2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精选(三).doc

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2019年中考英语完形填空精选(三)【实战训练】 AIt is common in English to ask people about their holidays. In the West, many 1 go away on holiday during the summer months, 2 so it is very usual to 3 about this. If the holiday has not 4 taken place, then their holiday plans 5 be talked about. And if it is already over, then where 6 went, whether they 7 it and so on can be discussed. Similar questions are asked 8 some public holidays. 9 living and working in China often 10 opportunities for travel, either at weekends or during 11 holidays, so such kind of 12 lead to fruitful discussions. They may be 13 to know if they have chosen the 14 places, especially those a little less 15 ones.1. A. factoriesB. familiesC. schools D. farms2. A. but B. and C. because D. for3. A. ask B. see C. know D. write4. A. still B. already C. yet D. often 5. A. must B. should C. need D. can6. A. we B. he C. they D. she7. A. liked B. followed C. finished D. found8. A. to B. before C. with D. by9. A. Visitors B. Foreigners C. Strangers D. Players10. A. make B. carry C. have D. keep11. A. his B. her C. their D. its12. A. AnswersB. exercises C. excuses D. Questions13. A. gladB. interested C. worried D. lucky14. A. right B. different C. helpfulD. terrible15. A. expensiveB. famous C. usefulD. friendly【参考答案】35. 名师点评天气和假期永远是西方人日常谈论的话题,所以要了解西方文化就必须对他们的节假日有足够的了解。本文为你提供了一些,想必你会对西方的文化有进一步的了解。答案简析1. B。节假日中人们喜欢一家人一起出去游玩。2. B。and这里表承接。3. A。根据第一句话中的提示。4. C。yet用于现在完成时的否定句中,其他词均不可以。5. C。在旅游前,人们需要谈论一下计划,故选need 。6. C。本文都是以第三人称写的。7. A。节假日过后,人们总会互相询问是否喜欢自己的旅行。8. B。有时一些相似的问题也会在假日来临之前就被讨论,故选before。9. B。这里讲的是外国人的旅游习惯,包括那些在中国工作和生活的外国人。visitors则是片面的,仅指游客,故不选。10. C。have opportunities意为“有机会”。11. C。与第6题同解。12. D。本文是围绕人们问旅游方面的问题展开的,故选questions 。13. B。他们对以下的事感兴趣,想知道其中情况,故选B。14. A。他们很想知道自己有没有选对地方,故选right 。B。根据常识,人们一般会认为著名的地方都是正确的选择,所以人们想知道那些不太著名的地方是否是正确的选择。【实战训练】 Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案-广告布告类Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets Grown-ups:2.00 Children:Over 121.00 Under 12 Free Opening time 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Except Friday 10:00 a.m. 3 :00 p.m. Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch,give food or go near the animals.【小题1】How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? AFourBFive.CSix.DSeven.【小题2】Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together? A$4.00B$2.00C$3.00D$1.00【小题3】Which of the following is the visiting time? A8:30 a.m. MondayB9:30 a.m. FridayC3:00 p.m. SundayD5:00 p.m. Tuesday【小题4】From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _. AfatBlongCstrongDtall【小题5】Which of the following can we do in the zoo? ATo give some food to the dogs.BTo touch the monkey on the head.CTo throw things everywhere.DTo take a few nice photos.【实战训练】 C【xx梅州】阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised it had the 46 menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how 47 it was. At the bottom of the 48 , there was a notice that said, “If you do not see the dish you need on this menu, please tell us and we will add it to the menu right away.”The man 49 the menu and decided to make sure if it was true. He would order 50 that was very unusual. When a waiter came up to take his order, he said, “You say you can serve any dish, even if its not on your longest menu in the world.” “That is correct, sir. We are able to meet everyones requirements.”“Well,” the man said, “bring me a sandwich with two elephant ears. 51 , not African.” The waiter wrote down in his paper: Two Indian elephant ears on toast. “Very good, sir,” he said. “That shouldnt 52 long.”The waiter walked away quickly. The man was very surprised and rather disappointed. Then he smiled 53 the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face. “Ah!” the man said. “You cant 54 it to me, can you?”The waiter made an apology (道歉).“Im very sorry, sir, and this is the 55 embarrassing,” he said, “but Im afraid we cant because weve run out of bread.” 46. A. biggest B. thickest C. heaviest D. longest47. A. unfair B. unusual C. beautiful D. important 48. A. menu B. dish C. restaurant D. table49. A. looked for B. took out C. looked at D. picked up 50. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something 51. A. American B. Indian C. Canadian D. Australian52. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend 53. A. as B. and C. so D. though54. A. catch B. take C. fetch D. bring55. A. least B. most C. less D. more【答案】4650 .DBACD 5155. BCADB【实战训练】 D阅读下面文章,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no _36_ in sports? It may not be true. They often say they have_37_ more important things to do.What are these important things? Exams! They have to get themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school, so many of them almost _38_ bookworms. In the past in the summer holidays, they could do _39_ they like, but now they have to spend all their free time preparing for exams. So _40_ have kept them away going in for sports.Because of the pressure (压力)from their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time _41_ books. As for the students themselves, they dont want to fail the exams because they want to continue their studies_42_. So it becomes necessary to give _43_ of their spare time to their studies and _44_ up their school sports.2It is true that a good education cannot go without physical training, and the same is true that a quick mind hardly goes along without _45_ body. Without a strong body, you can never do anything well, then how can you make great success in life?36. A. interested B. interesting C. interests 37. A. very B. much C. another 38. A. turn B. look C. become 39. A. anything B. all what C. something40.A. teachers B. parents C. studies 41. A. on B. at C. in 42. A. farther B. far C. further 43. A. few B. any C. all 44. A. take B. give C. put 45. A. strong B. ill C. weak 【参考答案】完形填空36-40CBCAC 41-45ACCBA【实战训练】 E阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Dear children,How time flies! As your teacher, Id like to talk about “behaving like a grownup” with you before you leave school.During our lives, we need the strength of other people to achieve our goals. _16_ of us can make it on our own.In an _17_ world, we would all have thoughtful, helpful people to guide us in life. Imagine having a _18_ who is devoted to keeping you healthy. Or imagine having a boss who wants you to enjoy your job and make progress in your _19_. But many of us have difficulty dealing with(打交道) grownups who seem _20_ in their changeable moods. If we have immature(不成熟的) adults _21_ trustworthy adults around us, we will certainly get into real trouble.Whats more, if we are always _22_ that were right all the time, while others are wrong, then we are like those immature adults. Our own personalities could be the _23_. A mature adult is someone who makes problems better, not worse. When this type of people face a bad _24_, they try to find ways to be calm and in control. They keep practicing solving problems _25_ they become members of mature adults.Maybe youre now too young to behave like a mature adult. When you run across a problem, try to stay calm and think more before taking actions, then youre really on the way to be a grownup.Yours faithfully,Vivien16. A. None B. Most C. Any D. Many17. A. ancient B. ideal C. unknown D. equal18. A. director B. teacher C. policeman D. doctor19. A. dream B. career C. study D. habit20. A. trapped B. surprised C. bored D. frightened21. A. in front of B. as well as C. instead of D. along with22. A. reporting B. guessing C. thinking D. discussing23. A. problem B. project C. purpose D. power24. A. production B. suggestion C. instruction D. situation25. A. unless B. as C. until D. when【主旨大意】 本文是一篇应用文。文章是老师的一篇发言稿。在文中老师给学生们谈了“行为举止要像一个成人一样”的道理。16. A 根据前一句中“we need the strength of other people to achieve our goals”可知我们需要借助其他人的力量才能实现我们的目标,因此:没有人能够仅靠自己的力量做成事。None没有人;Most大多数;Any任何一个;Many许多。故选A。17. B 根据后面的“But many of us have difficulty dealing with(打交道) grownups”可知前面的“we would all have thoughtful, helpful people to guide us in life” 是理想世界的样子。ancient远古的;ideal理想的;unknown未知的;equal平等的。故选B。18. D 根据后面的“who is devoted to keeping you healthy”可知保证我们健康的应该是医生。director导演;teacher教师;policeman警察;doctor医生。故选D。19. B 根据前面的“boss”可知这是你在工作中取得进步。dream梦,梦想;career事业;study学习;habit习惯。故选B。20. A 根据句意“但是我们当中许多人在和受多变性格困扰的成年人打交道时有困难”可知是是受困于。trapped陷入困境;surprised吃惊;bored无聊;frightened害怕。故选A。21. C 根据句意:如果我们周围有着不成熟的成年人而不是值得信赖的成年人,我们真会惹上麻烦。可知前后是相反地意思。A项意为:在前面;B项意为:而且;C项意为:代替,而不是;D项意为:和一起。instead of符合句意。故选C。 22. C 根据句意可知是:如果我们总是认为我们一直是正确的。reporting报道;guessing猜;thinking思考,认为;discussing讨论。thinking符合句意。故选C。23. A 根据句意可知:如果总是认为自己对、别人错,我们自己的性格就会成为问题。problem问题;project工程;purpose;power力量。problem符合句意。故选A。24. D 根据前文可知:成熟的成年人能使问题变好,而不是变糟。当这种人面临坏情况的时候,他们会尽力找方法冷静下来,控制自己的情绪。production成果;suggestion建议;instruction指导;situation情况,状况。situation符合句意。故选D。25. C 根据句意可知:他们不断地练习解决问题直到他们成为成熟成年人中的成员。unless除非;as和一样,由于;until直到;when当时候。until符合句意。故选C。

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