2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 6 Animal Care同步练习 教科版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 6 Animal Care同步练习 教科版I. 词汇A. 根据句意,写出下列单词中所缺的字母1. What time is it? Its a qu_ _ t_ _ past six.2. This year the farmers have a good h_ rv_ _t.3. When do you have your br_ _kf _ _t?4. Do you have m_ si_ on Tuesday?5. What day is it today? Its _ed _ _sday.B. 根据句意,将下列句中划线部分的词语译成英文6. 我们星期六和星期天没有课。We _ _ _ on Saturday and Sunday.7. 快点!我们赶不上火车了。 Hurry! Well_ _ _ .8. 他们打算要远足。 They are going to _ _ _ .9. 我们去滑冰好吗?好主意。_ _ go skating? Thats a good idea. 10. 今天天气很好,我们要去野餐。Its fine today. We want to _ _ _ _. C. 根据句意,从所给的词语中选择一个恰当的词语填空good at, get, a bottle of, size, stay at home, in the water, only , plane tickets, just for fun, on the school basketball team11. What _is the raincoat? Its L.12. He speaks English well, He is _it.13. We can swim and play _.14. Its cloudy now. But it may _nice and sunny in the afternoon.15. I want to buy two _for Hainan.16. My father plays pingpong _. 17. Bob is _.18. Ive _ milk.19. They fly to Harbin _on Friday.20. Mike is ill.So he has to_ .D. 根据句意选用括号中正确的词填空21. _(Is, Are) they cotton trousers?22.Do you _ (wearing, wear) Size M ? No, I dont.23.Its going to _ (rain, rainy) in the evening.24.You play basketball very well, _ (arent, dont ) you?25.Are they _(play, playing) pingpong? No, they arent.26.When _(do, does) the first bus leave?27.A plan _(fly, flies) to New York next Monday.28.We often go _(skate, skating) in winter.29.Its raining outside ._(Put on, Wear) your raincoat.30.Lets _ (look, watch ) the football match. 【试题答案】A. 1.quarter 2.harvest 3.breakfast 4.music 5.WednesdayB. 6.have no classes 7.miss the train 8.have a hiking9.Shall we 10.go for a picnic C. 11.size 12.good at 13.in the water 14.get 15.plane tickets16.just for fun 17.on the school basketball team18.a bottle of 19.only 20.stay at homeD. 21.Are 22.wear 23. rain 24.dont 25.playing26.does 27.flies 28.skating 29.Put on 30.watch附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 6 Animal Care词性练习 教科版单项选择1. There are many young trees on sides of the road. A. every B. each C. both D. all2. Its so cold today.Yes, its than it was yesterday.A. more cold B. more colder C. much colder D. cold3. Little Tom has friends, so he often plays alone.A. more B. a little C. many D. few4. She isnt so at maths as you are.A. well B. good C. better D. best5. Peter writes of the three.A. better B. best C. good D. well6. He is enough to carry the heavy box.A. stronger B. much stronger C. strong D. the strongest7. I bought exercise-books with money.A. a few; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a little8. The box is heavy for the girl carry.A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that D. no; to9. The ice in the lake is about one meter . Its strong enough to skate on.A. long B. high C. thick D. wide10. Wu Lin ran faster than the other boys in the sports meeting.A. so B. much C. very D. too11. Jone looks so _ today because she has got an “A” in her maths test.A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily12. The smile on my fathers face showed that he was _ with me.A. sad B. pleased C. angry D. sorry13. Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this.A. a better; better than B. a worse; as good asC. a cheaper; as good as D. a more important; good as14. This digital camera is really cheap! The _ the better. Im short of money, you see.A. cheap B. cheaper C. expensive D. more expensive15. If you want to learn English well, you must use it as _ as possible.A. often B. long C. hard D. soon16. Paul has _ friends except me, and sometimes he feels lonely.A. many B. some C. few D. more17. English people _ use Mr. Before a mans first name.A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes18. One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May.Right. The government spoke _ that.A. highly for B. high of C. well of D. highly of19. Remember this, children. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make. We know, Miss Gao.A. The more; the more B. The fewer; the moreC. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less20. I have _ to do today.A. anything important B. something importantC. important nothing D. important something【试题答案】1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B

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