2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空优练习题(1).doc

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2019中考英语完形填空优练习题(1)及答案Passage A先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Thanksgiving Daywas near. The first grade teacher asked1students to draw a picture of something that they were thankful for. People celebrated the holiday2turkey and other traditional foods of the season. So, most of her students pictures were about them. 3,Peterdrew a different kind of picture. Peter was a different kind of boy. He always looked sad. When asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a4. Other students were all very interested in the picture. Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers feed5. Another thought it was the hand of a policeman, because the police6and care for people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God . The discussion went on until the teacher almost7the young artist.Duringthe break, all children ran out of the classroom except Peter. The teacher came to Peters8, bent (俯身) down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy9and said in a low voice, “Its yours, teacher.”She remembered thetimes she took his hand and walked with him here or there. She10said, “Take my hand, Peter. Lets go outside” or “Let me show you how to use your pencil.” Peter was very thankful for his teacher.( )1. A. his B. herC. our D. my( )2. A. at B. in C. for D. with( )3. A. Anyway B. Then C. However D. Instead( )4. A. head B. farmer C. hand D. policeman( )5. A. sheepB. cows C. pigs D. turkeys( )6. A.punish B. protect C. catchD. call( )7. A. admired B. noticedC. forgot D. found( )8. A. desk B. classroomC. house D. school( )9. A. gaveup B. dressed upC. looked up D. stayed up( )10. A. still B. even C. often D. never答案:1B 2D 3C 4C 5D 6B 7C 8A 9C 10CPassage Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记叙文通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Look at this girl in the picture, she is good friend. name is Lily. She is English. She is. This is me. My is Li Ling. Im a Chinese girl. We arethe same class. Lily likes sports. Look,are her things. She has 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls 18 volleyballs. But she play sports. She likes collecting(收集) sports things. His brother, David, likes soccer. He soccer every day with his friends.【小题1】A. I B. me C. my【小题2】A. SheB. Her C. His【小题3】A. thirteen B. thirteenth C. third【小题4】A. number B. name C. family【小题5】A. in B. on C. under【小题6】A. it B. this C. these【小题7】A. andB. or C. but【小题8】A. dontB. isnt C. doesnt【小题9】A. too B. not C. only【小题10】A. takes B. plays C. looksPassage C【*湖南湘西】 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Bobs Travel Diary(旅游日记)Tuesday, July 16thToday is rained ,so we went to a museum(博物馆).It was 36 boring. I found(发现) a small boy 37 in the corner. He was lost(迷路) and I helped him find 38 father. That 39 me feel very happy. I didnt have 40 money for a taxi, so we walked back 41 the hotel. I was really tired.Wednesday, July 17thToday the 42 was cool, so we decided to 43 tennis(网球).We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan 44 for dinner. 45 was delicious(美味可口的)!36. A. kind of B. with C. on37. A. singing B. going C. crying38. A. they B. his C. my39. A. take B. made C. get40. A. some B. no C. any41. A. on B. to C. with42. A. weather B. whether C. bus43. A. go B. take C. play44. A. bus B. car C. food45. A. It B. He C.S he主旨大意:本篇是日记,主要讲述了一天的所见、所闻、所做,主要考查了过去时的运用。36. 答案:A【解析】修饰后面的形容词boring,不用单独的介词,而是kind of“有点”。37. 答案:C【解析】根据下文可知,根据下文的迷路,可知是在“哭泣”。38. 答案:B【解析】人称代词的考查。我帮他当然是找到“他的”爸爸。39. 答案:B【解析】动词辨析 那件事“使我”用made,日记中用过去时。40. 答案:B【解析】代词的考察 由后句的走回可知是身上“没钱”了,所以用no。41. 答案:B【解析】考查介词 到达某地用介词to。42. 答案:B【解析】根据下文cool“凉爽”可知他是说天气“weather”。43. 答案:C【解析】动词辨析 打球用play,又由后面的played all morning也知。44. 答案:C【解析】名词辨析。是吃的“四川饭”用food。45. 答案:A【解析】代词考查 代替上文的食物不可数名词,用it。Passage D通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。We went for a walk in the fields, my mother, my wife, my son and I.The sun was shining; the birds were 36 ; patches of green, big and small, light and dark, formed a beautiful picture on this piece of land in south China. 37 of these gave us one thing, the vitality(活力) of life.My mother and I walked in front, followed by my wife and son. Our 38 suddenly shouted out, “A mother and son in front, another mother and son behind.” We all 39 .Later, there were differences between us: My mother was in poor health, and even a short walk would make her feel very 40 . So she wanted to take the main road, for it was wide and smooth, 41 my son preferred the little path with more interesting things. It was up to me to make the final decision. I tried to work out a win-win choice, but 42 . Finally, I decided against my son. So, I said, “Lets take the main road.”But my mother changed her mind. “Wed better take the 43 path. Youll have to carry me on your back in places I cant walk across.” My mother said to me.Then we picked our way along the little path toward the flowers, the trees, and the pond. They were all bathed(沐浴着) in the 44 . When we came to a certain place, I crouched(蹲下) down to let my mother get on my back. My wife followed my example and 45 our son. Both my wife and I walked slowly and carefully because we thought we had the whole world on our backs.36. A. singing B. failing C. hiding37. A. Some B. Most C. All38. A. daughter B. boy C. student39. A. shouted B. cried C. laughed40. A. excited B. tired C. surprised41. A. but B. and C. so42. A. passed B. failed C. agreed43. A. little B. main C. middle44. A. moon B. water C. sun45. A. carried B. encouraged C. touched【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文记叙了一家四口外出旅行,看到了美丽的自然风景。可是后来在行走路径上发生了分歧,后来因奶奶的让步而全家又记叙愉快旅行。36. A 考查动词,singing唱歌,failing失败,hiding藏起来。根据语境提示,描述的全是一片祥和的景象,故可判断“鸟儿在歌唱”。故选A。37. C 考查代词,some一些,most大多数,all一切。根据语境提示,the vitality of life“生命的活力”指的是前文描述的所有的祥和的景象。故选C。38. B 考查名词,daughter女儿,boy男孩,student学生。根据语境提示,四个人中,两个男的和两个女的,从限定词our可判断是“我们的儿子”。故选B。39. C 考查动词,shout吼叫,cry大哭,laugh大笑。根据语境,可以看出儿子的话语幽默风趣,故我们“笑”起来。故选C。40. B 考查形容词,excited激动的,tired劳累的,surprised惊奇的。根据语境提示“poor health”可知,奶奶身体不好,则容易犯困。故选B。41. A 考查连词,but但是,and又,so所以。根据语境提示,granny喜欢宽平的马路,而孙子喜欢小径。故为转折关系,故选A。42. B 考查动词,pass通过,fail失败,agree赞同。根据语境提示,我尽量找到双赢的结果,but为转折,说明“失败”了。故选B。43. A 考查形容词,little小的,main主要的,middle之间的。前文语境有提示“the little path with more interesting things”,故选A。44. C 考查名词,moon月亮,water水,sun太阳。根据语境提示bath in the sun“沐浴着阳光”可知选C。45. A 考查动词,carry背着,encourage鼓励,touch触摸。根据题干提示follow my example,而作者把妈妈背在背上。故选A。Passage E阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor living in a small house with spider webs(蜘蛛网) on the walls and mice running around. People _1_ coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day. He thought it was poverty(贫困) that_2_ his unhappy life. One day, the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for _3_ about changing his life. The old man gave him a beautiful vase(花瓶) and said, “This is a magic vase that will bring you _4_.” The poor man looked at the vase _5_ . Why would he need a vase in his poor house? However , he didnt want to _6_ such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home on the table. “Its not right for something so beautiful to be _7_.” the poor man looked at the vase and thought. Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it, making it even more beautiful. _8_ he was still not satisfied . “It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web.” At this, he started to do some cleaning in the house and paint the walls. His house turned into_9_ place immediately. The poor man _10_ . He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy. From then on, he worked hard and his life got better and better. 1.A.enjoyed B. avoided C. forgot D. considered 2.A.led to B. connected to C. made up D. set up 3.A.service B. knowledge C. advice D. care 4.A.peace B. happiness C. mess D. regret 5.A.sadly B. nervously C. proudly D. surprisedly 6.A.throw away B. give out C .pay for D. keep off 7.A.ugly B. Full C .empty D. dirty 8.A.Although B. But C .So D. Because 9.A.large B. dark C. strange D.comfortable 10.A.cheered up B .rang up C .sped up D. stayed up参考答案110、BACBD ACBDA


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