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2019年秋季学期二年级语文综合试卷班级: 姓名 _ 一、看拼音,写词语。(10分)mi l mn hu zh z x x wn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) zh w fn fn pn b t rn sh jn( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、比一比,再组词。(8分) 作( ) 语( ) 及( ) 江( ) 做( ) 话( ) 极( ) 红( ) 孩( ) 接( ) 特( ) 找( ) 该( ) 结( ) 等( ) 我( ) 三、给下列带点的字选择正确的读音,打“”。(8分) 1.我们都(d du)想去首都(d du)北京看看天安门。 2.妈妈高兴(xn xn)地指着小明说:“他比赛得了第一名,特别 兴(xn xn)奋。” 3.“没关系(x j)!”她边说边系(x j)好自己的鞋带。 4.他的爱好(ho ho)是画画,他的字也写得很好(ho ho)。四、给词语补充完整(8分)( )的河水 ( )的小鸟 ( )的头发 ( )的阳光 ( )的家乡 ( )的( ) ( )地讲 ( )地写 ( )地吃 ( )地( ) 跳得( ) 高兴得( ) ( )得 ( )五、把成语补充完整。(8分) 龙( )( )舞 ( )到成( ) 画( )点( ) ( )干( )净 ( )上( )下 一( )当( ) ( )长( )短 ( )军( )马 六、改写句子。(8分) 1.把句子改为把字句。 (1)大家团团围住小牛。 。 (2)狂风吹散了天上的乌云。 。 (3)地上的水被太阳晒干了。 。 (4)画上的污点被苏雅画成了小花狗。 。 2. 把句子改为被字句。 (1)他把废纸扔进垃圾箱里。 。 (2)小马把粮食驮到磨房去了。 。 (3)他把邮票的四周整整齐齐地刺了一圈小孔。 。 (4)小猫把自己的胡子刮完了。 。七、写出带有下列部首的字。(6分) 心 忄 冫 阝 宀 八、句子专列。(8分)1.早晨,小蜜蜂在花丛里唱歌。 , 在校园里 。2.青蛙一边说,一边用脚刨土。 一边 ,一边 。3.篱笆上开满了牵牛花。(小院的)篱笆上开满了(小喇叭一样的)牵牛花。小鸟在天上飞。( )小鸟在天上( )飞。4.雄日十分用心地培育花种。 十分 。5.李良可不爱画画儿,但是他的手很巧。 ,但是 。6.雪花像洁白的羽毛从天上飘落下来。(比喻句) 像 。7.可爱的小鸟唱起了悦耳的歌曲。(拟人句) 顽皮的雨滴在雨伞上 。8. 地球 月亮 日日夜夜 转 跟着 (整理句子,连成句子,加标点。)_ 九、按课文内容填空。(6 分 ) 1. 照香炉 紫烟,遥 瀑布( ) 。 直下 ,疑是银河落 。 2.墙( )数枝 ,凌寒 。 遥知 ,为有 。十、阅读短文,回答问题。(分) 春姑娘,你在哪里太阳公公交给蝴蝶一封信,并告诉蝴蝶:“一定要把信亲手交给春姑娘!”蝴蝶点点头。蝴蝶飞呀飞,脸上挂满了汗珠。她听说春姑娘就躲在花丛中,可是那么多的花儿,哪一个才是春姑娘呢?她敲开了一个又一个花儿的小门。玫瑰姐姐说:“蝴蝶妹妹,歇一会儿吧。”蝴蝶摇摇头。蒲公英姑姑说:“孩子,喝一口水吧。”蝴蝶摆摆手。后来,所有的花儿都知道了这个消息,大家一起商量好,要帮蝴蝶找春姑娘。他们张开小嘴一起喊:“春姑娘,你在哪里呀”1.短文共有()个自然段,第三自然段一共有()句话。(分)2.你喜欢春姑娘吗?为什么?你能说说它在哪里吗?(分) 。 3.请把下面的词语组成一句通顺的话。(分)大家 找 帮助 要 蝴蝶 春天 姑娘 4.请你填上合适的词。(分)一( )水 一( )信 一( )嘴一( )门 一( )黄叶 一( )伞十一、看图写话:(分) 小熊生病了,朋友们去看望他,会对他说些什么?小熊会说些什么?写一写。 _ _ 附送:2019年秋季学期五年级升六年级英语摸底测试卷 (I)音标能力测试:找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词(每格1分,共10分)1. ( ) A. big B. six C. nice D. miss2. ( ) A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch3. ( ) A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does4. ( ) A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday5. ( ) A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near6. ( ) A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat7. ( ) A. three B. those C. their D. these8. ( ) A. food B. foot C. book D. good9. ( ) A. not B. no C. ink D. ant10. ( ) A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls音标能力测试:请标出四个选项中划线部分读音与所给读音相同的词来(每题2分,共10分)11. ( ) /z/ A. groups B. animals C. photographs D. shapes12. ( ) /u:/ A. rush B. gun C. move D. umbrella13. ( ) /ai/ A. light B. minute C. physics D. trip14. ( ) /e/ A. reason B. steal C. street D. measure15. ( ) /id/ A. attacked B. entered C. ended D. discussed一、根据所给的例词写出两个同类的单词(10分)例:spring summer fallmonkey _ _ Oct. _ _swing _ _ uncle _ _3rd _ _二、找出不同类的单词(10分)( )1.A . spring B . season C. summer D. fall( )2.A. what B. when C. week D. where( )3.A. hot B. cold C. weather D. warm( )4.A. eat B. teacher C. music D. English( )5.A. elephant B. monkey C. eleven D. tiger三、选择填空(10分) ( ) 1._is Sarah? She is in the car.A. What B. Where C. That D. How( ) 2. The elephants often _ water with _ trunks .A drinking its B drinking their C drink their D. drinkstheir( ) 3.They are _the insects carefully .A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched( ) 4.A rabbit is _on the grass(草地)。A. running B .run C. running D.ran( ) 5.Can I speak _Chen Jie, please ?A. to B. with C. at D. for( ) 6. It is August the _ today.A. twenty B. twentyth C. twentieth D. twentieths( ) 7.Why do you like summer best ? _ I can swim in the lake.A. Because B. So C. And D. Because of ( ) 8. Some _ are in the basket. Some _ are in the woods.A. tomatos butterflies B. tomatoes butterflies C. tomatoes butterflys D. tomatoes butterfliy( ) 9. I have some beans. _ you?A. What about B. How are C. Why do D. How about( ) 10. Thank you _telling me about your day .A. at B. to C. for D./四、选词填空.(16分) in are an own is on 1. I have my room now.2. my room I have air-conditioner.3. this your room ?4. There many books the shelf.5. The trash bin is the door.6. There is a mirror the bed.五、根据要求完成句子(12分)1. Its Saturday today. (对划线部分提问) is it today?2. There is a river in the park. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) in the park? , There .3. cook can I meals the (连词成句) .4. is bedroom this your (连词成句) ?5. Are there some ( ) pandas in the mountains? (句中some语法错误,在括号里修改正确)六 句型转换:(10分)1. My sister had breakfast yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)_ your sister _ breakfast yesterday morning?2. She is a beautiful girl. (变为感叹句)_ _ beautiful girl she is!3. He never swims in winter. (反意疑问句)He never swims in winter , _ _?4. You put a leaf on the paper. (改为祈使句)_ _ a leaf on the paper.5. We usually go to school by bus. (画线提问) _ _ do you go to school by bus?七、阅读短文并回答短文后的问题(每题3分,共12分)Last week, the animals had a sports meeting. Elephant Beibei and Ant Lele had the weight lift. Although Lele is smaller and thinner, he lifted much heavier things than his body, so he won (获胜). Next, Rabbit Benben and Tortoise(乌龟)Xiaobai had a race. Benben thought (想)himself would be the winner(获胜者). He laughed at Xiaobai, “Follow me, slower guy?” He ran as fast as he could until (直到) he couldnt see Xiaobai. “Let me have a rest,” he said to himself and slept under a big tree Suddenly he heard the cheers (欢呼声).Xiaobai won the first prize (第一名).Benben couldnt laugh again.Questions(请直接在题目横线上作答,无需填写答题卡)1. When did the animals have a sports meeting?_2. Why could the ant win?_3. Did the rabbit win?_4. Why couldnt Benben win the first prize?八请阅读下列两篇文章,并完成1-10题。 (A)Its fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr Green and his family are in the park. Mr and Mrs Green are standing under the trees and look at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. Hes reading a book . Anns younger brother is too young. He cant walk and run. Hes drinking milk. Anns sister isnt in the park. She is at school.根据短文内容判断正(T),误(F)。1、There are five people in Anns family.2、Ann is a girl.3、Anns sister is a student.4、Anns brother is flying a kite.5、Ann has two brothers. (B)Dear Jim, Thanks for your letter. Im writing to show you a picture of my friends.This is a photo of my class in Grade 7 (Mr. Blacks class). The girl in the black skirt is Bonnie. Shes thirteen. She is very nice. Shes a good singer. She is in our school music club. The boy wearing(穿着) black pants is Andy. Hes great! Hes good at playing soccer ball. Hes on the school team. He plays soccer every Sunday afternoon.The girl with a white hat is Dee. Shes my good friend. Shes a very good actress. She thinks its exciting to be an actress. She also likes soccer very much.The boy in the yellow shirt is Carl. Hes nice. He likes playing chess very much. He wants to join the chess club. And hes good at dancing, too.Whos the girl with glasses(眼镜)? Oh, her names Nora Norton. Shes my best friend. Shes 14 years old. She lives at 15 Franklyn Road in Chesterton. Her phone number is 387-987. Her hobbies are playing tennis and swimming. Shes free on Saturdays and Sundays. She wants to join the swimming club.Can you write and tell me something about your school?Henry( ) 6. Who writes this letter? A. Jim. B. Henry.C. Nora Norton.D. Andy.( ) 7. Mr. Black is Henrys _. A. teacher B. father C. friendD. classmate( ) 8. Bonnie can _ very well. A. play soccer B. swim C. play chess D. sing ( ) 9. Carl is wearing _. A. a black skirt B. a white hatC. a yellow shirt D. glasses( ) 10. Nora Norton is free on _. A. Monday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Sunday九、书面表达:假如你叫Zhen Hui,请根据下表内容给你的英国朋友Jimmy发一封电子邮件介绍你的情况(10分) 要求:语句通顺,必须包含表格内所有的信息,词数60左右(另纸写)NameZhen HuiSexGirlAge13HometownGuangzhouSchoolNo.2 Middle SchoolLikesTravel, dance, puter, games, songs, shoppingDislikesStay at home, basketball, football_ _答题卡(姓名:_ 成绩:_)音标123456789101112131415一、根据所给出的例子仿写1. _ _ 2. _ _ 3. _ _4. _ _ 5. _ _ 二、找出不同类的单词12345三、单项选择12345678910四、选词填空1. _ 2. _ _ 3. _ 4. _ _5. _ 6. _五、按要求改写句子1. _ 2. _ _3. _ 4. _ 5. _六、略(见上)七、作文_ _

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