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2019年四年级英语上册module7unit2therearetwelveboysonthebike单元检测外研版词汇 积累练 一、选择不同类的一项。(20分)()1.A.stoneBlionCelephant()2.A.camel Btiger Cmonster()3.A.Shanghai Bvisit CBeijing()4.A.panda BtomorrowCmonkey二、看图,选择动物单词。(20分) 1_2._ 3_4._5_Atiger Bpanda Clion Dcamel Eelephant语句 应用练 三、选择填空。(20分)are going to visit, are visiting1We _ Hong Kong tomorrow.2We _ Beijing now.are going to cook, are cooking3They _ vegetables this weekend.4Look,they _ vegetables.情景 交际练 四、看图,回答问题。(14分)1Where are you going to go?_2What are you going to do?_表达 交流练 五、明天是周末,老师打算带小朋友们去动物园,你打算看哪些动物呢?写一写。(26分)1Were going to the _ tomorrow.2Were going to visit _3Im going to _ _4Im _ _ _ _5_ _ _ _ _答案全析全解答案Unit 2一、1.A2.C3.B4.B二、1.C2.D3.E4.A5.B三、1.are going to visit 2are visiting3are going to cook4are cooking四、1.Im/Were going to go to the zoo.2Im/Were going to visit animals.五、(答案仅供参考)1.zoo2.animals3visit tigers4.going to visit lions.5Im going to visit elephants.附送:2019年四年级英语上册Unit 3Its too expensive! Period 1 第四课时练习题 北师大版一、看图写话Model: We have some shorts1_2_二、单项选择( )1Do you have ties? Yes,_ Awe do Byou do Cwe are( )2Do you have any large trousers? No,we dont have _ Asome Bone Cany( )3Do you have any small dress? Yes,we have _ Asome Blittle Cany( )4_ do you want? Medium AWhat number BHow size CWhat size( )5Look,the coat is too _ for me! AexpensiveBbig Csmall三、看图,补全对话12The skirt is too bigThe _ is too _3The_ is too _.四、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)A:Can I help you?B:Do you have any beautiful dress?A:Yes,we doe here,pleaseLet me show youB:I like the yellow onelet me try it on Oh,Its too smallDo you have any big ones?A:No,we dontBut we have some big green onesB:Let me try it onOh,its too longDo you have some short ones?A:Here is the pink oneIt must fit youB:Oh,yesHow much is it?A:Its 996 yuanB:Err.Let me seeSorry,I dont have enough money.1Miss Li wants to buy a new dress2Miss Li likes the white dress3Miss Li wants to buy the red dress4The pink dress is very suitable5The dress is very cheap6The dress is very expensive参考答案一、1We have some sweaters2We have some shoes二、A C A C B三、sweater,small,shirt,expensive四、T F F T F T

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