2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精进编(六).doc

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2019年中考英语完形填空精进编(六)及答案【实战训练】 A(xx中考选练)Kunming is the capital of Yunnan. Its a city with a long history. Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming _1_ her beautiful weather. Its neither too hot in summer not too cold in winter. Thats why _2_ people like to travel and even to live there. You can see that great _3_ have taken place there. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and hospital _4_. You can cross the streets _5_ footbridges(人行桥) in the city. You can buy whatever you want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city. Peoples lives are becoming _6_.At weekends or on holidays, people like to relax themselves in different places and in different ways. In winter, people, especially old people, would like _7_ the Western Hill. From the top of the hill, you can have a good _8_ the beautiful scenery of Kunming. Far away from the hill, you can enjoy the Sleeping Beauty(睡美人) among the hills. After supper, families take a walk along the bank of Dianchi Lake. The Golden Temple and EXPO Garden are two famous places of interest in the north of the city. You can spend a whole day _9_ the world-famous garden. A little further away from the southeast of the city, a special forest welcomes you. It is not a tree forest, but a stone forest. So it is called Stone Forest.People in Kunming are really _10_ . They often invite their friends home to try delicious food, like rice noodles. If you want to know more about Kunming and taste the food there, please pay a visit to Kunming!( )1. A. is famous at B. is famous for C. is famous ofD. is famous to( )2. A. so many B. so much C. a few D. a little ( )3. A. chances B. changes C. chance D. change ( )4. A. has put up B. have put up C. has been put up D. have been put up ( )5. A. on B. over C. aboveD. in ( )6. A. good and good B. better and better C. bad and badD. worse and worse ( )7. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( )8. A. look B. look at C. see D. watch ( )9. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit ( )10. A. friend B. friendshipC. friendly D. friendless参考答案15 BABDB(crossover穿过) 610 BBBCC 【实战训练】 Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案健康保健类If you are lazy and weak, you will never taste success. But if you are, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you. I love eating persimmons(柿子). But you cant get them until autumn. If you try them before the right time, they probablybad. In Grade Six, because of my poor grades, my parents werethat I wouldnt be able to get into an excellent middle school. Theyme to study harder, but I didnt really understand why they were so anxious. Summer came. The hot weather made me sleepy and I couldntmy textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop, Mom would shout, “Hey! Think about your. If you dont work hard, youll regret it!” I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks. But all Iwas playing with my friends and eating persimmons. My mom would say to me, with a serious look onface, “If a persimmon tree doesnt grow in summer, it cant bear(结出) fruit in autumn! Only by hard workyou get good results.” I didnt understand it at that time, I gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later, I succeeded in getting into the key middle school. It was. Walking in my new school, I could see quite a few persimmon trees. The fruit was so red that it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly, I that working hard may be bitter but its fruit is sweet. My mom was right. If a persimmon tree doesnt growsummer, it cant bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer now it was autumn. I tasted my success and enjoyed the fruit of my labor!【小题1】AbusyBcleverChard-workingDfree【小题2】AlookBtasteCturnDsmell【小题3】AembarrassedBworriedCexcitedDscared【小题4】AaffordedBallowedCpushedDmade【小题5】Aconcentrate on Bdepend onCdecide onDlook on【小题6】AthinkingBtalkingCplayingDstudying【小题7】AfutureBhobbyChealthDwork【小题8】Atalked aboutBheard about Cworried aboutDthought about【小题9】AherByourCmyDhis【小题10】AshouldBcanCneedDmust【小题11】AButBBecauseCAlthoughDSo【小题12】AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter【小题13】ArealizedBsawCnoticedDreminded【小题14】AbeforeBduringCafterDuntil【小题15】AandBbutCorDthen【实战训练】 C【*株洲】通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 One very cold morning, my, father and I were working on the farm. I asked him how long I must stay in the _31_. “About an hour.”he answered. “I wish I could go hone nowmy _32_ aches.” “I am sorry, but cant you stay till lunch time?”said my father. “But my headache is getting _33_.” “Well,” said he,“you may go home. I dont want you to work if you are sick. Go straight home _34_ tell your mother to give you some rhubarb(大黄,一种苦药).It will _35_ you a lot.” I went back home. However, I told my mother that my head was better, hoping not to _36_ the terrible medicine. But it was too _37_.She understood my _38_ as well as my father. So she prepared the rhubarb. I had to swallow(吞) all of the rhubarb. Dear me! How bitter it was! I would rather _39_ all day in the field. But it cured(治愈) my laziness, and I learned that it is important to be _40_.Friends, keep it, though there is another and a better reason.31. A. field B. hospital C. factory32. A. tooth B. head C. stomach33. A. better B. worse C. less34. A. but B. or C. and35. A. hurt B. worry C. help36. A. take B. buy C. make37. A. early B. late C. easy38. A. joke B. duty C. problem39. A. work B. play C. study40. A. kind B. honest C, helpful主旨大意:本文讲述了我为了逃避劳动,假装头痛,父母的治疗让我明白了诚实的重要性。31.A根据前句所述,我和父亲在农场劳动推断本句我询问还要在田间劳动多长时间,故选A项。32.B跳读下文所述“But my headache is getting”推断此时我头痛,故选B项。33.B理解句意,推断我头痛得更厉害了,故选B项。34.C分析句子的逻辑关系,回家告诉妈妈给他吃大黄,这是顺连关系,故用and。35.C理解句意,吃大黄能帮助治疗头痛,故选C项。36.A吃药take the medicine,固定搭配。37.B跳读下文可知,母亲已经准备了药,此时,想不吃药已经迟了,故选B项。38.C理解句意,我的母亲和父亲一样知道我的病情及如何治疗,故选C项。39.A根据上文所述可知,在田间父子俩是在劳动的,故用动词。40.B联系上下文所述,推断我的头痛是为了逃避劳动,父母的治疗,让我明白了诚实的重要性,故选B项。【实战训练】 DAs the story goes, once there was a cowherd, Niulang, who lived _21_ his elder brother and sister-in-law. But she _22_ and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company.The cow, _23_, was a former god who had violated imperial _24_ and was sent to earth in bovine form (以牛型).One day the cow led Niulang to a lake _25_ fairies took a bath on earth. _26_ them was Zhinu, the most _27_ fairy and a skilled seamstress.The two fell in love at first sight and were soon _28_. They had a son and daughter and their happy life was held up as an example _29_ hundreds of years in China.Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor(玉帝), marriage between a mortal(凡人) and fairy was strictly forbidden. He ordered the heaven troop to _30_ Zhinu back.What a poor couple they are!We hope that their love is in the heaven river forever.( ) 21. A. with B. in C. on( ) 22. A. dislike B. disliked C. disliking ( ) 23. A. however B. therefore C. so( ) 24. A. rule B. ruler C. rules( ) 25. A. which B.where C. that( ) 26. A. Around B. Among C. About( ) 27. A. beautiful B. beautifully C. beauty( )28. A. marry B. marrying C. married( )29. A. for B.since C. in( ) 30. A. bring B. catch C. take【参考答案】完形填空21-25 ABACB 26-30 BACAB【实战训练】 E通读全文,理解大意,从短文后的各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。A woman was waiting for her plane at an airport. She bought a bag of cookies, found a place to 46 and took out her 47 . She started to read and 48 noticed that a man, sitting beside her, took a cookie 49 her bag. She just 50 not to see this. So she ate the cookies quickly and at the same time watched how the shameless 51 was stealing her cookies. She thought to herself, “If I wasnt such a(n) 52 person, I would hit him in the eye.” 53 only one cookie was left, she looked with interest and 54 what he would do. He smiled, took the 55 cookie and broke it in half. She thought, “This guy is so impolite, he didnt even show any 56 !”After her flight was called, the woman 57 her baggage (行李) and headed to the gate. She took her seat in the 58 , and started to look for her book, which was almost complete. As she reached her baggage, she gasped (喘气) with 59 , as there was an unopened bag of cookies. A terrible thought crossed her mind, “If my cookie bag is here, the other one was his and he just tried to 60 .” She realized that she was the impolite one, but it was too late to say sorry to him.46. A. stand B. sit C. lie D. walk47. A. book B. phone C. ticket D. wallet 48. A. proudly B. hardly C. really D. suddenly49. A. on B. at C. from D. to50. A. tried B. preferred C. hoped D. meant51. A. pilot B. worker C. thief D. waiter52. A. right B. nice C. special D. old53. A. When B. Where C. What D. How39. A. planned B. asked C. found D. wondered40. A. big B. first C. small D. last41. A. interest B. thanks C. courage D. pleasure42. A. posted B. opened C. collected D. forgot43. A. hall B. airport C. planeD. car44. A. surprise B. happiness C. sadness D. pain45. A. save B. take C. sell D. share【主旨大意】本文是记叙文。介绍的是一位女士在机场候机时发生了一件有趣的事,起初她认为他是一个众目睽睽下偷曲奇饼的大胆男人。当她登机后,她才悲哀地意识到,道歉已经太晚,她才是那个不讲理的、忘恩负义的、偷了曲奇饼的人,而是他在和她分享。46. B 考查动词辨析。stand站;sit坐;lie躺;walk步行。句意:他她买了一包饼干,找了一个_的地方,。根据下文的sitting,此处表示“坐”。故填B。47. A 考查名词辨析。book书;phone电话;ticket票;wallet钱包。句意:,拿出她的_,。根据下文的read,可知此处表示“书”。故填A。48. D 考查副词辨析。proudly骄傲地,自豪地;hardly几乎不;really真地;suddenly突然地。句意:她开始看书,_,注意到。此处表示“突然地”用suddenly。故填D。49. C 考查介词用法。句意:那位坐在她旁边的男士,从她的盒子里拿了饼干。from意为“从”。故填C。50. A 考查动词辨析。tried努力,尝试;preferred宁愿;hoped希望;meant意思。句意:她仅仅_不看这事。表示“尽量”用try。故填A。51. C 考查名词辨析。pilot飞行员;worker工人;thief小偷;waiter服务员。句意:她很快地吃完了饼干,与此同时,看这个不知害羞的_是如何偷她的饼干的。偷东西的人当然是“小偷”了。故填C。52. B 考查形容词辨析。right对的;nice好的;special特别的;old年老的。句意:如果我不是一个如此_人,我就要揍他的眼睛了。表示“好的”用nice。故填B。53. A 考查连词辨析。When当时候;Where哪里;What什么;How怎样。句意:_最后一块饼干被剩下时,。故填A。54. D 考查动词辨析。planned计划;asked问;found发现;wondered想知道。句意:她饶有兴趣地看着他,_他会干什么。表示“想知道”用wondered。故填D。 55. D 考查形容词辨析。big大的;first第一;small小的;last最后的。句意:他笑着,拿出_最后一块饼干,把它分成两半。表示“最后的”用last。故填D。56. B 考查名词辨析。interest兴趣;thanks谢谢;courage勇气;pleasure开心。句意:这家伙这么不礼貌_,他甚至没有展示任何的谢意。表示“谢意”用thanks。故填B。57. C 考查动词辨析。posted邮寄;opened打开;collected收集;forgot忘记。句意:当他航班到的时候,这妇女_她的行李,朝登机口跑去。表示“收集”用collected。故填C。57. C 考查名词辨析。hall礼堂;airport机场;plane飞机;car小汽车。句意:当她在_坐下后,开始找她的书,。此时的这位妇女应该在“飞机”上了。故填C。59. A 考查名词辨析。surprise惊奇;happiness高兴;sadness伤心;pain疼痛。句意:当她够到她的行李时,她_地喘着气,那儿有一包原封未动的饼干。此时的心情当然是“惊讶”了。故填A。60. D 考查动词辨析。save救;take拿;sell卖;share分享。句意:如果我的饼干在这儿,另外一个就是他的了,而他这样就是努力在_。把东西给别人吃,当然是“分享”了。故填D。

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