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Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!第一课时Section A(1a2d)班级: 学生: 分数: 01基础过关.根据图片提示,在横线上写出相应的节日名称。 第1题图 第2题图 第3题图 第4题图 第5题图1 2. 2 4. 5. .用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。pound,strange,mooncake,relative,lantern6Last night,my grandma made two with some red paper.7Bill knew nothing about the young girl.They were 8Alices aunt makes some for the MidAutumn Festival every year.9Tom has some in Shanghai and he visits them once a year.10John has lost six and a half since he stop ped having dinner.单项填空。( )11.It seems that you dont know much about this city.Youre right.Im a _ here.Astranger Brelative Cpatient Dteacher( )12.(泰安中考)Oh,my God.I have _ five pounds.Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl.Aput up Bput off Cput on Dput down( )13.(安顺中考)We have built a highspeed train station in Anshun now.Wow,_!Itll be more convenient for us.Awhat an excited news Bhow excited the news isCwhat exciting news Dhow exciting news( )14.(咸宁中考)Kangkang,tell us something about _ in your hometown.Usually on this day,people eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan.Athe Spring Festival Bthe Lantern FestivalCthe Dragon Boat Festival Dthe MidAutumn Festival( )15.(大庆中考)I would like to go to the library this Sunday,and I wonder _.Awhether you can go with me Bthat you can go with meCwhether can you go with me Dcan you go with me02能力提升.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16有一些垃圾在这里,请立即冲走。There is some rubbish here.Please it at once.17我认为七月是北京一年中最热的月份。I think that July is of the year in Beijing.18经常在外面吃饭可能对我们的健康有害。 often may be bad for our health.19他们的房子与我们的相似,只是我们的院子大些。Their house ours,but ours has a bigger yard.20他们相信如果这样做了,新年就会有好运。They believe that if they do so,theyll in the new year.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。(It is the MidAutumn Festival today.Wang Lis Canadian friend Jane comes to see her.)Jane:Hi,Wang Li.Wang Li:Hi,Jane._21_Jane:Mooncakes?Wow,thanks.Yummy!_22_ I know people eat them on the MidAutumn Festival.Wang Li:How great you are! _23_Jane:Well,it is a traditional harvest(收获) festival.Chinese have celebrated the harvest during the autumn full moon since the Shang Dynasty.But the celebration as a festival started to become popular during the Tang Dynasty.Wang Li:Wow,you know a lot about China.Jane:Thank you._24_Wang Li:I am glad that you love Chinese culture.Now its time to cook the delicious food._25_Jane:It must be very delicious.Can I help you?Wang Li:Yes.Please help wash these carrots.AI really like Chinese culture.BHere are some mooncakes for you.CWhat else do you know about this festival?DI hope you will like it.EI am full.Thank you.FThey are sweet.GWhat is your favorite Chinese festival? 检批:

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