九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands Section B(3a-Self Check)优编课时练 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands Section B(3a-Self Check)优编课时练 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands Section B(3a-Self Check)优编课时练 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands Section B(3a-Self Check)优编课时练 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.李仕才Section B (3aSelf Check).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空after allbegin withcut updrop bypick up be used tomake noiseshake hands learnby oneselfgo out of ones way1My uncle _ Chinese _2A journey always _ the first step.3This machine can _ vegetables.4Bill _ reading newspapers over breakfast.5Please dont _. The students are taking an exam.6The driver _ to offer me a lift.7Its impolite to _ friends homes without calling first in Switzerland.8Dont blame him. _, he is only a child.9You can wave your hands to them instead of _ with them.10To keep your classroom clean, please _ waste paper whenever you see it.完成句子1对于再次去挪威旅游,我们都非常激动。We are all very _ _ traveling to Norway again.2你应该多给我一些英语学习方面的建议。You should _ me more _ on English study.3我期盼着能再次见到你。I _ _ _ meeting youagain.4在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。Its _ _ to talk loudly in public.5花些时间去了解不同国家的风俗是值得的。Its worth spending the time _ _ _ the customs in different countries.6那样的话,你会感觉这所学校真的与众不同。 _ _, you will feel this school really different from others.7我们必须学会在不同的情况面对不同的困难。We must learn to face different problems _ _ _.8我们应该在餐桌上注意礼节。We _ _ _ behave politely at the dinner table.xx临沂句子还原阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择五个选项分别填入空白处,使其文理通顺。Do you like drinking coffee? If you are polite when ordering in a cafe in America, you may get a reward(奖励)1_ The shop offers rewards to those who mind their manners. There is a sign outside the shop. It says different prices for a cup of coffee depending on how polite the customer is.2_ They include: “Small coffee” at 5 dollars, “Small coffee, please” at 3 dollars and “Hello, one small coffee, please” at 1.75 dollars.3_ A cafe called Petite Syrah in France also encourages customers to have good manners with different prices. 4._The manager of Petite Syrah said of the reason, “5._” And he added, “I know people may say that our service can be impolite, but it is also true that customers can be impolite when they are busy.”The American cafe is copying the French cafe because it has been a success in changing customers behavior(行为). The manager of Petite Syrah says that he has seen a great difference in his customers behavior since the sign was put up. AThis isnt the first time that a coffee shop has tried to teach customers a lesson.BAt lunchtime people would come under great stress and were sometimes impolite to us when they ordered a coffee.CThe cafe in America has tried to encourage customers to be more polite in a new way.DThe French cafe is copying the American cafe so that it can change customers behavior.EThe prices are listed with the typical expressions customers might use when they are ordering.FCustomers need to pay 5.96 pounds for “A coffee”,but 3.62 pounds for “A coffee, please”. 详解详析Section B (3aSelf Check).1.learns/learned/learnt; by himself2begins with3cut up4.is used to5.make noise6went out of his way7.drop by8After all9.shaking hands10pick up.1.excited about2give; suggestions/advice3look forward to4.not polite5to learn about6.That way7in different situations8.are supposed to.15CEAFB


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