Unit 7 Heath 阅读Smoking is not Allowed Hereppt课件

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Welcome 1 Unit7 Health 2 NoSmoking Lead in 3 吸烟 肺癌的开始 4 5 吸烟者 请再思考一下 6 禁止吸烟标志图 7 Newwords smoker free无烟的Smoker吸烟者Office办公室Within在 内Public公共的Area地方 地区Daily每日的Habit习惯 Relax放松Foolish愚蠢的Wrong错误的Effect影响Cigarette香烟Shorten缩短Death死亡Cause引起 导致Lung肺 8 Reading SmokingisNotAllowedHere TheFirstreading Underliethewordsyoudon tknowandsomelonganddifficultsentences Trytofindoutthekeysentencesineachparagraph 9 KeySentences Paragraph1 Inmanycountries peoplecan tsmokeintheofficeanymoreandtheycan tsmokeevenwithinthebuilding Paragraph2 Forsomepeople smokinghasbecomeadailyhabit Paragraph3 Infact smokinghasmanybadeffectsonpeople shealth 10 Thesecondreading readingwithquestions 1 Canpeoplesmokeindepartmentstoresandrestaurants 2 Whatdosomepeoplethinkofsmoking 3 Whatbadeffectsdoessmokinghaveonpeople shealth 11 Answers 1 No Departmentstoresandrestaurantsarebecomingsmoke free 2 Theythinkthatsmokingmakesthemfeelhappyandhelpthemrelax smokingisacoolandisafashionofday 3 Smokingcanshortenone slifeandevencauselungcancerandmouthcancer 12 Thethirdreading explain reading Duringthereading Iwilltranslatethepassageandteachyousomeimportantpoints Pleaselistencarefully 13 1 can t 情态动词can的否定式 不能 1 表能力 能够 could是过去式 Canyouplaythepiano Langlangcouldplaythepianowellwhenhewasonlythreeyearsold 14 Mostwomenherecanreadandwritenow HecanspeakEnglish Canyourideabike eg Acomputer thinkforitself itmustbetoldwhattodo A can tB couldn tC maynotD mightnot 15 2 can表请求 此时can和could没有时间上的差别 could更委婉 Canyouteachmetoplayvolleyball Couldyouteachmetoplayvolleyball 语气更委婉 16 3 Can could 表 允许 Can CouldIgonow Youcanusemycomputer 4 表客观可能性或推测 用于否定或疑问句 Itcan tbehim Youcan tbehungrysosoon Tom You vejusthadlunch Can t 肯定不 用于否定句中 语气非常强烈 17 IsMr Smithinhisofficenow No he there Isawhiminthelibraryaminuteago A maybeB canbeC mustn tbeD can tbe 18 2 Not anymore再也不 不再 eg Ican teatanymore I mfull Iwillnotcomehareanymore Idon twanttotalkwithyouanymore 3 smoke free无烟的 禁止吸烟的eg smoke freearea 19 4 Itwon tbelongbefore 在 之前时间不会很长 过了不久就 eg Itwon tbelongbeforetheyunderstandeachother 他们不久就会互相了解的 5 Inpublicareas在公共场所eg Itisnotpolitetosmokeinpublicplaces 20 6 dailyhabit日常习惯7 makethemfeelunhappy make have letsb dosth 让某人做某事8 helpsb dosth 帮助某人做某事helpsb withsth 帮助某人某事eg Shehelpedmedothehomework Shehelpedmewithmyhomework 21 9 Whatmakesthingsworseis使事情变得更糟的是 主语从句eg Whodidtheworkisunknown 这件工作是谁干的 大家都不知道 常用it作形式主语Itisunknownwhodidthework eg Hejustlosthisbike Whatmakesthingsworseisthathecouldn tfindhiscellphone 22 10 afashionoftheday时尚 时代新潮11 Infact事实上 实际eg Ithoughttheworkwasdifficulttodo Infact itwasveryeasy 12 havegood badeffecton 对 有 好 坏 的影响eg Eatingtoomuchhasabadeffectonpeople shealth Smokinghasabadeffectonthesmokersandpassivesmokers Doingmorningexerciseshasagoodeffectonourhealth 23 13 Shortenone slife缩短寿命14 liveashorterlive live 过 样点的生活 eg liveahappy miserablelife过着 幸福的 悲惨的 生活15 Inmanycases在很多的情况下case 情况 状况 eg insomecases在某些情况下inthis that case如果这样 那样 的话innocase绝不 在任何情况下都不 24 Homework 1 Readthepassageloudlyandremembertheimportantexpressions 2 Previewthefollowingcontents 25 Thankyou 26 16 breathein吸入breatheout呼出eg Webreatheinoxygenandbreatheoutcarbondioxide 17 raisebloodpressure提高血压18 leadto导致eg Whatledtotheaccident Yourcarelessnesswillleadtoseriousresult Toomuchworkandtoolittlerestoftenleadtoillness 27 19 dieof因患 而死 原因多来自内部 情感冻饿生病等 eg dieof hunger cold illness oldage sorrow afever heat 死于饿 寒冷 病 年老 忧伤 发烧 热 diefrom由于 而死 原因常来自外部 eg diefrom wound anaccident overwork carelessness drinking 死于受伤 事故 工作过量 粗心 饮酒过量 Alotoffishdiefromwaterpollution Manypeoplediefromsmokingeveryday 28 20 beharmfulto对 有害eg Veryloudsoundisharmfultotheears WatchingTVtoomuchisharmfultoyoureyes 21 beforcedtodo被迫做 eg Heisforcedtocleanthewindow 22 passivesmoker被动吸烟者23 smoke related与吸烟有关的eg smoke relateddeathssmoke relatedhealthproblems 29 24 makelaws制定法律eg Themovementhasmadelawstoprotectwildanimals 25 havethedeterminationtodosth 有决心做 eg Hehasthedeterminationtopasstheexam 30 31 32 33 34

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