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Adjectives LeshanForeignLanguageSchoolNingLin 1 Listenandfillinthefollowingblanks 2 TheweatherinBeijingisofthecontinentaltype Thewintersare whilethesummersare Januaryis monthandJulyis Thesummermonths June 3 toAugust are withalotofrain Inthisseason touristsincreasewiththerains Hotelsandrestaurantsare TheGreatWallis withmarchingtourists 4 Theautumnmonthsbe tweenSeptemberandNovemberhave weatherand tourists Springis notmanytouristsbutlotsofwindanddust 5 TheweatherinBeijingisofthecontinentaltype Thewintersare whilethesummersare Januaryis monthandJulyis Thesummermonths June coldanddry hot thecoldest thewarmest 6 toAugust are withalotofrain Inthisseason touristsincreasewiththerains Hotelsandrestaurantsare TheGreatWallis withmarchingtourists wetandhot muchmore expensive crowded 7 Theautumnmonthsbe tweenSeptemberandNovemberhave weatherand tourists Springis notmanytouristsbutlotsofwindanddust thebest fewer lesspleasant 8 1 规则变化 tallertallest harderhardest largerlargest widerwidest biggerbiggest hotterhottest happierhappiest drierdriest moredifficultmostdifficult morepopularmostpopular 9 2 不规则变化 best better worse worst more most less least fartherfarthest furtherfurthest olderoldest eldereldest 10 Doexercises Ithinkthedictionaryis use foryourstudy useful 11 Doexercises The newsmadeus excite exciting excited 12 Doexercises Afterlunch Iwasbeginningtofeel sleep sleepy 13 Doexercises MissWhiteisalways friend toherstudents friendly 14 Doexercises Thousandsofpeoplebecame home aftertheearthquake homeless 15 Doexercises IstheGrandCanyonthegreatestwonderanywhereinthe nature world natural 16 Doexercises Thesofais comfort comfortable 17 Doexercises Theboyisas ashisfather tall tall 18 Doexercises It svery toplayontheroad danger dangerous 19 ful useful careful colourful hopeful helpful thankful wasteful 20 ing ed excitingexcited interestinginterested surprisingsurprised movingmoved 21 ing ed boringbored tiringtired disappointingdisappointed 22 y sleepy sunny lucky healthy milky dirty angry hungry windy noisy cloudy rainy necessary ordinary 23 ly friendly lovely lively weekly monthly 24 less homeless harmless hopeless careless useless helpless fearless 25 al natural traditional national educational international social historical digital environmental typical emotional 26 able comfortable enjoyable valuable reusable fashionable 27 原级 as as much too so quite very 28 Doexercises Shanghaiis thanBeijing busy busier 29 Doexercises Thereis waterintheglassthaninthebottle little less 30 Doexercises Itwas yesterdaythanitistoday hot hotter 31 Doexercises Ithas rainThisyearthanlastyear much more 32 Doexercises Lucyisacarefulgirl Shealwaysmakes mistakesthanyoudo few fewer 33 Doexercises Sheis ofthetwins short theshorter 34 Doexercises much foodyoueat fat youwillbe Themore thefatter 35 Doexercises Whenspringcomes theweatherisgetting and warm warmerwarmer 36 Doexercises Atpresent countrymusicisbecoming and popular moremorepopular 37 Doexercises Whois yoursisterorhis thin thinner 38 Doexercises Jimhasbeeneven inChinesesinceMr Greentaughthim interest moreinterested 39 比较级 than the 比 the 比 比 比 Which Whois or 40 the 比ofthetwo 比较级 much even alot any far still 41 Doexercises Ihave Booksinmyfamily many themost 42 Doexercises Thisquestionisoneof importantofall little theleast 43 Doexercises Thisis bookthatIhaveeverread good thebest 44 Doexercises TheYellowRiveristhesecond riverinChina long longest 45 Doexercises Whichskirtis yours hersormine fashionable themostfashionable 46 最高级 in of oneof the 序数词 最高级 Which Whois or 47 Homework 48 Thankyou 49 cold dry hot warm wet expensive crowded good few pleasant 50 cold dry hot warm wet colder coldest drier driest hotter hottest warmer warmest wetter wettest 51 expensive moreexpensive mostexpensive crowded morecrowded mostcrowded good better best few fewer fewest pleasant morepleasant mostpleasant 52

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