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2019年第二学期三年级英语期中试卷分析祖山兰亭中学(小学部)吕玉玲一、试题整体分析本次试题满分为100分,考试时间60分钟。共十个题,其中基础知识题占90%。试题侧重于对基础知识,包括对前三个单元重点四会单词和句子的考查,包括语音、词、句、对话、阅读文章等多方面。阅读理解题紧密联系学生实际,培养了学生的分析能力和判断能力 。题的难易比较适度,知识覆盖率比较高,关注了不同层次的学生。二、成绩分析总人数参考人数总分平均分及格人数及格率优秀人数优秀率最高分最低分80806188786379%4556%10016三、学生答题情况分析第一题字母书写。此题学生们的得分率在76%左右,二班五班王文成就写对两个且书写不正确,一班班刘佳杰字母Jj占格不对,高磊 d写成b了,张佳益字母S和X相混淆。第二题选出不同类的一项,本题的2、3题出错较多。第三题根据问句选答语正确率90左右。此题主要考查学生对重点句式及答语的判断能力。个别同学出现错误是对相似句式混淆,第3小题和第5小题弄混。第四题根据图片选择正确的单词,本题着重考查学生辨认单词的能力.这一道题的正确率较高,出错较多的是美国的国旗看成英国的国旗如一班的张浩楠、许宏伟、刘海和二班的徐旺、刘天成。第五题看句子选单词,此题是学生练习册上的原题,但出错率较高,原因是学生们没有把所有的选项分全,有的落下一个或两个,出错较多的是第四小题,对课本句子掌握不熟,对am.is.are不了解,运用不熟。第六题根据情景,选出正确的选项,主要考核学生用英语交际的能力,此题学生答得非常好,但1小题8小题出错较多,1小题原因是对三八妇女节不了解,不会用好排除法做题,缺乏做题技巧;8小题出错的原因是学生把Look at that elephant.中的at 丢掉了。第七题连词成句,考查学生的理解运用和书写能力,出错较多的是第一小题错写成This my is friend?第八题看图和情景,选出正确的选项,主要考核学生用英语交际的能力,此题学生答还可以,只d有组有出错的,没有认真阅读句子。第九题单词写出大小写形式,出错的不少,原因是对大小写字母不熟练,另外不会审题,一班的程然竟然排序了。第十题题:选出不同选项主要针对第三单元出的,考察学生的认词和理解能力,学生做的还可以,出错较多的是7、8小题。四、教学中存在的问题根据学生的整体答题情况,我想自己在教学中存在问题如下:1、对重点词在具体语境中的运用还需要反复练习;2、对四会词的掌握还需要强化记忆和教给学生一定的记忆技艺;3、对学生的书写和朗读还需要进一步培养和练习。五、今后教学改进措施、更新语言教学观念。进一步学习英语课程标准中的教学理念,突出语言的实践性,在教学中应少一些机械记忆,多一些灵活运用。2、改革课堂教学模式,注重培养学生语言实践能力。在课堂教学中,要引导学生进行观察、比较、分析、讨论和归纳总结等。把更多的时间给学生进行听、说、读、写的语言实践。3、课堂训练形式要更加灵活,采用多种方式对单词、句型进行训练,注重知识的积累与运用,在培养兴趣的同时传授学生掌握单词的方法。4、创设情景,让学生活用英语。英语教学要求学生在特定情境中灵活运用,在以后教学中我一定要对学生加强交际能力的训练,把教材教活,让学生学活。5、多鼓励多表扬,培养学生自信心。在以后的教学中,一定要锻炼学生的胆量,多让学生当众演说,设立小组制,比一比、看一看,谁最有勇气主动发言,从多方面培养学生的自信心。6、狠抓基础,培养能力。在平时的教学中,要在扎实和活用上下功夫,要在听、说的基础上,抓好读写的训练,要注意帮助学生积累知识,打好扎实的语言基础。7、要适当增加语言的输入量拓展学生的知识面。在教学中,不仅要学好书本知识,还要适当增加一些听、读语言材料。8、狠抓后进生。本次考试仍有个别学生成绩不理想,在下段工作中要狠抓后进生,帮助他们查找落后的原因,课下及时辅导,发现问题及时纠正,争取让全体学生得到全面提高。附送: 学校 班级 姓名 学号 xx学年第二学期三年级英语期终考查卷 Part 1 Listening 听力部分(40分) C. These are my ears. Theyre big. ( ) 3. A. What colour are the leaves? They are green. B. What colour are the trees? They are green. C. These are my ears. Theyre big. ( ) 3. A. What colour are the leaves? They are green. B. What colour are the trees? They are green. C. What colour are the leaves? They are red. ( ) 4. A. What do you like? I like dolls. B. What do you like? I like balls. C. What do you like? I like kites.( ) 5. A I have a big circle and two small rectangles . B.I have a big circle and two big rectangles. C. I have a big circle and two big triangles. ( ) 6. A. There are many toy cats in the toy shop. B. There are many toy trains in the toy shop. C. There are many toy cars in the toy shop. ( ) 7. A. Is it spring? No. Its winter. B. Is it spring? No. Its autumn. C. Is it autumn? No. Its spring. ( ) 8. A. I can smell the apple with my nose. B. I can touch the apple with my hands. C. I can taste the apple with my mouth. Listen and circle.听录音,选出你所听到的内容编号,读一遍。(10分)( ) 1. A. glass B. grass C. gloves( ) 2. A. shape B. shop C. ship( ) 3. A. park B. parent C. party( ) 4. A. sweet B. salty C. sour( ) 5. A. grow B. blow C. slowly( ) 6. A. body B. baby C. bread( ) 7. A. rain B. train C. rainy( ) 8. A. socks B. shoesC. scarves( ) 9. A. GN5746 B. JN5764 C.GM5674( )10. A. the third of March B. the first of JuneC. the fifth of May. Listen and judge. 听录音判断,与录音内容相符的用表示,不符的用表示, 读两遍。(6分)1. 2. 3.( ) ( ) ()4. 5. 6.( ) ( ) (). Listen and give the response. 听录音,选正确应答句编号,读两遍。(6分)( ) 1. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.( ) 2. A. Thats all right. B. OK. C. Thank you.( ) 3. A. Its spring B. Its autumn. C. Its summer.( ) 4. A. I can swim. B. I can ski. C. Yes, I can.( ) 5. A. These are jackets. B. There are jackets. C. They are jackets.( ) 6. A. Its a rectangle. B. Its a circle. C. Its a star. Listen and judge 听短文判断,相符的用“T”,不相符用“F”表示 读两遍。(5分)( ) 1. Jim is nine years old.( ) 2. Jim has a small head and a big body.( ) 3. His mouth is small.( ) 4. His favourite fruit is peach.( ) 5. Jim can swim very well. Listen and choose the best answers. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确答案的编号,读两遍。(5分)( ) 1. The children are in the _.A. childrens gardenB. park C. zoo( ) 2._is playing with his dog.A. Ben B. Tim C. Alice( ) 3. The kite is _.A. purple and yellow B. pink and greenC. pink and yellow( ) 4. I can _. A. ride a bicycle B. fly a kite C. read a book( ) 5. Today is a _day.A. tiredB. happyC. cleverPart 2 Reading and writing 笔试部分:(60分). Copy the sentences. 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号。(6分) in japan there are two childrens days _. Translation. 中英互译(10分)1. 十根手指 _ 2. 拍照_3. 一双白袜子_ 4. 酸菠萝_5. 可爱的熊猫_ 6. 两个正方形_ _7. go fishing _ 8. touch your shoulders_9. take a rest _ 10. have a class party _. Write down the correct contents. 按要求写出恰当的内容 (8分)1. soft(反义词)_ 2. zoo(同类词)_3. fun(形容词) _ 4. houses(单数) _5. foot(复数) _ 6. see(同音词)_7. I(复数) _ 8. flower(划线部分发音相同)_. Choose the best answers. 选择正确的答案,将其编号填在前面的括号内(12分) ( ) 1. Look at _ant. Its_ small ant.A. an.an B. the.a C. the.an( ) 2. How _ the oranges taste? They are sweet. I like _. A. do.they B. are.them C. do.them( ) 3. I go to the zoo _my parents _the first of June.A. with.on B. for.on C. with.in( ) 4. What shapes are the cakes? _circles.A. There are B. These are C. They are( ) 5. These toy _are cool. I like this toy _best.A. buses.bus B. bus.bus C. buses.buses( ) 6. Supergirl and Superdog _Moon Pies.A. likes B. are C. like( ) 7. It is _. We can plant trees in the park. A. cold and rainy B. warm and rainy C. cool and rainy( ) 8. _ the coat. Its too hot.A. Make off B. Turn off C. Take off( ) 9. Kitty _ a new friend. _name is Eddie. A. has.His B. has.Hes C. have. His( ) 10. The grasshopper likes _in autumn. A. sing and dance B. singing and danceing C. singing and dancing( ) 11.Look! I can draw_. A. yourself B. myself C. me( ) 12. A: Lets sing a song together. B:_.A. Yes, of course. B. Thanks. C. Great. Read and fill in the blanks. 读一读,填入合适的单词,每格一词。 (6分)1. Do you like _? No. I like lions.2. I can clap with my _.3. Its a sunny day. The sky is _.4. Touch the glass. Its _.5. Look at the ruler. It has three sides. Its a _.6. There are many _ in the classroom. plete the sentences.根据图片,完成句子,每格一词。(8分)1. A: Can I help you? B: Some _. A: Please _ them. Are they nice?B: Yes, they are. I like them.A: How_?B:_, please.2. Its spring. Its_. The_ grow and grow. We go to the _. We have a _ in it. How happy!. Read and fill the blanks. 根据短文内容填空,每格一词 (5分)Today is Saturday. Its a sunny day. Judy is hungry, but there is no food in the fridge.(冰箱)Judy wants to buy some food. She goes to the supermarket. Now she is at the supermarket. There is much food such as cakes, cookies, sandwiches(三明治)and so on in it. Look! The sandwich is like a triangle. Its soft. But its expensive.(昂贵)Judy cant afford(负担) to buy it. Finally, she spends five yuan on the cookies. She likes to eat.1. How is the weather? Its _.2. Where is Judy now? Shes at the _.3. What shape is the sandwich? Its a _.4. Why (为什么)doesnt she buy the sandwich? Because it is _.5. How much are the cookies? _ yuan. Writing写话: 至少写5句 (5分) My favourite _XX学年第二学期三年级英语期终考查音带文字Part 1 Listening 听力部分(40分). Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的句子编号,读一遍(8分) 1. C. Charlie has a chair. 2. A. These are my eyes. Theyre big. 3. A. What colour are the leaves? Theyre green. 4. B. What do you like? I like balls. 5. B.I have a big circle and two big rectangles. 6. C. There are many toy cars in the toy shop. 7. B. Is it spring? No.Its autumn. 8. C. I can taste the apple with my mouth. Listen and circle.听录音, 选出你所听到的内容编号,读一遍。(10分)1. B. Look at the grass. Its green.2. A. What shape is your biscuit? Its a circle.3. B. What do you do on Childrens Day? I go to the toy shop with my parent.4. B. I dont like the chicken. Its too salty. 5. C. Look! The bird is flying slowly in the sky.6. A. I have a small head and a big body.7. C. Its rainy. We cant go outside.8. B. Mary has a pair of red shoes. 9. A. My license plate number is GN574610. C. In Japan, the Childrens Day for boys is on the fifth of May. . Listen and judge. 听录音判断,与录音内容相符的用表示,不符的用表示,读两遍。(6分)1. In winter, its cold. We often ski. Its fun. 2. Do you go to the park this Sunday? No. I go to the cinema.3. Are you hungry? Yes. I have some cakes for you. Thank you.4. Please raise your hands. 5. Clare has a plant on a plate.6. They are big. They are yellow and black. They like meat. What are they? They are tigers. . Listen and give the response. 听录音选出正确应答句的编号,读两遍。(6分)1. Do you have a class party on Childrens Day? 2. Touch your knees.3. Its cool. The leaves are red and yellow. What season is it? 4. What can you do in summer? 5. What are these?6. What shape is the football? (A B B A C B). Listen and judge 听短文判断,相符的用“T”,不相符用“F”表示 读两遍(5分) Im Jack. Im nine years old. I have a friend, Jim. Hes eight years old. Hes tall. His head is big, but his body is small. He has two big eyes and a small mouth. He likes eating fruits. Pear is his favourite fruit. He likes swimming. He can swim very well in the swimming pool.F, F, T, F, T. Listen and choose the best answers. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确答案的编号,读两遍。(5分)Its warm in spring. Ben, Alice and I go to the park. Ben is playing with his dog, Tim. Alice has a kite. Its yellow and pink. She is flying the kite. Look! This is my new bicycle. I like riding my bicycle. Everyone is having fun. B, A, C, A, B


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