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Unit2I vegotsomestampsfromChina MODULE6 外研版六年级英语上册 Game Dolikethis I vegotaTV I vegotaTVandI vegotabike I vegotabikeandI vegotaviolin I vegotaviolinandI vegotadog S1S2S3S4 Game Doyoulikethis I vegotaTV I vegotaTVbutIhaven tgotabike I vegotabikebutIhaven tgotaviolin I vegotaviolinbutIhaven tadog S1S2S3S4 haven t havenot Ihavegotaknife Haveyougotaknife Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Ihavegotaknifeandafork Haveyougotaknifeandafork Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Yes Ihave Yes Ihave No Ihaven t Yes Ihave Ihavegotchopsticks Haveyougotchopsticks No Ihaven t Yes Ihave A Ihavegotchopsticksandknives Haveyougotchopsticksandknives B No Ihaven t No Ihaven t Yes Ihave Doyoulikethis A Haveyougota an B Yes Ihave A Haveyougota an B No Ihaven t A Haveyougotchopsticksorstamps B I vegotchopsticksandI vegotstamps A Haveyougotknivesorpostcards B IhavepostcardsbutIhaven tgotknives A HaveyougotaChinesebookoranEnglishbook B IhavegotaChinesebookbutIhaven tgotanEnglishbook A Haveyougotacomputergameorasetofchess B IhavegotacomputergamebutIhaven tgotasetofchess Haveyougot or A Ihavegot and 表示 我有 和 B Ihavegot butIhaven tgot 表示 我有 但是我没有 Dolikethis A Haveyougot or B Ihavegot and A Haveyougot or B Ihavegot butIhaven tgot Listenandfillintheblanks Haveyougotaknifeforkchopsticks Ihavegotaknifeand HaveyougotaoraJapanesekite IhavegotaChinesekiteanda and or forkandchopsticks Chinese Japanesekite Readandfillintheblanks HaveyougotabookorabookaboutChina I vegotabookaboutAmericaandI vegotabook HaveyougotstampsfromChinafromCanada I vegotsomestampsfromChinagotanystampsfromCanada aboutAmerica aboutChina orstamps butIhaven t HaveyougotabookorabookaboutChina I vegotabookaboutAmericaandI vegotabook HaveyougotstampsfromChinafromCanada I vegotsomestampsfromChinagotanystampsfromCanada Enjoyachant aboutAmerica aboutChina orstamps butIhaven t 巩固反馈课 一 根据课文内容填空DearSamandAmy Damingismyfriend I youtobemyfriends too IliveinNewYork butI mnot i mfromLondoninEnglond SoweareallEnglish DoyoulikeChina Iwantto Chinasomeday DaminghasgotaChinese andweflyitinthepark I vegotsome buttheyare Haveyougotabookabout Ican youone Pleasewritetomeandwecanbepenfriends Daming hewillwritetoyousoon From Laura 二 单项选择 1 IlikeEnglish itisveryeasy AbutBandCorDso 2 youlikeEngland ADoBAreCDoesDIs 3 He gotabeautifulpen AhaveB sCisDhas 4 Shewill youapostcard AsendsBsentCsendingDsend 5 DaminglivesinAmerica heisn tAmerican AsomeBaCbutDor 三 按要求改写句子1 Ihavegotaposcard 改为一般疑问句 2 Icanplaytheviolin 改为否定句 3 Iwanttogoswimming 划线部分提问 4 Hehasgotsomecards 划线部分提问 5 IhavegotaChinesebook 用anEnglishbook改为选择疑问句 英汉互译 1 刀和叉2 中国的风筝3 给我写信4 和 玩耍5 verydifficult6 haveacold7 inNewYork8 inFrench 词形转换 1 run 现在分词 2 child 复数 3 same 反义词 4 old 反义词 5 do 第三人称单数 6 swim 现在分词 7 write 现在分词 8 write 过去式 9 say 第三人称单数 10 happy 副词 11 family 复数 12 address 复数 选词填空 hasgot havegot but and1 I acomputer I musingitnow 2 Amy twobooks shecan tfindthem 3 Myfather anewT shirt hedoesn tlikeit 4 Theboy anemailfromhispenfriendJone heiswritingbacktoher 5 DamingandLingling apetdog theyloveitverymuch Thankyou 同学们 来学校和回家的路上要注意安全 同学们 来学校和回家的路上要注意安全

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