2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编题(1).doc

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2019中考英语完形填空精编题(1)及答案【实战训练】 AWhen you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国),The words of the invitation means come and eat rice. In fact, nearly all the Thai dishes are 1._ with rice, which grows there easily, 2._ the climate(气候)is warm and there is much rain. The food that is served is 3._ cut into pieces, so there is no need to use knives or forks but, instead, special spoons and forks are used. The Thais 4._ to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat in this way. There is a special 5._ of doing it. First, they wash their 6._ hands in a bowl of water-they only eat with their right hands. They are careful not to let the food 7._ the palm(手掌心) of their hands. After the meal, the 8._ are again carefully washed. The meal usually has several different dishes. They are all hot. The dishes are served in bowl which everyone shares(共享),9._ each person has their own bowl of 10._. As Thailand has a long coastline(海岸线),it is not surprising that fish and shellfish(水生有壳动物) play an important part in Thai cooking. ( )1. A. eaten B. used C. smelled D. tasted ( )2. A. when B. if C. because D. so ( )3. A. never B. perhaps C. hardly. D. always ( )4. A. went B. had C. wanted D. used ( )5. A. reason B. way C. idea D. result ( )6. A. dirty B. right C. left D. big ( )7. A.touch. B. catch C. feel D. drop ( )8. A. forks B. spoons C. hands D. bowls ( )9. A. because B. though C. since D. until ( )10. A. fish B. rice C. water D. shellfish【参考答案】5、1-5 ACDDB 6-10 BACAB【实战训练】 Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会历史类 Farming in the USA today is very different from that 100 years ago. In those days, farmers did not have many machines to help them. They had animals. 【小题1】_This meant that farms were smaller than they are now. Farmers also worked in a different way in the past. In those days, farmers grew fruits and vegetables and kept cows, pigs and chickens to feed their families. 【小题2】_.Farmers have a very special life in many ways. First of all, they cant leave the job at the end of the day. They live on the farm and there is always work to do. Second, a lot of farm work is outdoors, so the weather is very important for farmers.【小题3】A lot of bad weather means farmers will lose money. Finally, farmers work with plants and animals. They understand nature better than other people do.Farm work changes with the seasons. Spring is a time for planting. Farmers are busy getting the fields ready and then planting the seeds(种子). In summer, farmers must take good care of the plants. Some may need water. Other plants may have problems with insects or diseases. Then in eady for picking. 【小题4】_. Winter is a time for rest or for work on the farm machines. AIt is also important for the success of their farmsBSo all the farmers are happy to get themCToday farmers grow things on the farms, so they can sell them for moneyDBut animals work slowly compared to machinesE. That is a very busy time for farmers【实战训练】 C阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。One day Eric was traveling on horseback. At noon, he tied his horse to a 41 . A few minutes later, Paul came along and tied his horse to the same tree. “My horse is wild,” said Eric. “Please tie your horse to another tree, 42 my horse will kill yours.”“No way!” Paul said, “I shall tie my horse as I like!” He tied up his horse and had his 43 nearby. After a moment they heard a terrible noise. The two horses were 44 . They ran up to them, but it was too 45 . Pauls horse was killed. “See what your horse has done! Youll have to 46 it,” shouted Paul. And he brought Eric before Mr. Know.Mr. Know asked Eric some questions. But Eric said 47 . At last Mr. Know said, “This man cannot speak.”“He can!” Paul said 48 . “He talked to me when I met him.” “Are you 49 ? ” asked Mr. Know. “What did he say?”“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”“Oh,” said Mr. Know. “So he 50 you. Then can you expect to get money from him?”Paul had to leave silently.41. A. treeB. stoneC. window42. A. soB. andC. or43. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supper44. A. fightingB. eatingC. sleeping45. A. strangeB. lateC. heavy46. A. wait forB. look for C. pay for47. A. somethingB. nothingC. everything48. A. happilyB. shylyC. angrily49. A. sureB. afraidC. sorry50. A. thankedB. warnedC. followed【主旨大意】本篇短文主要讲述了Eric和Paul把马拴在同一树上,由于 Eric的马比较凶悍,把Paul的马杀死了。然后Paul与Eric找法官打官司。Eric很聪明的打赢了官司的故事。41. A 考查名词及语境的理解 句意:他把马拴在了一棵树上。A tree意为“树”;B stone意为“石头”;C window意为“窗户”。根据A few minutes later, Paul come along and tied his horse to the same .tree可知是拴在了树上,故选A。42. C 考查连词的用法 句意:请把你的马拴到另一棵树上,否则我的马会杀死你的马。A so表示结果;B and表示顺承;C or 或者、否则表示选择或者否定的条件。此处表示否定的条件,故选C。43. B 考查名词及语境的理解 句意:他把马拴起来,在附近吃午饭。A breakfast意为“早饭”;B. lunch意为“午饭”;C supper意为“晚饭”。根据上文At noon, he tied his horse to a tree. 在中午,他把马栓到了树上,可知是在吃午饭,故选B。44. A 考查名词及语境的理解 句意:两匹马在打架。A fighting打架;B eating吃;C sleeping睡觉。根据下文中Pauls horse was killed.“Paul的马被打死了。”可知是打架,故选A。45. B 考查形容词词义辨析 句意:他们向他们的马跑过去,但是已经太迟了。A strange意为“奇怪的,陌生的”;B late意为“迟的”: C heavy意为“重的”。根据下文中Pauls horse was killed. Paul的马被打死了。可知他们跑过去的迟了,故选B。46. C 考查动词词组辨析 句意:看看你的马做的事,你必须赔偿。A wait for意为等候;B look for意为寻找;C pay for意为支付。根据句意要求赔偿,可知选C。47. B 考查不定代词 句意:Mr. Know问了一些问题,但是Eric什么也没有说。A. something意为“某事,有事”; B. nothing意为“没有事情,”;C. everything“每一件事情,一切”。根据下文At last Mr. Know said, “This man cant speak.”可知Eric什么也没有说,故选B。48. C 考查副词词义辨析 句意:“他可以!“保罗生气的说。A happily意为“开心地”;B shyly意为“含羞地”;C angrily意为“生气地”。根据上文可知此时Paul应该很生气。故选C。49. A 考查形容词词义辨析 句意:“你能确定吗,” Mr. Know.问。A sure意为“确定,确信”;B afraid意为“害怕的”;C sorry意为“抱歉的”。承接上文的意思,Mr. Know.问确定会说话吗,故选A。50. B 考查动词词义辨析 句意:他警告过你,你能从他那儿得到赔偿吗?A thanked意为“感谢”;B warned意为“警告”;C followed意为“跟随”。根据上文“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”意为“他告诉我不要把我的马拴在同一棵树上,因为他的马是野生的,会杀了我的马。”这句就是在警告Paul,故选B。【实战训练】 DSometimes we have a fight with a friend. Many times, you find that you even forgot what the 41 was about. You just seemed to be angry, and then 42 talking to each other. Time goes by and you realize that you 43 the friendship, and wished you could talk to your friend again.Leaving the argument alone, and avoiding(避免) 44 . If you talk right after the fight, many things are said out of anger. However, do not wait too 45 . Too long time may make the relationship more difficult to make up. So 46 the fight calms down, make sure you talk to the person before its too late. After you do that, sit down and say youre 47 if you are the one who caused the fight.Maybe your friend could be at fault(过错)! If youre not sure, review the events that led up to the fight. If your 48 is wrong, dont apologize. You probably didnt do anything wrong! So give your friend the 49 shoulder. Wait until they say they are sorry! And if they dont apologize, theyre not worth your 50 ! You can spend the time with other friends.41. A. meeting B. story C. fight D. advice42. A. stop B. begin C. prefer D. like43. A. have B. hateC. miss D. build44. A. talking B. playing C. listening D. studying45. A. short B. long C. early D. far46. A. before B. until C. while D. after47. A. right B. happy C. sorry D. excited48. A. friend B. teacher C. sister D. brother49. A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold50. A. money B. time C. anger D. stress【参考答案】完形填空41-50 C A C A B D C A D B

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