2019中考英语二轮复习 题型 完形填空编习(9).doc

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2019中考英语题型:完形填空编习(9)及答案【能力选练】 A梦想的力量Billys favorite color was orange. But he couldnt see what orange looked like. A month after he was born, his mother 1._that his eyes werent as big as a normal babys. “Billy would 2._ be able to see. He is blind.” The doctor said. Even so, with the hope of helping Billy learn all about the world around him, his mother kept 3._ everything she saw for him. Not just through his mothers words, Billy “saw” 4._ his ears and hands, too. He had perfect hearing. “In 5._, he can see many things that normal people dont notice.” 6._ Billy lived in the dark, he always believed a dream would light up his life. He found that he was 7._ in computer science. So he began learning it at the age of seven. As a young boy, he 8._ going to Stanford University some day. And for years of effort, he finally achieved his dream. Many people wanted to find out the secret of his _9_. Billy explained, “Just move forward! Dont let any difficulty prevent your dream from coming true. Everything is 10._”You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it. 1. A. noticed B. wondered C. watched D. showed2. A. always B. often C. never D. usually3. A. describing B. hearing C. singing D. teaching4. A. between B. without C. among D. with5. A. idea B. surprise C. fact D. invention6. A. Because B. If C. Although D. Since 7. A. bored B. worried C. kind D. interested8. A. came up with B. kept away from C. looked forward to D. paid attention to9. A. success B. smile C. trouble D. time 10. A. interesting B. possible C. impossible D. wonderful【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了比利自幼失明,但他相信梦想会照亮他的生命。最终他在不懈努力下进入斯坦福大学学习计算机科学。文章告诉我们:要勇往直前,不要让任何困难阻挡你实现梦想。1. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:在他出生一个月后,他妈妈_他的眼睛没有正常婴儿的大。noticed注意到;wondered想知道;watched观察,注视;showed表明。根据语境可知答案选A。2. C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意为:比利将_能看见东西了。always总是;often经常;never从不;usually通常。由下句句意“他是盲人。”可推知他永远无法看见东西,故选C。3. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:尽管如此,带着帮助比利了解他周围世界的希望,他妈妈坚持为他_一切她看见的事物。describing描述;hearing听;singing唱;teaching教。根据上下文可知,比利看不见,所以应该是给他描述,故选A。4. D【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意为:比利不仅仅通过妈妈的语言,还_耳朵和手来“看”。between在之间(两者);without没有;among在之间(三者及三者以上);with用。分析句意可判断出:比利也学会了用耳朵和手去“看”,故用介词with。故选D。5. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:_,他能看到许多正常人没有注意到的东西。idea主意;surprise惊讶;fact事实;invention发明。由上一句“他听力很好”可推知:虽然他看不见,但实际上他能“看到”很多正常人没有注意到的东西,“in fact”符合语境,故选C。6. C【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意为:_比利生活在黑暗里,但他始终相信梦想会照亮他的生命。Because因为;If如果;Although尽管,虽然;Since既然。分析句意可判断出:前后属于让步关系,虽然比利生活在黑暗里,但他始终相信梦想会照亮他的生命,故选C。7. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:他发现他对计算机科学_。bored无聊的;worried担心的;kind友好的;interested感兴趣的。由后句句意“因此7岁的时候他开始学习计算机科学。”可推知:他对计算机科学产生了兴趣,be interested in.对感兴趣。故选D。8. C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:作为一个年轻人,他_有一天能去斯坦福大学读书。came up with提出,想出;kept away from远离,回避;looked forward to期待;paid attention to对注意;留心。由后句句意“最终他实现了他的梦想”可判断:他期待到斯坦福大学读书,故选C。9. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:很多人想要找到他_的秘诀。success成功;smile微笑;trouble麻烦;time时间。由上句句意“他最终实现了他的梦想”可推知:人们是想找到他成功的秘诀,故选A。10. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:不要让任何困难阻止你实现梦想。一切都是_。interesting 有趣的;possible有可能的;impossible不可能的;wonderful极好的。根据上句可知此处说的是一切皆有可能。故选B。【能力选练】 Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案人生百味类Being a young person is one thing, and being a good young one is _. A good person should have these qualities(品质): First of all, health. A healthy body is the best riches(财富). _it, nothing can be done well. If you are poor in health, you will have to takeday after day. Even you cant work, do sports and so on. Secondly, do something for others. Help those in trouble andthe people around you. If everyone did the same, wonderful world it would be! Thirdly, have the ability to work with others. Cooperation(合作) and communication are two important keys to better human relation. Everyone needs friends no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to. Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we should never. Patriotism means love for ones country. It is one of the highest qualities of humans. Everyone should love his own country. But people think that patriots(爱国者)must be soldiers or that they live in a time of fighting for their country. This is. A good young persons work is not only fighting. A good young person will do the things his country asks him to do.I think a good young person of today should also have some training in artthey can live better and enjoy more.【小题1】AotherBoneCanotherDthe others【小题2】AWithBWithoutCAfterDBefore【小题3】AmedicineBfoodCdrinkDfruit【小题4】Atake afterBtalk aboutCargue withDcare about【小题5】AhowBhow aCwhatDwhat a【小题6】AifBbecauseCwhileDthough【小题7】ArememberBanswerCforgetDask【小题8】AsometimesBneverCsometimeDhardly【小题9】AgoodBbadCrightDwrong【小题10】Aso thatBsuch asCwhenDbut【能力选练】 C从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)One evening a young woman walked on the beach. She 36 to see the footsteps(足迹)she had left in the sand, but they had already been washed away by the water. When she turned to continue her walk, she was surprised to see an old woman 37 by a fire.She walked up to the old woman and asked, “Where did you come from? I didnt see you here a minute ago. ” 38 answering her question, the old woman said, “Sit with me, my child. I have something to show you. ” As the young woman sat down beside the fire, the old woman handed her a book. She turned the pages of the book one by one and 39 to discover they told the story of her whole life, from the early days of 40 to the present. But when she turned to the next page, she found it empty. And the rest of the pages in the book were all empty. “Does this mean my life ends tonight?” she asked. “No, my child. It means tonight your life 41 .” At that time the old woman took the book into her hands and began to tear(撕掉)each of the pages that had words out of the book. She then threw 42 into the fire until all left were empty pages. She handed the book of empty pages to the young woman. “You see,” she said, “just as the water washed away your footsteps in the sand, your past is forever gone. What you 43 have is here and now. Each moment is the beginning of the rest of your life and you should live it to the fullest, because you wont live that moment a(an) 44 time. For your future, you are free to shape it as you wish, 45 it has not yet been written.”36. A. turns B. turned C. is turning37. A. sitting B. to sit C. sat38. A. Thanks to B. Instead of C. Thanks for39. A. tired B. sad C. amazed40. A. childhood B. adulthood C. old age41. A. ends B. lives C. begins42. A. them B. it C. her43. A. hardly B. lately C. truly44. A. other B. another C. second45. A. whether B. because C. then【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。一个年轻的妇女在海边散步,奇异地遇到一个坐在火边的老妇人,老妇人通过给年轻妇女看一本关于年轻妇女自己故事的书,然后撕掉所有经历过的页码,来教育年轻妇女要努力开始新的一天。36. B 考查动词的时态。根据上一句谓语动词walked的提示,可知故事叙述的是过去的事情,用过去时。turns是现在时的单数形式;turned是过去式;is turning 是现在进行时。句意:她回头去看在沙滩上留下的足迹。故选B。37. A 考查非谓语动词。根据前面谓语动词saw并结合句意可知构成短语see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”。句意:当他回头继续散步时,他很惊讶看见一个老妇人正坐在一堆火旁边。故选A。38. B 考查短语辨析。承接上文的询问,和下文的说别的事情,可推出“没有或不是”回到这个问题。thanks to 由于;instead of代替,不是;thanks for感谢。根据句意可知选B。39. C 考查形容词辨析。结合横线后面的句意:发现讲述的正是她自己的全部生活。tired累的;sad伤心的;amazed惊讶的。结合句意可推出当时的心情是“惊讶的”。故选C。40. A 考查名词辨析。根据a young woman可推出句意表达的是“从童年到现在的故事”。children童年;adulthood成年;old age老年。结合句意可知是选A。41. C 考查动词的辨析。根据答语的no,可知是对上文“今晚生活的结束”的相反,也就是意味着“开始”。ends结束;lives生活;begins开始。故选C。42. A 考查代词。根据语境可知是此处承接上文的each of the pages ,视为复数,此处作宾格,用them。故选A。43. C 考查副词的辨析。根据上文:你的过去永远消失了,可以推出此句句意表示:你真正拥有的是这里和现在。hardly几乎不;lately晚地;truly真实地。故选C。44. C 考查序数词。other其它的,后面接名词复数。another又一,再一。second第二。句意: 句意:每一刻都是你余下的生活的开始,你应该活得最充实,因为你将不会第二次活在那一刻。结合语境可知选C。45. B 考查连词。whether是否,用于宾语从句;because因为,表示因果关系;them他们,用语宾格。根据句意可知“它还没有被写进书里”是“ 为了你的未来,你可以按照你的愿望自由的去使它成型。”的原因。故选B。【能力选练】 DAntarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly covered with ice. This is one of the driest and 1 in the world. But people from all over the world come to 2 there. Near the South Pole, three thousand people live together in a place 3 Amundsen-Scott Station.The station has libraries, cinemas, shops, sports rooms, canteens and laboratories(实验室). There is electricity(电), and they have 4 - the system that they use to have a conversation(交谈)with someone in another place. And they have 5 - electronic machines that stores information and uses programs to help them find, organize, or change the information.But the people here 6 travel by car, or train, or bus, because there arent any roads or railways near the station. They travel by ship, helicopter, plane, or snow tractor, or 7 dogs. There arent 8 trees or flowers there, but there are hundreds of different birds and other animals.Most of the people here are 9 . They study plant and animal life and how ice moves. The ice can tell us about changes in climate. Ray Kingman is an expert at Amundsen-Scott Station, telling us on the phone, “This is my second year here. Its a very interesting and beautiful place, but life is very hard 10 . In the summer we can go swimming in hot pools of water. We welcome newcomers here for further study of the continent!”( ) 1. A. warm areas B. coldest places C. cool areas D. hottest places( ) 2. A. travel B. go sightseeing C. work D. enjoy themselves( ) 3. A. called B. call C. calls D. calling( ) 4. A. telephones B. radios C. televisions D. record players( ) 5.A. printers B. icons C. mouses D. computers( ) 6.A. dont B. didnt C. werent D. arent ( ) 7.A. with B. instead of C. on D. in front of( ) 8. A. much B. any C. many D. either( ) 9. A. teachers B. scientists C. doctors D. workers( ) 10. A. during the autumn season B. in the springtime C. in all weathers D. in the winter【参考答案】完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1-5 B C A A D 610 A A B B D

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