人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season第二课时A卷.doc

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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season第二课时A卷.doc_第1页
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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season第二课时A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 完成下列单词。 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分) Its 10:00. Its time for_. 二、 选出不同类的单词。 (共4题;共4分)2. (1分)选出不同类的一项 A . springB . seasonC . autumn3. (1分)选出下列各组单词中不同类的单词( ) A . OctoberB . DecemberC . merry4. (1分)选出下列单词中不同类的单词( ) A . deskB . seatC . chair5. (1分)选出下列单词不同类的单词( ) A . carrotB . tomatoC . potatoD . vegetable三、 单项选择 (共4题;共4分)6. (1分)The are big and red. A . umbrellaB . umbrellasC . an umbrella7. (1分)Some of the players very well. A . playsB . playC . playing8. (1分)The leaves are yellow in A . springB . summerC . autumn9. (1分)Heres the_ man. We can cross the road now. A . redB . greenC . yellow四、 阅读短文,判断句子与短文是否相符。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)阅读理解 My name is Ann. Im an American girl. Im a student in Class Three, Grade Five.Helen and I are on duty today. We go to the classroom and open the windows at seven in the morning. We clean the classroom at seven fifteen. The class begins at eight. After school, we play games on the play-ground. I go home at five.In the evening, my father, my mother and I watch TV at eight. I go to bed at nine ten.(1)Ann is from .A . the UKB . ChinaC . the USA(2)Ann is in .A . Class FourB . Grade FiveC . Class Two(3)We go to the classroom at .A . sevenB . seven twentyC . seven fifteen(4)The class begins at .A . 7: 00B . 7: 15C . 8: 00(5)We at eight in the evening. A . have dinnerB . watch TVC . go to bed第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 完成下列单词。 (共1题;共5分)1-1、二、 选出不同类的单词。 (共4题;共4分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、三、 单项选择 (共4题;共4分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、四、 阅读短文,判断句子与短文是否相符。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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