2019中考英语 九全 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are阅读练习 人教新目标版.doc

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2019中考英语 九全 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are阅读练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019中考英语 九全 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are阅读练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019中考(人新)英语九全U3阅读练习及答案一、阅读理解。A Join UsBasketball Club: We have a basketball club. It opens in the school on Saturdays.Lost and FoundLost: A black bag in Room 601. Phone Jack White at 6880322.Found: Mans gold watch. Please call Mr. Green at 6444997.On SalePants for boys, black and new.TV old but works.Phone number: 5234065, 5234066.1Where does the basketball club open?AIn the school. BIn Room 601. CIn the store.2Jack White wants to_.Afind a black bag Bjoin a club Cbuy an old TV set3You can call at _ to get your watch back.A6880322 B5234065 C64449974How is the TV on sale?AIts new and it works. BIts old but it works. CIts old and it doesnt work.5Which sentence is TRUE?AMr. Green cant find his bag.BMr. Green finds a watch.CMr. Green likes basketball.【答案】1A 2A 3C 4B 5B【解析】试题分析:这篇短文是三个广告,第一个是某学校的篮球俱乐部的广告,告诉我们开放的时间和地点;第二个广告中一个是寻物启事,另一个是招领启事;第三个广告是一些代售的产品。1A 细节理解题。根据短文第一个广告中We have a basketball club. It opens in the school on Saturdays可知,这个篮球俱乐部在周六的时候在学校里开放。由此可知选A。2A 细节理解题。根据短文第二个广告中Lost: A black bag in Room 601. Phone Jack White at 6880322可知,Jack在601房间丢失了一个黑色的书包,所以他想找到他的书包,故应选A。3C 细节理解题。根据短文第二个广告中Found: Mans gold watch. Please call Mr. Green at 6444997可知,Green先生捡到了一个男士的金色的手表,因此如果你丢失了手表,可以给Green先生打电话,号码是5444997.故应选C。4B 细节理解题。根据短文中第三个广告中TV old but works可知,代售的这台电视机很旧,但是仍然可以使用。由此可知选B。5B 细节理解题。根据短文中第二个广告中Found: Mans gold watch. Please call Mr. Green at 6444997.可知,Green先生捡到了一个男士的手表,故B是正确的。根据Lost: A black bag in Room 601. Phone Jack at 6880322可知,丢失书包的是Jack,故A不对;C选项在短文中并没有提到。【难度】一般B阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A long time ago, Roman soldiers came to make war to Scotland. The Scots (苏格兰人) loved their county very much. They fought hard against their enemies, butthere were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.One night, the leader of Scots took his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We、 will rest here tonight, my men,” he said. “Tomorrow we will fight against theRomans again. We must win, or we will die.”They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were only four guards on duty, but they too, were very tired, and one byone, also fell asleep. The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they arrived at thefoot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hill side. Closer and closer theyCame to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes later,the war would be over. Suddenly one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟:一种叶子带刺的野生植物). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a minute, the Scots were all ready to fight. They fought very bravely and won in the end.The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Fewpeople like it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it theirnational flower.( )1.It seemed that the Romans would win at first, mainly because_.A. there were more Roman soldiers B. the Romans fought harderC. the Roman soldiers were braver D. The Romans were better at fighting( )2.Where did the Scots rest one night?A. At the foot of the hill. B .In the middle of the hill.C. At the top of the hill. D. At the hill side.( )3._fell asleep that night.A. Only the leader of the Scots B. Only four Scottish guards on duty.C. Roman soldiers. D. The Scottish leader and all the Scottish soldiers.( )4.What happened to one of the Roman soldiers while climbing up the hillside?A. He was killed. B. He fell down. C. He put his foot on a thistle. D. He was caught.( )5.Why do the Scots make the thistle their national flower?A. Because its beautiful. B. Because it helped the Scots to beat the Romans.C. Because it has sharp needles all over it.D. Because all the people like it very much.参考答案15、ACDCB 二、完形填空Secrets and StoriesAuthor Wendelin Van Draanen hopes her new book, The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones, encourages kids to write their own stories.After moving to a new town, 11-year-old Lincoln Jones is having a(n) 1 time at his new school. As the 2 kid at school, making friends is not an easy task. Having to spend most of his time with the oldat a nursing home where his mum works, Lincoln retreats (撤退) into his 3 to read and find heroes. He also spends much of his time 4 secrets into his notebook. However, with the help of a new friend and a school writing centre, Lincoln discovers real-life heroes.The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones takes readers on a funny and fantastic journey as Lincoln comes to understand whats important in life. Van Draanen spoke to a reporter about the book. What was the inspiration(灵感) 5 this book?My 6 was in an elder-care home. It was after she passed away that I realised there was a story about old people and the caregivers when someone cant 7 themselves anymore. There are many interesting characters(角色) in the book. Were any of them based on people you know?I have been with 8 my whole life! I have my own children and I was a teacher for fifteen years. When I was a 9, my students would help me to think about my characters. When I had children, I saw life through the eyes of 10. It was fresh.What lesson do you hope this book will teach kids?There are 11 lessons. The first is that the old were once 12, too! They have a lifetime of stories and 13 we should get to know. The second is how Lincoln uses his 14 to feel better about things and how his writing helps. 15 can be very good for shy people. It can also be a fun way to let your imagination (想象力) come out.1. A.comfortable B.free C.hardD.interesting2. A.bigB.new C.oldD.small3. A.moviesB.songs C.picturesD.books4. A.writingB.putting C.gettingD.falling5. A.likeB.with C.fromD.behind6. A.brotherB.mother C.fatherD.uncle7. A.look atB.look after C.look upD.look for8. A.doctorsB.parents C.kidsD.nurses9. A.writerB.waiter C.teacherD.driver10. A.boysB.children C.girlsD.babies11. A.twoB.three C.fourD.five12. A.richB.poor C.cleverD.young13. A.problems B.experiences C.accidentsD.mistakes14. A.moneyB.tool C.notebookD.treasure15. A.Recording B.Writing C.TravellingD.Talking主旨大意 本文是一篇采访,主要介绍了The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones这本书的故事梗概及作者创作这本书的灵感、人物来源及其目的。1.C根据本句的“After moving to a new town”可知,Lincoln Jones家搬到了一个陌生的镇子里,故判断他在新的学校里过了一段艰难的时光。故选C。2.B根据上句可知,Lincoln Jones家搬到了一个陌生的镇子里,他在新学校里有一段艰难的时光。故判断他作为新生,交朋友是一项不容易的任务。故选B。3.D根据本句的“to read and find heroes”可知选D。4.A句意:他也花很多时间把秘密写在笔记本里。故选A。5.D句意:这本书后面的灵感是什么?behind意为“在后面”。6.B根据下句的“It was after she passed away”可知,本空指女性,四个选项中只有B符合。7.Blook at意为“看”;look after意为“照顾”;look up意为“查找”;look for意为“寻找”。根据句意可知选B。8.C9.C10.B11.A根据本段的“The first”及“The second”可知选A。12.D13.B14.C根据第二段的“secrets into his notebook.”判断选C。15.B三、任务型阅读阅读下面表格,比较A、B两家商店商品的价格,完成比价。You needStore As priceStore Bs priceWhich store has the better deal? How much would you save?16A tennis racket and balls for your sisterRacket and balls set for $80Racket for $70Balls for $20Store: Amount saved: 17A lovely doll for your best friend$40Half of the regular price of $60Store: Amount saved: 18Two scarves for your parents$35 eachBuy one scarf for $80 and get another one freeStore: Amount saved: 19Three CDs for your cousins$20 eachThree for $42Store: Amount saved: 20Eight thank-you notesEight cards for $24Four cards for $10Store: Amount saved: 参考答案1.A; $102.B; $103.A; $104.B; $185.B; $4

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