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人教版(新起点)2020年深圳小升初模拟试题(五)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Read and check. 读单词,判断划线部分发音是 (共1题;共5分)1. (5分)判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。(_)1. A. bag B. fan C. maths(_)2. A. window B. picture C. Chinese(_)3. A. book B. floor C. door(_)4. A. no B. so C.OK(_)5. A. key B. they C. monkey二、 Read and choose. 选择合适的一项。 (共10题;共20分)2. (2分)Lily喜欢跳绳,你说: A . He likes skipping. B . She likes skipping.3. (2分)I have a_ family. We live_A . happily, happyB . happy, happilyC . happily, happilyD . happy, happy4. (2分)An apple a day _ the doctor away! A . keepB . keepsC . to keep5. (2分)Mr Jones _ a teacher.A . is B . are6. (2分)_these his dictionaries?A . isB . AreC . Is7. (2分)I can see some on the lake.A . fishB . chickenC . ducks8. (2分)We have three new teachers: P. E. teacher, music teacher and English teacher. A . a;a;anB . a;a;aC . an;a;an9. (2分)My fish is than his A . longB . shorterC . big10. (2分)A . Do you like the cars? B . Do you like the bicycles?11. (2分)Were going to _ a picnic in the park.( )A . haveB . hasC . having三、 Read and choose. 读对话,选出与对话相符的 (共1题;共5分)12. (5分)选择合适的选项补全对话。A. She is reading a book. B. Yes. I want a pair of shoes.C. Thank you. D. She is going to play the violinE. I saw many beautiful flowers.(1)A: Whats your mother doing? B:_. (2)A: What did you see in the park? B: _. (3)A: Can I help you? B: _. (4)A: Your school is beautiful. B: _. (5)A: What is Sarah going to do this weekend? B: _. 四、 Choose and fill in the blanks (共6题;共14分)13. (1分) _ 14. (1分)My favourite colour is a red ._A B C15. (5分)为下列单词找到相应的汉语匹配。jacket _A. 颜色new _B. 夹克衫color _C. 新的skirt _D. 帽子cap _E. 裙子16. (5分)写出下列单词的比较级。Heavy_nice _good _far_much _17. (1分)The scarf is very_(精致的). I like it.18. (1分)We often _together on Fridays.五、 Read and fill in the blanks. (共5题;共11分)19. (1分)How many _ (beesbirds) are there in the sky?20. (1分)Do you like this s _?21. (2分)nose汉语意思:_22. (1分)Jack is_than Lucy 23. (6分)Its _ _ _ now. Shes going to _ _ _ at nine oclock. 六、 Fill in the blanks. 用所给词的适当形式 (共8题;共25分)24. (2分)(上车)_25. (1分)Look! They are _ (work) in the field. 26. (4分)将图片和单词用线连接起来。 _A. eye _B. fat _C. three _D. father27. (4分)给下列图片选择相应的短语。A. take a dancing classB. clean my roomC. go for a walkD. go shopping(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _ 28. (5分)找出不同类的单词。 _A. uncle B .aunt C. grandma D. man _A. door B .board C. desk D .chair _ A. near B .under C. for D. on _A. chicken B .desk C. chair D. door_ A. spoon B. chopsticks C. classroom D. fork29. (3分)How did you go to the park, Mary?I _ _ _ to the park.30. (5分)选出不同类的一项。(_)(1)A. first B.second C. three(_)(2)A. classroom B.play C. playground(_)(3)A. heavy B. high C. school(_)(4)A. on B.in C. me(_)(5)A.floor B. push C. swing31. (1分)Nancy is going to swim. (改为否定句)Nancy_going to swim.七、 Read, choose and write. 读对话,选 (共2题;共9分)32. (4分)补全对话John: Hi, Mike._Mike: It was really busy.John:_Mike: I went to my grandfathers farm.John: Who did you go with?Mike:_John:_Mike: I rode a horse and went fishing.John: Wow, that sounds great!33. (5分)完形填空Its Sunday today. Its cloudy and 1.The 2is blowing gently. There are many children in the park. Some are dancing 3. Some are 4bikes happily. There is a windmill in the park. It is moving 5.(1)A . wind B . windy C . cloud (2)A . wind B . windy C . clouds (3)A . easily B . happily C . heavily (4)A . ride B . rides C . riding (5)A . angrily B . strongly C . slowly 八、 Read and check. 阅读短文,判读正误。 (共1题;共1分)34. (1分)阅读理解。The summer holiday is coming. I will do my homework during the summer holiday. I will play pingpong and basketball with my friends. I will go to the parks with my friends. I will surf the Internet (上网), read books and watch TV every evening. I will visit my grandparents and help them with the housework, too. I will help my parents clean the rooms and cook dinner. My parents and I will go to Hainan Island. It will be a great summer holiday!选择打算要做的事情。_do my homework watch a film visit my unclego shopping clean the rooms fly a kitego to the parks cook dinner go to Yunnan 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 Read and check. 读单词,判断划线部分发音是 (共1题;共5分)1-1、二、 Read and choose. 选择合适的一项。 (共10题;共20分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、三、 Read and choose. 读对话,选出与对话相符的 (共1题;共5分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、四、 Choose and fill in the blanks (共6题;共14分)13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、五、 Read and fill in the blanks. (共5题;共11分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、六、 Fill in the blanks. 用所给词的适当形式 (共8题;共25分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、七、 Read, choose and write. 读对话,选 (共2题;共9分)32-1、33-1、八、 Read and check. 阅读短文,判读正误。 (共1题;共1分)34-1、


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