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单元检测卷(Unit 2)(时间:60分钟分值:100分). 单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1. I have _ aunt and _ uncle.A. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a 2. Boys and girls, _is our new English teacher, Ms. Green.Nice to meet you, Ms. Green.A. it B. theseC. thoseD. this3. My father _ in the _ photo. A. is; one B. are; oneC. are; firstD. is; first4. _is my daughter. _name is Linda. A. She; Her B. He; HisC. She; His D. He; Her5. Are _ Toms _?A. this; pen B. that; penC. these; pens D. those; pen6. Can you see the three _ in the picture?Yes, I can.A. map B. dogC. photo D. oranges 7. Jim Brown is my uncle. I call him _. A. Uncle Brown B. Jim UncleC. Uncle Jim D. Ms. Brown8. The jacket is yellow, and the quilt is yellow, _.A. nowB. wellC. tooD. and9. Who are they?_.A. He is my fatherB. They are my parentsC. She is my motherD. Yes, theyre my parents10. _ that girl?She is my friend Kitty.A. WhoreB. WhosC. WhatreD. Whats. 完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)This is a _1_ of Davids family. This man _2_ Mr. Brown. _3_ is Davids father. _4_ woman is Mrs. Brown. _5_ is Davids mother. Who _6_ this boy and _7_ girl? The _8_ is David, Mr. Browns son. The _9_ is Tina, Mr. Browns daughter. Tina is Davids sister. David and Tina are _10_ and sister. 1. A. mapB. bookC. photoD. room2. A. amB. is C. areD. be3. A. HerB. SheC. HisD. He4. A. ThisB. TheseC. A D. An5. A. HerB. SheC. HisD. He6. A. amB. is C. areD. be7. A. aB. anC. thisD. these8. A. boyB. boysC. girlD. girls9. A. boyB. boysC. girlD. girls10. A. sisterB. cousin C. brother D. son. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A1. John Brown and Anna Smith are Alans _A. parents B. grandparentsC. brother and sisterD. uncle and aunt2. Mary is Sallys _A. aunt B. motherC. sister D. friend3. Ann is John Browns _A. son B. granddaughterC. daughter D. grandson4. Tom and Kate are Anns _A. cousins B. uncle and auntC. brother and sisterD. father and mother5. From the family tree, we know Sally has (有) _ cousins.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. fiveBLook at this. Whats this in English, do you know? Ah, its a photo. Whos that in the photo? Its Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Whos that? The boy in black? Its Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan. 6. What is this? Its _A. a school B. a friendC. a photo D. an English friend7. Li Yan is _A. a good boy B. a cool boyC. a beautiful girl D. an English girl8. What color is Jim in?A. Red. B. Yellow.C. Orange. D. Black.9. Whos English?A. I. B. Jim.C. Li Yan. D. Jim and Li Yan.10. Who are in the same school?A. Jim and Li Yan. B. Jim and I.C. Li Yan and I. D. Jim, Li Yan and I. 用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)1. Are _(this) your brown quilts?2. Here _(be) your new keys.3. This is my aunt. _(her) is my mothers sister.4. These are _(photo) of Kate and Mary.5. Who is in the _(one) photo?. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)1. 他是你的儿子吗?Is he _ _?2. 他的母亲是一名教师。_ mother is _ teacher.3. 这些是我的朋友。_ _ my friends.4. 他们是谁?_ _ they?5. 祝你过得愉快。_ a good _. 补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)根据对话情境,用正确的句子补全对话。A: Hi, Kate! 1._?B: It is a photo of my family.A: 2. _?B: He is my father.A: 3. _?B: Yes, he is. He is my fathers brother.A: 4. _?B: His name is Jack.A: 5. _?B: Yes, theyre my uncles son and daughter. . 书面表达(共15分)根据图片提示,写一篇40词左右的英语短文,向同学们介绍一下你的朋友Nick的家庭情况。Nick is my good friend._ _答案与解析. 1. B考查冠词。aunt和uncle都以元音音素开头,其前冠词用an,故选B。2. D考查指示代词。介绍人物时常用This/That is . 或These/Those are .句型。此处为单数且近指,故选D。3. D考查主谓一致和数词的用法。my father为第三人称单数,be动词用is;根据句意“我的爸爸在第一张照片里。”可以判断用first而不用one。故选D。4. A考查人称代词和物主代词。根据daughter可以判断为女性,故人称代词用she,物主代词用her。故选A。5. C考查指示代词和名词的数。根据be动词are可知句子的主语和空后的名词都要用复数形式。6. D考查名词单复数。数词three后跟名词复数。7. C考查称呼语。称谓词Uncle后加名。8. C考查副词。句意:夹克衫是黄色的,被子也是黄色的。故选C。9. B考查特殊疑问句的答语。回答“Who are they?”用“Theyre .”。不用Yes或No回答特殊疑问句。10. B考查疑问句。句意:那个女孩是谁?她是我的朋友Kitty。that girl为名词单数,be动词用is。. 1. Ca photo of . 意为“一张的照片”。2. B主语this man 是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is。3. D选项A、C都是形容词性物主代词,不能作主语;Mr. Brown是男性,所以不能用she。4. A根据上下文可知,此处是介绍this woman。5. B该句空格处为主语,并且由后面的Davids mother可知用she。6. C因为主语是两个并列成分,表示复数意义,所以be动词用are。7. Cand连接两个并列的成分,前面是this boy,后面应是this girl。8. A由表语David(男名)可知,主语应是the boy。9. C表语Tina是个女名,故主语应是the girl。10. C由上文“Tina is Davids sister.”可知David是Tina的brother,故选C。. 1. B细节理解题。由家谱可知,John Brown和Anna Smith是Alan的祖父母。2. A细节理解题。由家谱可知,Mary是Sally的舅妈。3. C细节理解题。由家谱可知,Ann是John Brown 的女儿。4. C细节理解题。由家谱可知,Tom和Kate是Ann的兄弟姐妹。5. B细节理解题。由家谱可知,Sally有三个表兄妹。他们是Bob、Alan、和Peter。6. C细节理解题。由“its a photo.”可知。7. C细节理解题。由“She is a beautiful girl.”可知。8. D细节理解题。由“The boy in black? Its Jim.”可知。9. B细节理解题。由“He is an English boy.”可知。10. D细节理解题。由“We are all in the same school.”可知,此处we指Jim,Li Yan and I. 1. these2. are3. She4. photos5. first. 1. your son2. His; a3. These are4. Who are 5. Have; day. 1. Whats this2. Who is he3. Is he your uncle4. Whats his name5. Are these your cousins. One possible version: Nick is my good friend. He is an English boy. He is ten years old. He has a big family. These are his grandparents. His father is Paul Smith. His mother is Jenny Jones. Mike Smith is his uncle. Susan is his aunt. His uncle and his aunt are English teachers. Nick loves his family.

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