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第十九讲九年级 Units 78.单项填空1.xx宣城二模Whats your secret of success, Dr.Lee?Just do the things you like with all your mind and.A.lessonB.prideC.energyD.result2.2019预测He stayed up late to watch TV, so he is now feeling . A.activeB.angryC.afraidD.sleepy3.Jerry works so hard that he feels tired these days.He has to a family of four on his own.A.offerB.supportC.provideD.remain4.xx合肥蜀山区一测What will the weather be like tomorrow?It be rainy, cloudy or sunny.Who knows?A.must B.might C.should D.need5.2019预测Being honest is the only thing we will do.In fact, thats our only .A.choice B.mistake C.secret D.survey6.Dad,I got a job as a bus driver.Congratulations.Make yourself so that the company wont fire you.A.changeableB.fashionableC.valuableD.possible7.2019预测If you want to keep healthy, you should junk food.A.keep up withB.catch up withC.keep away fromD.keep in touch with8.xx合肥50中三测What do you think of Confucius?He was an ancient teacherwise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.A.thatB.whichC.whoD.whose9.Why do you want to get a football?Dont you know football to our school subjects at the beginning of this year?A.addsB.has addedC.was addedD.will be added10.xx天津Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee. .A.Pretty good B.Thats too badC.Thats funny D.Thats a good idea.完形填空There are many rules in American classes.In a class if the teacher asks you a question, you should give an answer.If you do not understand the question, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher to 1 the question.If you do not know the answer, it is all right to tell the teacher that you do not know.Then the teacher knows 2 you need to learn.There is no3 for not doing your homework.If you are absent, you should call your teacher or 4 who is in your class and ask for the homework.It is your duty to find out what homework you have missed.You must not be absent 5 a test day.Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.It is also considered impolite to be late.If you must come in late, be sure to do it 6.In the U.S., it is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom, but you will be given a low grade if you are often late. In America, you should call your teacher by his or her last name, not teacher.Also you should use Mr., Miss, Ms.or Mrs.before the last name (such as Mrs.Smith or Mr.Jones).This is considered7 . Be polite to other students.If one student is answering a question or giving a report, you 8 listen quietly and give him or her your attention.Some habits are not welcomed, such as eating, drinking, chewing gum(嚼口香糖) or 9 ones shoes in the classroom. Copying another students test or paper is 10 accepted.It is called cheating.At most schools in the U.S., students who cheat will be dismissed(开除).1.A.replyB.report C.repeatD.record2.A.whatB.howC.whyD.when3.A.worryB.doubtC.needD.excuse4.A.anybodyB.somebodyC.everybodyD.nobody5.A.onB.inC.atD.by6.A.loudlyB.noisilyC.freelyD.quietly7.A.funnyB.seriousC.politeD.strict8.A.mayB.should C.neednt D.cant9.A.taking awayB.taking offC.taking downD.taking out10.A.seldomB.sometimesC.neverD.often.阅读理解AThe Capital Museum is one of the most famous art museums in the world.With its wonderful building, the museum spreads Chinese history and culture to visitors from home and abroad. The building of the Capital Museum began in 1953 and it was open to the public in 1981.In 2001, the museum started to develop its new building.After five years of hard work, the new museum finally opened at 16 Fuxingmen Outer Street in Beijing. The Capital Museum has seven floors.It has over 200,000 works of art, but only 5,622 pieces are on show in 11 different halls.Besides, 3 halls are open for temporary(临时的) exhibitions from other parts of China and other countries. The Capital Museum is open from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m., Tuesdays to Sundays.If you are interested in Chinese history and culture, book the free ticket before you get there.And you should read the notice first:(1)Enter by ticket only.(2) No smoking inside the museum.(3) Please accept the security check (安检) and follow the rules of the museum.(4) Please be careful with your move, for some exhibition halls have smooth floors and dark light.(5) Please be careful with your things.Please keep public places clean.No littering.(6) No drinks, food, pets or dangerous things.(7) No photos.No touching, climbing or lying down.(8) Please speak quietly and avoid running, playing and using mobile phones in the exhibition halls.1.When was the new Capital Museum open to the public?A.In 1953.B.In 1981.C.In 2001.D.In xx.2.Visitors can in the exhibition halls.A.speak quietlyB.eat and drinkC.take photosD.use mobile phones3.You can find all the following information EXCEPT .A.the address of the museumB.the history of the museumC.the opening hours of the museumD.the way to the museum4.Visitors can learn about Chinese in the Capital Museum.A.science and technologyB.history and cultureC.medicineD.moviesBMany parents like setting family rules for their kids.When kids break rules, parents will give them some punishments.And the punishments arent included in rules.In fact, when parents tell their kids about a new rule, parents should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule what the punishment will be.Punishments that parents set should be fair and proper.For example, if parents find their children smoking, they may limit the childrens social activities for two weeks.Parents should punish their children only in ways they have discussed before.A study shows that the most popular punishment is to limit kids TV time.Its understandable that parents will be angry when rules are broken.Punishment is a way to express their anger, but its not a very good one.Sharing their feelings of anger or sadness with kids can have a better effect on kids.When kids know what they have done makes their parents sad, they will feel guilty.When they know their actions influence their parents greatly, they will obey rules better.Rules are made to help kids behave better.If the rules or ways of punishment make kids unhappy or under a lot of pressure, will they be helpful?5.Which of the following is the most popular way to punish kids?A.Beating them.B.Telling them reasons.C.Limiting their TV time.D.Limiting their social activities.6.In the writers opinion, which is the best way for parents to express their anger to kids?A.Punishing their kids.B.Keeping silent.C.Making more rules.D.Sharing their feelings with their kids.7.The underlined word guilty in the passage means in Chinese.A.内疚的 B.无聊的 C.激动的 D.高兴的8.The passage mainly talks about .A.how to share feelings with kidsB.how to educate kidsC.why to punish kids D.how to understand kids.书面表达在科技发达的今天,手机的功能越来越丰富,除了通讯功能,手机还具有支付、阅读等功能。有人认为用手机阅读方便且花费少;也有人认为用手机阅读对眼睛有害,并且容易使人沉迷其中。为使同学们对此有理性、客观的认识,你们班以Should students read on mobile phones?为题展开了辩论。假设你是正方或反方的一员(只需选择一方),请阐述你的观点。 要求:1.文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2.词数80左右。参考词汇:electronic book电子书eyesight视力be addicted to doing sth.沉迷于Should students read on mobile phones? 【参考答案】.单项填空1.C【解析】考查名词辨析。结合语境可知此处是说,集中你的心思和精力去做你喜欢的事。A项:课; B项:自豪;C项:精力;D项:结果。故选C。2.D【解析】考查形容词的词义理解。由设空前的他熬夜很晚看电视可知此处是说现在他感到瞌睡。sleepy意为瞌睡的,符合题意。3.B【解析】考查动词的词义理解。根据本题语境可知,他不得不独自供养一个四口之家。support有供养,支持之意,符合语境。4.B【解析】考查情态动词。句意:明天是什么天气?可能会下雨、多云或者是晴天。谁知道呢?A项:一定;B项:可能;C项:应该;D项:需要。根据答语后句可知应选B。5.A【解析】考查名词的词义理解。由题干中的那是我们唯一要做的事可知此处是说,事实上,那是我们唯一的选择。choice意为选择,符合题意。6.C【解析】考查形容词的词义理解。changeable易变的;fashionable流行的;valuable有价值的;possible可能的。根据题干中的这样公司就不会解雇你可知,要让自己变得有价值,故所缺的词是valuable。7.C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。此处是说,如果你想保持健康,你应该远离垃圾食品。keep away from意为远离,故选C。8.D【解析】考查定语从句的关系词。句意:你如何评价孔子?他是古代的一位老师,他的名言影响了不同国家的许多人。结合句意可知选D。9.C【解析】考查时态和被动语态。句意:你为什么想要个足球?你难道不知道足球在今年年初被加入我们学校的科目了吗?此处football和add之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态;又根据年初可知应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选C。10.B【解析】本题考查交际用语。题干中提到了汤姆从自行车上摔下来伤到了膝盖,由此可知所缺的句子是B项那太糟糕了。.完形填空 【短文大意】本文主要介绍了美国课堂的一些规则。1.C【解析】 如果你没有理解问题,你应当举手让老师重复一下这个问题,故用repeat。2.A【解析】然后老师就会知道你需要学什么,故用what。3.D【解析】你没有不做作业的理由,故应用excuse。4.B【解析】如果你缺勤的话,你应该给你的老师或班里的某人打个电话问问作业的情况,故用somebody。5.A【解析】 在考试日你是不能缺勤的。在具体的某一天前应用介词on。6.D【解析】如果迟到的话一定要安静地进来,故quietly符合文意。7.C【解析】在老师的姓之前用Mr.,Miss,Ms. 或Mrs.这被看作是有礼貌的,故选C。8.B【解析】 如果一个学生正在回答问题或者作报告,你应当安静地聆听并且全神贯注。结合文意可知应用should。9.B【解析】有些习惯是不受欢迎的,如吃东西,喝东西,嚼口香糖或者在教室里脱鞋。故选B。10.C【解析】抄袭他人的试卷是绝对不被接受的,故never符合文意。.阅读理解【A篇短文大意】本文介绍了首都博物馆的历史变迁、展品数量以及参观须知等方面的内容。1.D【解析】数字计算题。根据第二段中的In 2001, the museum started to develop its new building.After five years of hard work, the new museum finally opened.可计算出,新的首都博物馆于xx年对公众开放,故答案为D。2.A【解析】细节理解题。根据notice中的第(6)至(8)条可知答案为A。3.D【解析】推理判断题。第二段介绍了首都博物馆的历史和地址;第四段提到了它的开放时间;文章中没有提到去首都博物馆的路怎么走,故答案为D。4.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的If you are interested in Chinese history and culture, book the free ticket before you get there可知答案为B。【B篇短文大意】本文主要介绍了什么样的惩罚方法可以更好地教育孩子。5.C【解析】根据第二段的最后一句可知答案。6.D【解析】根据第三段中的Sharing their feelings of anger or sadness with kids can have a better effect on kids可知答案。7.A【解析】由画线词上文中的When kids know what they have done makes their parents sad可推知该画线词的意思为内疚的。8.B【解析】通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了什么样的惩罚方法可以更好地教育孩子,故选B。.书面表达Possible version one:Should students read on mobile phones?I think we should read on mobile phones. We can carry mobile phones in our pockets anywhere and anytime. I often read the electronic books when I take the bus to school or home or before I go to bed. It is really convenient.I like to read on mobile phones. There are different kinds of books online which we can read. Last month, I bought an electronic book about Chinese history which only cost me five yuan. The electronic books are always cheaper.By reading different books,I can learn a lot and open my eyes to the outside world. All in all, I think reading on mobile phones is convenient and good for us.Possible version two:Should students read on mobile phones? I dont think we should read on mobile phones.Reading on mobile phones for long is bad for our eyes and sometimes its easy for us to be addicted to reading novels online.Last year, I bought several novels online.At first, I only read them after I finished my homework or on weekends.But gradually I found that the novels were so interesting that I began to stay up late reading and even read them in class.Finally, I got poor marks in exams and had a problem with my eyesight. In a word,I think reading on mobile phones is bad for our eyes and may have a bad influence on our study.

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