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2019年小学六年级下册数学解比例题班级_姓名_一、填空题。1判断两个比能不能组成比例,要看( )。218:624:( )( )3( )%。3甲数是乙数的1.5倍,用最简单的整数比表示( ):( )。4在一个比例中,两个内项的积是最小的合数,一个外项是,另一个外项是( )。5在一个比例里,两个外项互为倒数,其中一个内项是4.5,另一个内项是( )。6在一个比例中,两个外项的积是最大的两位数,其中一个内项是33,另一个内项是( )。7在比例3:126:24中,如果将第一个比的后项加6,第二个比的前项应( ),比例才能成立。8在比例尺是1:xx000的地图上,量得甲地到乙地的距离是7厘米,实际距离是( )千米。二、判断题。1两个比可以组成一个比例。( )2任意两圆各自的周长和直径的比才都可以组成比例。( )3在一张地图上,4厘米表示实际距离200米,这幅地图的比例尺是1:50。( )4x:167:6,求x的值叫做解比例。( )5在比例里,两个外项的积与两个内项积的差是0。( )6在比例尺是8:1的图纸上,2厘米的红段表示零件实际长16厘米。( )三、计算题。1解比例。2依照条件列比例,再解比例。(1)最小的质数与最大的一位数的比等于与x的比。(2)最小的两位数与最大的两位数的比等于3与x的比。(3)最小的质数与最小的合数的比等于分子是1的最大真分数与x的比。四、应用题。1在比例尺是1:6000000的中国地图上,量得上海到南京的铁路长是5厘米,一列火车从南京开往上海用了8小时,求火车的速度。2一个轴承图的比例尺是4:1,如果在图上量行长是34厘米,实际长是多少?3一列火车以每小时70千米的速度从北京开往韶山,20小时后到达,在地图上量得两地间的距离为35厘米,请你算算这幅地图的比例就。参考答案一、填空题。1它们的比值是不是相等。2 8930033:2637减28140二、判断题。1错误2正确3错误4正确5正确6错误三、计算题。2 (2)10:99=3:x x29.7 x=1四、应用题。1解:设南京到上海的实际距离为x厘米,x3000000030000000厘米30千米,300837.5千米/小时2解:设实际长度为x厘米, x=8.5370201400千米,1400千米140000000厘米,35:1400000001:4000000附送:2019年小学六年级下册期中英语水平测试题 (I)一.选择最合适的答案。(10%)( )1.Sarah is sick. What shouldnt Sarah do?A:Have some rest. B:See a doctor. C:Take some medicine. D:Go swimming.( )2.How do you feel? _.A:I went to a park with my parents.B:I take some medicine and drink hot drinks.C:I feel better now.D:I feel you are right.( )3.Why are you so sad? _A:I am going on a trip tomorrow.B:I failed my Chinese test.C:We are going to have a football match.D:We won the game.( )4. -How are you, Mike? You look so_. -Its raining outside. I cant play football.A. happy B. excited C. sad( )5.-Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm 二读句子,判断正“”,误 “”10%( )1. She has the flu. ( )2. John went swimming last Saturday.( )3. Chen Jie went skiing on her holiday. ( )4. Amy watered the flowers yesterday.( )5. John climbed a mountain last summer holiday.三.写出下列各词的比较级10Heavy _ thin _ big _ funny_ small_四.读一读,选择正确答句20( ) 1. Does she teach math? A. I am 160 cm tall.( ) 2. How tall are you? B. I feel sick. ( ) 3. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.( )4. What did you do last weekend? D. Yes, she does.( ) 5. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. I visited my grandparents.( ) 6. What day is it today? F. Its Wednesday.( ) 7. Where did you go yesterday? G. Its on January 1st.( ) 8. Is she playing the violin now? H. e in, please.( ) 9. May I e in? I. I went to Shanghai yesterday. ( ) 10. When is your birthday? J. Yes, she is.五.组词成句,注意题后标点。(10%)1. are, you, than, me, shorter (_.) 2. you, heavy, are, how (_ ? )3. yesterday, they, room, cleaned, the (_ . )4. hands, my, bigger, are, yours, than (_ . )5. did, do, weekend, what, you, last (_ ? )六. 补全对话,(把答案写在横线上)20A:What did you do yesterday? B:How did you go there?C;What day is today? D:What did you do there?E:What day was yesterday?F:Did you play puter game with your cousin? G:Yes ,I did.A: _?B:It was Saturday.A: _?B:I went to visit my cousin.A; _?B:I went by bike.A: _?B:I played puter game with my cousin.A:Did you eat good food in your cousins home?B: _. It was delicious.七.阅读下列短文,判断正“”误“”。10%Sam: Hello, Ted. You look perfect. You are fit now. How heavy are you?Ted: Im 50 kg. You are thinner than me. You look taller than before. How tall are you, Sam?Sam: Im 165 cm and 45 kg.Ted: Oh, you are 10 cm taller than me. But you are 5 kg thinner than me. Please eat more.Sam: Yes. I want to be as fit as you.( ) 1. Sam is taller than Ted. ( ) 2. Ted is 155 cm tall.( ) 3. Ted is 40 kg. ( ) 4. Sam is heavier than Ted.( ) 5. Ted wants to be taller and heavier八.写作.假如上个星期你和你的同学去郊游,请用英语描述一下你们都做了什么,心情怎样。至少五句话。10

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