浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 小卷速测08B 阅读理解试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 小卷速测08B 阅读理解试题 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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小卷速测(八)B阅读理解(限时:30分钟)Axx广州改编Science for KidsThis months most popular booksWomen in Science by Rachel IgnotofskyPrice $25We all know the story of Marie Curie and her many scientific achievements. But many other brilliant female scientists are far less well known. This book is a great introduction to the lives and works of some of the most important and up-to-now unknown women in science.Recommended for Ages: 1215Special OfferFor this month only, all Bestbooks Book Club members will pay 20% less for every book ordered. Join our club for free and saving big money!DeliveryWe bring every book you order right to your door within three days. For Bestbooks Book Club members thisis free. Non-membersmust pay an extra $2 per book.First Big Book of How by Jill EsbaumPrice $15An excellent book about sea life for young children. The book is divided into 4 parts, one for each of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans. It focuses on the different animals found in each of these seas, along with interesting facts and amazing pictures.Ages: 510A Really Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill BrysonPrice $15Bill Bryson takes readers on a very funny and educational trip through the history of modern sciencefrom its unexpected successes to its great failures and everything in between.Ages:14 and overNational Geographic KidsLittle Kids First Big Book of the World by Elizabeth Carney Price $20This book is the perfect introduction to the seven continents. It tells young readers about the different animals that live on each of these lands and gives a simple description of the peoples history and culture.Ages: 512 1.Which is TRUE about the book Women in Science?A.It is mainly about Marie Curies history.B.It lists all the important scientific achievements.C.It includes women scientists that arent famous.D.It is mostly about the development of modern science.2.How much will a Bestbooks Book Club member pay in total if he orders First Big Book of How and A Really Short History of Nearly Everything today?A.$34.B.$30. C.$26.D.$24.3.What is the main purpose of this webpage?A.To sell books to young readers. B.To attract new book club members.C.To encourage students interest in science.D.To review books young readers might like.BThere are some similarities and some differences between growing up in Australia and China.I lived in a small town of about 20,000 people, called Gympie on the east coast of Queensland. It is not as crowded in Australia, so people can live in houses that have front and back yards. I always enjoyed playing on the grass in the front yard.Each weekday morning I would wake up at about 7 a.m. and get ready for school. My favourite cereal(谷物) was called Weet-Bix. I often ate nine or ten Weet-Bix to copy my favourite sports stars that I saw on TV!As well as playing sports, I also played the saxophone. Some mornings I went to school early for band practice and played my saxophone, before classes started at 8:30 a.m. English and PE were my favourite subjects at school. My friends and I played tag(捉人游戏) or handball during our lunch breaks.School finished at 3 p.m. After that I would usually go to sports training. In summer I played cricket and in winter I played hockey. Sometimes I played tennis too!When I finally got home I was very tired. For a special treat, my mother sometimes cooked my favourite meal: apricot(杏子) chicken! Then I did my homework and read a book. I always went to sleep before 9 p.m.On the weekend I played sports, visited a friends house or watched TV.Gympie was a great place to grow up!4. What is the writers house like in Gympie?A.A house without yards.B.A house with a front yard. C.A house with a back yard.D.A house with front and back yards.5. How long should the writer stay at school on the weekday?A.For 8 hours.B.For 7 hours. C.For 6.5 hours.D.For 6 hours.6. How many sports does the writer talk about?A.Two.B.Three. C.Four.D.Five.7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The writer has no interest in Weet-Bix.B.The writers favourite dish is apricot chicken.C.The writer felt fresh after he got home.D.The writer neednt practice for the band.COnce upon a time, a tortoise lived in a pond(池塘) with two ducks. She enjoyed being with them because she could talk as much as she liked.After many years, the pond became very low in a dry season and finally it dried up. The two ducks decided to fly to another place. They went to say goodbye to the tortoise.“Oh, dont leave me behind!” begged(恳求) the tortoise. “Take me with you. I must die if I am left here.”“” said the ducks. “How can we take you with us?”Finally, the ducks had a nice idea. They said, “We will each take hold of one end of a stick, and you take the middle in your mouth. Then we will fly up in the air and carry you with us. But remember not to talk! If you open your mouth, youll be lost.”The tortoise said she would not say a word.When they were above the treetops, the tortoise wanted to say, “How high we are!” But she remembered what the ducks said and kept still. When they passed the church(教堂), she wanted to say, “What is that which shines?” But she remembered what the ducks said and held her peace. Then they came over the village square. Many people looked up and shouted, “Look! The ducks are carrying a tortoise!”The tortoise forgot everything and said, “Hush, you silly people! Its none of your business.” She opened her mouth and fell to the ground. And that was the end of the tortoise.8.Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 4?A.But you cannot fly. B.Its a long story. C.Dont be so sad! D.Well come back soon.9.What do you think of the two ducks? A.Lazy. B.Silly. C.Helpful. D.Humorous.10.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the story?They flew over the village square.They flew above the treetops.The tortoise opened her mouth and fell to the ground.They passed the church.A.B. C.D.11.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A.We should not help people like the tortoise.B.It is a very good thing to be able to keep silent.C.The people at the village square are really silly.D.What others think of you is none of your business.DStill in shock! I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to put into the suitcases(行李箱). Earlier that evening, Id received a call telling me that my brother was killed in a car crash. “Come as soon as you can,” cried my mother.I wanted to hurry to her at once. But my husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle. Our house was in total mess. Supper dishes sat on the kitchen table. Toys lay everywhere. I purposelessly picked things up and put them down. Mothers crying went through my head again and again.Larry called some friends to tell them what had happened. Someone asked to speak to me. “If theres anything I can do, let me know.” But I didnt know what to ask for.Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was Emerson. He and his wife Donna lived in the block nearby.“Ive come to clean your shoes,” he said.I asked him to repeat.“Donna had to stay with the baby,” he said, “but we want to help you. I remember when my father died, it took me hours to clean our shoes for the funeral(葬礼). Give me all your shoes.”I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen. Emerson got to work right away. Watching him devoting himself to one task helped me pull my own thoughts into order. I told myself to wash clothes first. Then, Larry and I bathed the children and put them to bed. One job after another.When we returned to clear the dishes, Emerson had left. All our shoes stood in a line against the wall, clean, shining. I couldnt help crying. Early next morning, we left for the airport with all the jobs done.Now whenever I hear of a friend whos lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer, “If theres anything I can do” Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that mans need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house-sitting during the funeral. If the person asks, “How did you know I needed that done?” I reply, “Because a man once cleaned my shoes.”12.The writer didnt know what to put into the suitcases because .A.she couldnt do it on her ownB.she was too sad to do anythingC.she wanted to take everything to SeattleD.she was not good at housework13.Heres a time line of what happened in the story.The writers brother was killed in a car crash.The writer washed the clothes.They left for the airport.Which of the events should go in the empty box above?A.Emerson came to clean the shoes.B.The couple bathed the children.C.They cleared the supper dishes.D.The writer found the shoes cleaned.14.If one of her friends has lost a loved one, what will the writer probably NOT do?A.Call her friend to ask what she can do.B.Look after her friends young children.C.Take her friends dog to the boarding kennel.D.Offer her friend house-sitting during the funeral.15.Which sentence best expresses the theme of this story?A.One persons loss is anothers gain.B.An act of kindness is often rewarded.C.A near neighbour is better than a brother far off.D.Do something specific to help those in need.参考答案A主旨大意 本文是一篇应用文。某网站刊登了四本畅销书的书名、价格、内容、阅读对象以及打折情况。1.C细节理解题。根据“This book is a great introduction to the lives and works of some of the most important and up-to-now unknown women in science.”可知,这本书主要是介绍在科学方面有重要的著作,但迄今为止还不出名的女人的。故选C。2.D数字计算题。从信息中可知,First Big Book of How售价15美元,A Really Short History of Nearly Everything售价15美元;从最右栏可知,如果是俱乐部会员,可以优惠20%。据此计算:(15+15)(1-20%)=24(美元)。故选D。3.A推理判断题。从信息中可知,这些书的主要读者是5到15岁的儿童。因此这些信息目的就是向这些年轻读者群体出售这些书。故选A。B主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者在学校及家里学习和生活的情况。4.D细节理解题。由第二段“people can live in houses that have front and back yards.”可知选D。5.C数字计算题。由短文内容可知,作者8:30上课,3点放学,在校时间共计六个半小时,故选C。6.C归纳判断题。文中共提到handball, cricket, hockey, tennis四种运动,故选C。7.BC主旨大意 这是一则寓言故事。因为池塘干涸,一只乌龟和两只鸭子要迁徙,但乌龟不会飞,她乞求鸭子带上她一起飞。两只鸭子叼着一根木棒的两端,乌龟用嘴咬住木棒,飞行途中乌龟不得开口说话,但她还是忍不住说话了,最终乌龟跌落地面,终结了生命。8.A9.C10.D11.B主旨大意题。鸭子曾告诉乌龟不要说话,但乌龟最终忘记了,从空中掉落而摔死。作者主要想告诉我们:保持沉默是一件好事。故选B。D主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者的哥哥在车祸中丧生,母亲让她尽快过去,由于悲伤,她不知所措,邻居过来帮助她的故事。12.B推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句可以推断,她接到她母亲的电话说她哥哥在车祸中丧生,由于悲伤,她不知所措。故选B。13.A细节理解题。根据短文倒数第三段第一、二句“I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen. Emerson got to work right away.”和第四句“I told myself to wash clothes first.”可知选A。14.A细节理解题。根据短文最后一段第一句“Now whenever I hear of a friend whos lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer”可知选A。15.D主旨大意题。


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