2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空优题(五).doc

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2019中考英语完形填空优题(五)和参考答案【能力选练】 AWhen learning new vocabulary, dont just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to _1_five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can _2_day you learn it. This _3_you will remember new words much longer.Practicing sounds, you know, is _4_ the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin _5_ “th” and repeat them over and over again _6_you are comfortable with them. Lets try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thickRead, read, readin English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary _7_improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be _8_to choose topic or books you are interested in.When someone is speaking in English, _9_the main point. If you hear a word you dont understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will _10_everything else the person is saying.Always rememberPractice makes perfect.( )1. A sayB. makeC. rememberD. speak( )2. A. the firstB. the secondC. eachD. some( )3. A. day B. timeC. wayD. word( )4. A. difficultB. terribleC. funnyD. easy( )5. A. withB. fromC. atD. in( )6. A. whenB. afterC. untilD. since( )7. A. butB. soC. orD. and( )8. A. quickB. sureC. importantD. necessary( )9. A. look forB. seeC. listen forD. hear( )10. A. missB. guessC. getD. catch【参考答案】1、1-5 BACAA 6-10 CDBCA 【能力选练】 B阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Food is very important. Everyone needs to _1_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _2_. We begin to get knowledge even _3_ we are very young. Small children are _4_ in everything around them. They learn _5_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _6_ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _7_ to find out answers. What is the best _8_ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _9_ knowledge. If we are _10_ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.1. A. sleepB. readC. drinkD. eat2. A. sportB. exerciseC. knowledgeD. meat3. A. untilB. whenC. afterD. so4. A. interested B. interestingC. weakD. better5. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything6. A. lendB. readC. learnD. write7. A. tryB. haveC. refuseD. wait8. A. placeB. schoolC. wayD. road9. A. littleB. fewC. manyD. the most10. A. oftenB. alwaysC. usuallyD. something 【参考答案】1D。本句承接上文,进一步强调食物的重要性,要有强壮的体魄得吃得好,故选eat。2C。根据下文,大脑所需要的食物应为knowledge。3B。按常理一个人在小的时候就开始学习了,所以应用when引导这里的时间状语从句。4A。小孩对知识的接受主要依靠于他们对事物产生的兴趣,词组be interested in sth 表示“对感兴趣”,而interesting用来形容令人感兴趣的事物,故选择interested。5B。孩子们在耳听眼观的过程中经常会学到一些东西。everything过于绝对化 ,nothing、anything 不合文意,应选 something。6B。随着年龄的增长,孩子们开始read各类书籍而不是write,learn在这里搭配不当。7A。孩子们在学习过程中发现问题时,由于求知的欲望,应尽力去解决问题,故选择try。8C。本段主要就学习方法展开讨论,该句应为总括句,空白处当然应填入ways。9D。与后面的方法比起来,作者认为独立自主的学习为最佳方法,最佳方法当然应使人获得最多的知识,故选择the most。10B。be always doing sth 意为“总是干某事”。【能力选练】 C阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。The plane took off. A passenger needed a cup of water to take his medicine. An air hostess (空姐) told him that she would bring him the 1 soon. But the air hostess was 2 busy that she forgot to bring him the water. 3 . The passenger couldnt take his medicine on time. About half an hour later. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he 4 it. In the following hours. Each time she 5 the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not But the passenger 6 paid notice to her. When it was time to get off the 7 , the passenger asked her in hand him the passengers booklet (留言簿) , She was very 8 . She thought that he would 9 bad words in it, but with a smile she handed it to him. Off the plane. She openness the booklet and then 10 . The passenger put it, In the past few hour, you have asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve faithful (真诚的) smiles?1A medicineB waterC cupD coffee2A veryB tooC quiteD so3A With her helpBAs a resultC On the one handD To tell the truth4A drankB acceptedC refusedD received needed help or not 5Alooked atBlistened toCtalked aboutDpassed by6Ausually BneverCsometimesDoften7AplaneBtrainCshipDbus8AinterestedBhappy CexcitedDsad9Abreak down Bget downCwrite downDdown10Asmiled BcriedCwonderedDworried参考答案110、BDBCDBADCA【能力选练】 DDo you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet? The right words at just the right time could 31 someones life.When I was 3 years old, my parents discovered I was 32 . After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school. Although I seemed outgoing, my self-esteem(自尊心) was quite low. On my first day at school, the other kids 33 me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n) 34 kid. Mrs. Green, my 35 , changed all of that with a single three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. Sitting at my desk silently, I 36 her lips(嘴唇) and raised my hand right away. She called on me in front of the blackboard. I took a deep breath and 37 answered Mrs. Greens question.I will 38 forget what happened next. Mrs. Green pointed directly at me. With sparkling(闪光的) eyes and a big smile she cried: “Thats right, Ben!” For the first time in my young life, my confidence (自信) rose. At that moment, I decided that no matter how many 39 I may face, I can overcome (克服) them. Thanks to those three 40 words, my whole life changed from that moment. 31. A. end B. change C. lose32. A. blind B. deaf C. fat33. A. made fun of B. took care of C. made friends with34. A. ugly B. smart C. handsome35. A. driver B. doctor C. teacher36. A. read B. touched C. reached37. A. nervously B. lazily C. carelessly38. A. often B. ever C. never39. A. aims B. difficulties C. interests40. A. unkind B. bitter C. simple【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了耳聋作者因老师的鼓励而重拾自信的故事。文章告诉我们在适当的时候给予他人鼓励,可能改变他人的一生。31. B 本题考查上下文语境及文章的主旨。由文章中第三段第一句中changed all of that,以及最后一句my whole life changed from that moment可推断出适当的时候给予他人鼓励,可能改变他人的一生。32. B 本题考查上下文语境及形容词词义辨析。 由后文中的deaf children,以及not to put me in a special school可推断出作者是一名聋哑人,而不是blind盲人或fat肥胖者。33. A 本题考查上下文语境及动词短语辨析。由后文中的I was hurt deeply,可知其他的孩子们嘲笑作者,而不是take care of照顾,或make friends with与作者交朋友。34. A 本题考查上下文语境及形容词词义辨析。同样,通过I was hurt deeply可判断作者此时的心情消极,认为自己是ugly丑陋的, 而不是smart聪明的,或handsome英俊的。35. C 本题考查上下文语境及名词词义辨析。由后文中she asked the class a question,以及She called on me in front of the blackboard可推断出Mrs. Green是一名teacher老师,而不是driver司机或doctor医生。36. A 本题考查上下文语境及动词词义辨析。由前文出现的deaf children,以及32题可知作者是聋哑人,需要读lips, 而不是touch触摸或reach伸向。37. A 本题考查上下文语境及副词词义辨析。由前文出现的I took a deep breath可知作者因为nervous紧张而要深呼吸。lazily懒惰地, carelessly粗心地,与题意不符。38. C 本题考查上下文语境及副词辨析。由后文中,Thanks to those three words, my whole life changed from that moment.可推断what happened next接下来老师说的三个词,改变了作者的一生,由此判定作者将不会忘记接下来发生的事情。39. B 本题考查上下文语境及名词的辨析。由后文中的I can overcome (克服) them,them指的是39题空中的单词,由此推断此处为difficulties困难,而不是aim目标(实现目标,而非克服目标),interest (兴趣)。40. C 本题考查上下文语境及形容词的辨析。unkind:无情的,不仁慈的; bitter: 痛苦的,尖刻的;simple:简单的。根据文章的感情色彩,Mrs. Green所说的三个词为褒义的感情色彩而非贬义的感情色彩。三个选项中只有simple不是贬义词。

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