2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空练习题.doc

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2019中考英语练习题:完形填空(含答案)题型二 完形填空练习AIs Dou Jingtong rebellious(叛逆的)? It looks like itAs Chinese pop queen Wang Feis daughter,Dou has been living in the spotlight 1_ she was born.In many peoples minds,Dou is still a round-faced girl 2 a pair of glassesBut the 21-year-old has grown into a pink-haired young woman Last year,Dou 3 to give up college in the US,so she could work in 4 Like mother,like daughterDous musical talents became well-known at the moment she put her songs online four years agoHowever the new musician doesnt think she is rebelliousIn a recent review with qq.com,Dou said that her parents 5 most of her rebellious decisionsFor examplewith the big decision to give up school,Dou said she talked it 6 her parents many times“They made sure that I thought it through,and they 7 agreed,”Dou told qq.com“I feel 8 that my parents respect my decisions,and I dont have to be rebellious She added that giving up school doesnt mean giving up studying“ 9 is fine,I just feel that self-learning suits me betterI can also learn things outside of schoo1Perhaps many teenagers 10 not know what they really want,but I doWhen I made the decision t0 give up school and become a singer,1 was ready”1Asince Bas Cbefore Dfor2Aputting on Bdressing Cwearing Ddressing in3Aforgot Bremembered Ctook D. decided4Aart B. music Chistory D1iterature5Aallowed Brefused Cargued Dshouted6A. on Babout Cwith Dfor7Aangrily Bhappily Ctruly Dfinally8Aterrible B1ucky Cscared Dworried9A. music Bart Cschool Dknowledge10A. need Bdo Cmight D. mayB Do you have a nickname(昵称)?Most of us get one from our 11 ,way of dressing,or personalityBut for cities,the meaning of their nicknames has 12 more to it than that Many big cities have 13 ,like New YorkThe Big Apple,LondonThe Great Smog,and RomeThe Eternal CityWhy do cities have these nicknames? 14 the 1920s,there were many races in New YorkPeople called the 15 of these races applesA famous writer first called New York the Big Apple, 16 New York is a place where many people would like to visit:the biggest prize of a11 For Rome,just like its name,the answer is clearRomans 17 that no matter what happened to the world,Rome would 18 go onRome has been an important center in the world for more than 2,000 years As for London,in the Victorian period(18371901),it had 19 with its air. Later in 1952,serious air pollution made 10,000 people 20 illBut now the air of London has become betterSome people even say the air pollution in Beijing now is like that of Victorian London Sound interesting? Does your city have a nickname?11Aapple Bawards C. appearance Dactivity12A. many Bmuch C. more Dmost13Astories Btraditions Cnicknames Dreasons14A. In BWhen CAs DAt15A. prizes Bnames Ccities Dcompetitors16A. so B. because Cand Dbut17A.believed Bknew Cguessed Dheard18A. never Bsometimes Cseldom Dalways19A. success Bproblems Cinterests Dmeanings20A. turn B. change Cgrow Dget参考答案:1-5 ACDBA 6-10 CDBCB 11-15 CBCAA 16-20 BADBD

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