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2019年外研版四年级上册英语Module一、教材分析 1、教学内容 本课是外研版小学英语第三册Unit 3 Lesson 1,单元主题是Visiting Friend。主要教学内容是介绍一日三餐及食物的名词,如何介绍朋友和去做客的基本日常用语。 2、教学重点 (1) 学习、理解、运用单词:rice, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, noodles, soup, fruit(2) 学习运用句型:This is my These are my Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.(即如何介绍朋友及运用) (3) 学习运用句型:Pass the, please. Here you are. Thanks.(即做客的基本日常用语) 3、教学难点 运用句型Pass将做客时的基本礼貌用于实际生活情景中。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)学习、理解、运用单词:rice, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, noodles, soup, fruit.(2)学习运用句型:This is my These are my Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.(即如何介绍朋友及运用) (3)学习运用句型:Pass the, please. Here you are. Thanks.(即做客的基本日常用语) 2、能力目标 (1)在日常生活中初步学会运用句型,如何介绍新朋友或家庭成员及如何与他们问候。 (2) 去朋友家做客的基本用语。 (3)训练学生良好的听说读写习惯,引导学生积极参与,交流合作。 3、情感态度目标 (1) 整节课以“朋友”为主题,促进师生、生生沟通感情,增进友谊,相互尊重,改善人际关系。 (2) 通过游戏和有节奏感的歌谣以及动听的歌曲,激发学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,培养了学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度。 三、教学方法 本着以学生为主体,面向全体学生的原则,并且力求做到尊重学生的个体差异,选择合适的教学方法。 (1) 任务型教学:本课根据一定的情境,设计了多种任务:Look and say; Guessing; Discussing in pairs or groups.通过有意义的活动,自主学习,合作为主。 (2) 情境教学:针对小学生的心理特点,我运用卡片、小宠物、小鼓、多媒体激趣,并通过合适的歌曲让学生身心愉悦。 四、学生分析 本课是小学英语四上的内容,很多孩子刚刚学了一年的英语,知识积累还不够丰富,还是要将学习习惯、学习兴趣放在首位,因此力求课堂语言精炼,肢体语言丰富。我还在合适位置设置了songs和朗朗上口的chants来抓住学生,培养学生听说能力。 五、教具准备 多媒体辅助教学,教学卡片、磁带、小宠物、小鼓,画好的部分食物及文具的图片,巧克力,糖果和果冻等少量的零食。 六、教学过程 Step I. Warm-up 热身,自然过渡 1、Greeting: Hello, everyone. How are you today?2、T: Enjoy a song. Are you ready?(多媒体播放歌曲“Make New Friend”) 设计思路:话语亲切,语言精炼,营造轻松氛围,歌曲内容的选择主要为自然过渡到后面介绍朋友做准备。 Step II. Presentation1、Dialog 1&2(1) (show a puppy)T: Is Miss Zheng your friend? Let me introduce my friend to you. (Ask Ss to follow the sentences)This is my friend.Hello, Nice to meet you. (Wave the puppy to all the Ss)(2) (show another puppy)T: This is my friend, too.(Walk to the individual) Hello, Nice to meet you.(Ask Ss to response)(Show two puppies together)T: They are both my friends, so these are my friends. (Ask Ss to follow and pare the two sentences)This is my friend. These are my friends.设计思路:“Nice to meet you”是用在朋友初次见面的问候,以小宠物的方式带来新朋友,既符合语境,也能吸引孩子们的注意力,使孩子们乐于开口说。 (3) T: Do you have your friends in the class?Could you introduce your friends to us?设计思路:这是对话1句型的现场运用,抓住学生乐于表达的特点,给他们创造了机会,将自己的一个或几个好朋友介绍给大家。 2、单词 (1) T: Were all friends. So we should often visit our good friends.(2) T: Please wele to Miss Zhengs house. Some delicious food for you.(多媒体出示各种食物单词,既有三年级学的冰激凌,鸡腿等单词,又有本课新授单词rice, noodles, soup, fruit.画面精美,孩子本身内心对食物喜爱,可以迅速抓住孩子的注意力,并且教师充当主人,邀请学生做客,拉近与学生们的距离。) (3)操练,巩固单词。 T: Who likes rice?stand up! Chant: rice, rice, I like rice. Rice, rice, yummy, yummy. (Pass the chant)T: Please choose a kind of food you like best. 设计思路:听说读写是学生终身发展必备的基本语言技能,对于初始阶段学习英语的孩子,更加要求听说领先.因此面向全体学生,多层次,多角度的操练单词在课堂教学中必不可少。我在操练过程中设计了两个亮点:一是与学生来个高低音的互换,目的是让学生集中注意力听老师的单词;二是学生用小鼓打节拍,用chant表达自己所喜欢的食物,用特殊、有趣的方式巩固了单词,并且在此环节中也复习到了第一册中的食物单词,避免了单词学习的单一和枯燥,做到了前后知识的联系和整合。 (4)Guessing. T: I have my favorite food in my bag, can you guess?(出示巧克力、糖果等食物,新授单词snack) 设计思路:snack是小吃零食的意思,如何运用巧妙设计教学环节将单词呈现,是我较注意的问题。在这里我设计了Guessing环节,由学生喜爱的食物说到我喜爱的食物就在包里,让学生猜一猜,并且将食物给猜对的孩子作为奖励,提高了孩子的兴趣。 (5) T: We have so many food. We can have lunch together. (show new word “lunch”)(6) 通过出示时间,学习breakfast, dinner.(7) T: This is Miss Zhengs menu tomorrow.分别出示三餐的单词及食物,并配有时间,目的是让学生能明确的辩认三餐单词,然后再呈现表格如下breakfastmilklunchRice, chickendinnernoodles (8) Discuss in group要求学生用先填表格并利用手中准备好的食物表达。 I eat (food) for (breakfast, lunch, dinner)设计思路:听说领先,读写跟上。在大量练说的同时,也要让学生动笔写一写。这个句型是我课外补充的,但是通俗易懂,在口语表达中将新授的几个单词结合到了一起。 3、Dialog 4(1) T: (Look at Ss food) Im so hungry. Could you invite me to your house?T: Pass the , Please.S: Here you are. (Pass the food to the teacher)T: Thanks.(2) Practice in pairsOk, visit your neighbors, and ask for the food.Feedback.(设计思路:教师向学生要一些食物,进行句型的简单操练并板书,再利用多媒体出示小主人邀请朋友的画面,让生生对话,但是整个对话要讲究情境,于是我在图片的下面出示一些简单的句型,在学生对话过程中给予提示。) (3) T: I know youre all good friends. The Christmas Day is ing, Are you happy? The Santa Clause will give you some presents.出示圣诞老人带来各种各样礼物,要求学生利用句型“Pass ”来要礼物,并且点击出正确的单词) 设计思路:“Pass ”是本课中的重要句型,课本中是做客,要求食物的情境,在学生们得到充分练习后,应将学习内容拓展,学习梯度提高,“Pass ”不仅运用在传递食物中,更多地用在日常生活中,如传递文具等等。 Listen and read after the tape.Step III.总结 T: clap your hands. Enjoy a chant.设计思路:将本课中的重点句型用chant 形式总结,起到了整体感知本课语言点的作用,比其他方式的总结给学生留下的印象更为深刻。 Step IV. 作业设计 1 介绍你的家庭成员 下次课带上你的全家福,介绍你的家庭成员(This is my These are my ) 2 问问你的爸爸妈妈或朋友最喜爱的食物,并作记录,下次课交流。 板书设计 Unit 3 Lesson 1A: Pass the , please.B: Here you are.A: Thanks.附送:对对塔独家提供:本试卷最详细的语音解析2019年外研版四年级英语下册Module9Module10素质测试卷2019年外研版四年级英语下册Module9Module10素质测试卷对对塔云教学平台.daydaytest.外研版四年级英语下册Module 9Module 10素质测试卷一、单选题选出每组单词中不同类的一项。1.( ) 1. A. sunny( ) 2. A. cooked ( ) 3. A. headache ( ) 4. A. chocolate( ) 5. A. watermelon B. windyB. walked B. yesterdayB. lunchB. appleC. snowC. watch C. stomachache C. dinnerC. hungry2.Amy _Grandma yesterday. A. phonedB. phoneC. phoning3.Did you cook meat?_A. Yes,I did. B. Yes,I didnt.C. N0, I dont.4.Mr. Smart cooked noodles _ lunch. A. ofB. forC. on5.What happened_ your head? A. forB. to C. at6.Sam and I_ for a bike yesterday. A. go B. goesC. went7.Amy had a cold yesterday, and today shes got a _. A. stomachache B. headache C. hot8.Im _. Can I have some bread? A. thirsty B. cold C. hungry9.Did you _ your friends last Monday? A. phone B. phoned C. phoning10.Sam will _ the watermelon on the bike. A. carryB. carries C. carried11.What did you do last night?I _ to the park. A. goB. went C. goes请为下列句子选出正确的图片。12.( ) 1. He went for a bike ride.A. B.( ) 2. It rained here.A.B.( ) 3. Sam carried a watermelon.A. B.( ) 4. Amy had a cold yesterday.A. B.( ) 5. Amy helped Mum yesterday.A . B. 二、听力题13.听音,标号。( ) ( )( )( )( ) ( )14.听音,判断下列图片与录音是否相符,相符的打,不相符的打。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )听音,选问句,选择合适的答语。15.( ) 1. A. Yes, I did.( ) 2. A. Yes, it was. ( ) 3. A. I went for a bike ride. ( ) 4. A. 1 watch TV. B. No, he didnt.B. Yes, it is. B. The watermelon bumped my head. B. I watched TV.16.听音,排序。( ) Sam carried the watermelon on his bike.( ) Then they were hungry and thirsty.( ) Sam fell off his bike.( ) So they bought a watermelon.( ) Sam and Daming went for a bike ride.三、填空题17.写出下列动词的过去式。1. help_2. phone_ 3. stop_4. do_5. have_四、翻译题英汉互译18.1. cook meat_3. 在公园里散步_5. listen to music_7. cook noodles for lunch_ 9. have got a fever_2. 碰到我的头_ 4. 跟一些朋友交谈_ 6. 玩电脑_8. 从他的自行车上跌下来_ 10.go for a bike ride_ 五、填空题19.用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My little brother _ (play) football yesterday.2. We didnt _ (walk) in the park.3. _ (do) you watch TV last Sunday?4. Did you _(help) your grandma last night?5. It _ (rain) here yesterday.六、连词成句20.连词成句。1. cooked/yesterday/Grandma/vegetables (.) _2. Dad/lunch/Did/cook( ?) _3. bumped/head/The watermelon/my (. ) _4. lots of/biscuits/Sam/chocolate/had (. ) _5. got/Today/headache/shes/a (. ) _七、阅读理解21.根据短文内容,选出正确的答案。 Mr Liu went to Japan(日本) last year. He went there with his big family-his parents, his wife and his son. Mr Lius father was retired(退休的). His mother was a housekeeper(家庭主妇). His wife was a Chinese teacher. She taught Chinese in Japan. The boy-Liu Xiaoming was a primary school(小学) student. He was good at Chinese, English and maths. But he couldnt speak Japanese well.1. How many people are there in Mr Lius family?A. three B. five C. four2. Was Mr Lius father retired?A. Yes, he was.B. No, he wasnt. C. sorry.3. Mr Lius wife is a _.A. Chinese teacher B. English teacher C. Japanese teacher4. Liu Xiaoming was not good at _. .A. Japanese B. ChineseC. English5. Mr Lius mother is a _.A. teacher B. workerC. Housekeeper参考答案见下页参考答案1、1. C2. C3. B4. A5. C2、A3、A4、B5、B6、C7、B8、C9、A10、A11、B12、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A5. A13、4 2 561 314、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15、1. A2. A 3. B4. B16、4 2 5 3 117、1. helped2. phoned 3. stopped 4. did 5. had18、1煮肉 2bump my head 3walk in the park4talk to some friends5听音乐 6play on the puter 7煮面条作为午饭8fall off his bike9发烧 10骑自行车游玩19、1. played 2. walk 3. Did 4. help 5. rained20、1. Grandma cooked vegetables yesterday.2. Did Dad cook lunch?3. The watermelon bumped my head.4. Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.5. Today she*s got a headache.21、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A5. C-快乐的分界线O(_)O-每天除了做题,我还能干什么?去对对塔,让学习、娱乐从此两不误:本资料仅限于学习和教研使用,不得用于商业用途 有题不会做?请登录对对塔官方网站.daydaytest.,获取本试卷语音解析及更多资源。

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