七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains(第2课时)教案 外研版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains(第2课时)教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains(第2课时)教案 外研版.doc_第2页
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Unit 2Theyre waiting for buses or trains第二课时(Activity 3Activity 7)Step 1:ReviewAsk students to read the news report in Activity 2.Step 2:Have a dictationGet students to write the words and phrases in Unit 2,check them if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 3:Practice1Play the recording.2Ask the students to read through the passage.3Choose the correct answer in Activity 3.(1)In London,a)people arent leaving work.b)people are going home.(2)In Moscow,a)people arent going to the theatre.b)people are having dinner.(3)In Beijing,a)people are watching a film.b)people are sleeping.(4)In Los Angeles,a)people are working.b)people are getting up.(5)In New York,a)people are getting up.b)people are having lunch.4Ask three students to show their answers,then check the answers.Keys:(1)b(2)b(3)b(4)a(5)b5Read the words and the passage in Activity 4.moment,most,restaurant,still,thingAll over the world,people are doing different (1)_At the (2)_,its five oclock in London and people are going home from work.People in Moscow are having dinner at home or in (3)_In Beijing,(4)_ people are sleeping,but some are (5)_ working.6Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.7Ask two students to share their answers.8Check the answers.Keys:(1)things(2)moment(3)restaurants(4)most(5)still9Have the students read the passage aloud.Step 4:Writing1Find out what time it is now in London,Moscow,New York and Los Angeles.Write sentences about what people are doing or arent doing.Join sentences with and or so.In London,itsand people are leavingIn Beijing,its,so people arent2Read the postcard in Activity 6.3Check() the true sentences.(1)This is a postcard from Bettys mum.(2)Bettys mum is visiting her friends in Hollywood.(3)Betty is enjoying the movie.(4)Bettys mum is taking a lot of photos.4Let some students to show their answers.Then check the answers.Keys:(1)(2)(4)5Have the students read the postcard aloud and pay attention to the form of postcard.6Write Bettys postcard to her grandma from the Great Wall.Start like this: Dear Grandma,Say what shes enjoyingSay what shes doing nowFinish like this:Love,BettyStep 5:Homework1Finish the writing task.2Finish the workbook.Blackboard DesignUnit 2Theyre waiting for buses or trains.(Activity 3Activity 7)Dear Betty,Hi from Los Angeles!Thank you for your postcard from the Great WallSee you next week!Love,Mum

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