2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners(第2课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners(第2课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners(第2课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019春八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners(第2课时)课时作业 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Good manners第二课时Reading(1)基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.I fell in love with the dress when I touched(触摸) it at the first time.2.He didnt know the subject(主题) of the meeting.3.The prince gave Snow White a kiss(亲吻),and then she came back to life.4.The park is open to the public(民众) at the weekend.5.They didnt find the proper(正确的) way to deal with the problem.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Just as the sayinggoes(go),“The early bird catches the worm.”2.Here are sometips(tip) for learning English.Thank you.3.Dont speakloudly(loud) in the library.Sorry,I wont.4.Its not a good wayto greet(greet) people with a kiss in China.5.Thanks forgiving(give) me the advice.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空Britain,shout,help,weigh,polite1.We students should behavepolitelyin public.2.Whats theweightof the big box over there?3.Britishpeople are polite at home too.4.The following information may behelpfulto readers.5.In the UK,you should avoidshoutingloudly in public.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Tom has recently visited the UK.(对画线部分提问)Whohasrecently visited the UK?2.He is too young to go to school.(改为同义句)He isntoldenoughtogo to school.3.They are going to talk about sports in the USA.(对画线部分提问)Whatare they going todo?4.Can you tell me how I can solve the problem?(改为同义句)Can you tell mehowtosolve the problem?5.They put off the match because it was raining.(改为同义句)They put off the matchbecauseofthe rain.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.他们喜欢以天气或假日之类的话题来开始谈话。They like tostartaconversationwithsubjectssuch as the weather or holiday.2.英国人认为插队到别人前面是粗鲁的。British people think it rude topushinbeforeothers.3.如果你撞到某人,你应该说“对不起”。You should say “sorry” if youbumpintosomeone.4.你想要我做什么?What do youwantmetodo?5.我和汤姆正在谈论中国的礼仪。Tom and Iaretalkingaboutmannersin China.综合能力提升.单项填空(A)1.Would you please not speak so loudly inpublic?Sorry.I will remember to speak inlower voice.A./;aB./;theC.a;aD.the;the(B)2.I cant walk fast because a lot of people was.A.on my wayB.in my wayC.in some waysD.by my way(C)3.Is this your book?Yes,it is.Thank you!A.SorryB.HelloC.Excuse meD.OK(A)4.Mr Cooper istireddo anything this morning.A.too;toB.so;thatC.both;andD.so;as(D)5.Why are you so excited?Nancy invited meon a trip to Dongjiang Lake just now.A.goingB.to goingC.goD.to go(A)6.You had betterloudly in public.A.avoid talkingB.avoid to talkC.to avoid talkingD.to avoid to talk(C)7.What did youjust now?A.talkB.tellC.sayD.speak(B)8.You must be more careful andthe same mistakes youve ever made.A.followB.avoidC.makeD.put(C)9.She says her favouriteis English.A.colourB.sportC.subjectD.season(D)10.Chinese people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful,?A.isnt itB.doesnt itC.isnt sheD.arent they.阅读理解Table manners are about how to behave when you eat a meal.Different countries have different table manners.Now lets see some table manners in the following countries.JapanIt is OK to make some noises when you eat noodles in Japan.Making some noises is not rude but is praise to the cook.The Japanese also say it tastes better if you make some noises while eating.What else to watch:its important to say “Thanks” before and after a meal.FranceIn France,a meal is like a ceremony.People enjoy it and make it a special event.You should never discuss money over dinner.And going Dutch(各自付费) is not polite.What else to watch:you need to finish everything on your plate.MexicoIn Mexico,whenever you catch the eye of someone whos eating,even a stranger,its good manners to say “provecho”,which means “enjoy”.What else to watch:where you sit is important in this country.Before you get seated,look for place cards,or wait until the host seats you.And you must say “Enjoy your meal” before you leave the table.(D)1.Whats the polite way to eat noodles in Japan?A.Eating quietly.B.Eating quickly.C.Leaving some.D.Making some noises.(A)2.What dont people like to talk about over dinner in France?A.Money.B.Weather.C.Sports.D.News.(B)3.What should you say before you leave the table in Mexico?A.Goodbye.B.Enjoy your meal.C.Thank you.D.The food is delicious.(C)4.What can we learn from the passage?A.The Japanese always eat quietly.B.People in France like going Dutch when eating out.C.Where you sit is important in Mexico.D.Strangers never talk to the people who are eating in Mexico.


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