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Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future? 单词闯关1.借入;借来 _ 反义词 _2.网站 _3.大部分地;主要地 _ 主要的(形容词) _4.电子的 _电 _5.科技;技术 _ 6.有影响力的;能控制他人的 _力量(名词) _7.存储器;存储量 _8.满的;充满的_ 充满(动词)_9.修补;挽救_修补(同义词)_10.说明书复数_11.合适地;正确地 _ 合适的(形容词) _短语互译1.think of_2.take photos_ 3.put up_ 4.wait for_ 5.把某物借给某人 _6.好几千;成千上万_ 7.充满 _ 8.收到某人的来信 _连词成句1.on the Internet, other, seen, classes,the photos, even, be, by, living, other, can, people, in, countries(其他班的同学,甚至住在其他国家的人就能在网上看到这些照片。)_2.more than, used, computers, will, books, be, in the future(将来电脑会比书用得更多吗?)_3.promise, youll, must, that, it, you, take good care of(你必须保证你会好好保管它。)_4.if, lend, you, them, anyone, it, to, tell, to, it, use, have to, properly(如果你不得不把它借给其他人,告诉他们正确地使用它。)_1 borrow v借入;借来 观察 Dad, can I borrow your camera?爸爸,我可以借你的相机吗?探究 borrow作动词,意为“借入;借来”。辨析 borrow, lend与keep词条区别搭配borrow表示“借入”,是短暂性动词,常与from连用borrow sth. from sb.lend表示“借出”,常与to连用lend sth. to sb.keep表示“保存”,常与“for时间段”连用keep sth.for时间段 图解助记 各种不同的“借”活学活用1xx天水How long may I _ these books?For a week.AborrowBto borrowCkeep Dlend2put up张贴;公布 观察 The school put up the exam result. 学校张贴了这次考试的结果。探究 put up是固定短语,意为“张贴;公布”。拓展 put up还有“搭建;举起”的意思。Many blocks of flats were put up in the 1990s.许多公寓式建筑群是在20世纪90年代建成的。活学活用2xx自贡How beautiful the mountain is! Id like to _ a tent there.Youd better not.Aput onBput offCput up1And they can be seen on the Internet by other classes, even people living in other countries. 其他班的同学,甚至住在其他国家的人就能在网上看到(照片)。探究 (1)can be seen 是含有情态动词的被动语态,结构为“主语情态动词be动词的过去分词+其他.”。(2)living in other countries 为现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句(who live in other countries)。Did you tell the children playing there not to make so much noise? 你告诉在那边玩耍的孩子们不要那么吵了吗?活学活用1xx岳阳Teenagers _ decide for themselves.Amay be allowed toBmay are allowed toCmay be allow to2you must promise that youll take good care of it.你必须保证你会好好保管它。 探究 promise作动词,意为“许诺,答应”,其后常接不定式、that从句或双宾语。(1)_ 许诺做某事The college principal promised to look into the matter.学院院长答应研究这个问题。(2)promisethat从句 答应 My father promised that he would write to me. 我爸爸答应我将给我写信。(3)promise sb. sth. 许诺给某人某物My father promised me a new schoolbag yesterday.昨天我爸爸许诺给我一个新书包。活学活用2xx武汉Come home before dinner time, Peter!I _, Mum.ApromiseBguessCwish Dadmire详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1borrow; lend2.website3mainly; main4.electronic; electricity5technology6.powerful; power7memory8.full; fill9.fix; repair/mend10instructions11.properly; proper短语互译1想起2.拍照3.张贴;公布4.等待5lend sth. to sb.6.thousands of7be full of8.hear from sb.连词成句1. The photos can be seen on the Internet by other classes, even people living in other countries. 2. Will computers be used more than books in the future?3. You must promise that youll take good care of it. 4. If you have to lend it to anyone, tell them to use it properly.【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 C考查延续性动词的用法。borrow意为“借入;借来”,是短暂性动词;keep意为“保存,保留”,是延续性动词;lend意为“借出”,是短暂性动词。答语“For a week.”属于时间段,应用延续性动词keep。故选C。2 C考查动词短语辨析。put on意为“穿上;上演”;put off意为“推迟”;put up意为“张贴;举起;建造”。由空格后a tent(一个帐篷)可知,此处指“支起”一个帐篷。故选C。句型透视1 A考查含情态动词的被动语态。句意:青少年可以被允许自己做决定。含情态动词的被动语态的基本结构是“情态动词be动词的过去分词”。故选A。2 promise to do sth.A


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