40. 星期一到星期五,我们通常上午八点做早操。_ _41. 我来自南京,但是现在我和我的家人住在扬州。_ _42. 我们经常谈论篮球并且在电视上观看篮球比赛。_ _43. Millie喜欢向学校图书馆借阅各种各样的书。_ _44. 我每天大约花10分钟骑自行车到达学校。_ _45. 早操对我们有好处,因为它们能帮助我们为这一天做好准备。_ _46.让我们带你参观我们的博物馆。_ _47.听音乐使我很开心。_ _48.在周末,孩子们总是玩得很开心。_ _49. James每天花费半小时做家庭作业。_ _50. 在中秋节所有的家人相聚在一起。_ _ 参考答案1.My grandfather learns to dance just for fun.2.Let the student show you around our school.3.I hope he will become a good football player in the future.4.Thank you very much for helping me with my English/learn English.5.Whos the girl in red in the classroom? 6. They often chat with each other on the phone in their spare time.7.Thank you for showing us around that museum.8.Doing eye exercises is good for our eyes.9. Tom lives in a building far (away) from his school.10. It takes Andy an hour to practise playing tennis every day.11. Tom plays football very well and he wants to play in the next World Cup.12. Reading makes us feel happy.13. What else/other things do you like to do/doing at the weekend/at weekends?14. Thank you very much for writing (a letter) to me.15. Sandy doesnt live far away from the school.16.The man in a blue T-shirt isnt a player.17.Does he write diaries in English just for fun?18The students go to the supermarket many times a day19I hope the will come true students dreams20The 1ibrary is open from 9 amto 4 pm21As a middle school student,I dont have much time to play tennis22Listening to music makes me feel very happy every day23.What does your geography teacher like doing at the weekend / at weekends?24.Doing morning exercises can help us get ready for the day.25.He often borrows books about heroes from the library.26.What are parents usually worried about? / What do parents usually worry about? 27. Is there a police station (to the) north of the zoo?28. The students are looking forward to going on a trip in the warm spring.29. My neighbour shared her nice cake with my family yesterday.30. The sick child will not be afraid of ghosts any more./The sick child will be afraid of ghosts no more.31. Thank you/Thanks for teaching me English.32. Doing after-school activities seems very interesting.33. He doesnt have time to play volleyball with you today.34. It takes me about half an hour to borrow books from the library.35.Most Chinese families give children some candy as a treat.36. Is your brother good at playing tennis? /Does your brother do well in playing tennis?37. He isnt a member of our school football team. / he isnt in our school football team.38. He often shows the new students around their school. 39. It takes him ten minutes to practice every day. 40. From Monday to Friday, we usually do morning exercises at 8 a.m. 41. I am(/come) from Nanjing, but now I live with my family in Yangzhou.42. We often talk about basketball and watch basketball matches on TV.43. Millie likes (/loves/enjoys) borrowing all kinds of books from the school library.44. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school by bike every day./ ( I spend about 10 minutes getting to school by bike every day.)45.Morning exercises are good for us because they can help us get ready for the day.46. Let us show you around our museum.47.Listening to music makes me very happy.48.At weekends, children always have a good time .49.It takes James half an hour to do his homework every day.50.All the family (members) get together at the Mid-autumn Festival.


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