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Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking能力提升训练一一. 情景交际从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(其中有两项是多余的)。Doctor: Well, theres nothing wrong with you. Do you take much exercise often?Paul: No, doctor. I start my work very early in the morning and finish it late in the evening. I often get too tired.Doctor: Howabout your sleep?Paul: Very bad, doctor. Doctor: Yes, I can, but Im notgoing to. You dont need any medicine. Just take more exercise. Remember: Dont worry about your work. Take enough exercise.Paul: Its important for me to get a job like that.Doctor: You shouldnt think so. Which would you like to have, health or wealth(财富)?Paul: Youre right, Doctor. Thank you for your advice.Doctor: Youre welcome. Hope you will be better soon.A. I dont like my job.B. Too much work is bad for you.C. Its important for me to be healthy.D. But I may lose my job (工作).E. Can you give me some advice?F. I never have enough time for exercise.G. Can you give me some medicine to help me sleep?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二.阅读理解Mr. Johnson was very fat. “Being fat is not healthy. You should see a doctor,” said his wife. “Ask him how to lose weight(重量;称重量).” “OK,” said Mr.Johnson. He went to see a doctor. The doctor weighed him. Then he said, “Youre too heavy. You must lose about 30 kilos. Eat only fruit and vegetables. Run 5 kilometers a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me how much you weight. ”Mr. Johnson went home and did as the doctor told him. One hundred days later, he called the doctor, “Bill Johnson here, doctor,” he said, “Im calling to tell you about my weight. You must be very happy. I lost 30 kilos.” “Great!” said the doctor. “Yes, but theres a problem.” Mr. Johnson said, “Im 500 kilometers away from home now. I dont know how to go back!”. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. What was Mr. Johnsons problem before he went to see a doctor?A. He had a stomachache.B. He was too short.C. He was too heavy.D. He didnt know the way home.( ) 2. What did Mrs. Johnson tell her husband to do?A. To eat less.B. To exercise more.C. To take some medicine.D. To see a doctor.( ) 3. The doctor thought Bill Johnson should .A. run every day B. stop smokingC. see him often D. take a good rest( ) 4. The doctor let Mr. Johnson have only A. bread B. fruit and vegetablesC. fruit and water D. bread and vegetables( ) 5. Why was Mr. Johnson far from his home when he was calling the doctor?A. Because the doctor asked him to do so.B. Because he didnt understand the doctors words.C. Because he didnt want to stay at home.D. Because the doctor gave him some bad ideas.参考答案:一. 1 -5 FGBDC二. 1-5 C D A B B

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