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2019年三年级英语下册每课一练习题一、选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词。( )1. gr A. ar B. ay C. ou( )2. sn ke A. e B. o C. a( )3. p k A. an B. im C. ou( )4. b tterfl A. u,y B. a,v C. o,r( )5. st k A. ee B. ea C. ao( )6. p cil A. en B. an C. im二、用下面括号里的词填空。( what, father, Whats, How, pencil, swim )1. are you, Gogo? Im fine, thanks.2. Can you , Tony? No, I cant.3. do you like? I like chicken.4. Whats this? It a case.5. Whos he? Hes my .6. his name? His names Tony.三、看图,补充完整句子。1. Whats this? Its a . 2. What this? Its a 3. this? Its a 4. What do you like? I like 5. What color is it? Its 四、从右边找出正确的答语。( )1. Whats this, Gogo? A. Yes, I can. ( )2. What color is the book? B. Hes my friend.( )3. What do you like, Jenny? C. His names Ben.( )4. Whos he? D. Its a snake.( )5. Can you sing, Tony? E. I like bread.( )6. Whats his name? F. Its pink.Unit 2 Theyre big.一、选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词。( )1. h ppy A.e B. a C. i( )2. c ld A. o B. a C. u( )3. h vy A. ee B. oa C. ea( )4. s d A. a B. o C. e( )5. b g A. o B. v C. i( )6. l ght A. i B. o C. e( )7. h t A.e B. o C. u二、写出下列缩略形式的完全形式。1. Im 2. Hes 3. Shes 4. Theyre 5. Were 6. Its 7. Youre 8. Whats 三、看图,补充完整句子。1. Hes 2. Shes 3. Are you ? Yes, I am. 4. They . 四、写出下列单词的反义词。1. happy 2. hot 3. big 4. thin 5. light 6. white 五、单项选择。( )1. Look! This is a thick book. Thats a book. A. thick B. thin C. big( )2. Im sad. Youre . A. happy B. small C. cold( )3. Jenny small. A. are B. am C. is( )4. Are you happy? Yes, . A. you are B. I am C. Im( )5. I like a ice cream. A. an B. happy C. big六、从右边找出正确的答语。( )1. Are you heavy? A. Yes, he is. ( )2. Is it thin? B. Yes, I am.( )3. Are they hot? C. Yes, it is.( )4. Is he sad? D. Yes, they are.Unit 3 Do you like baseball?一、选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词,并写出其中文意思。( )1. d dge ball A.o B. a C. u ( )2. b ketball A. ac B. us C. as ( )3. voll ball A. ay B. ev C. ey ( )4. socc A. ar B. er C. or ( )5. bad ton A. nim B. min C. man ( )6. t nn s A. e, i B. a, u C. u, o ( )7. ba ball A.es B. se C. sa 二、看图,补充完整句子。1. A: Do you like ? B: No, I .2. A: Do you like , Gogo? B: Yes, I .3. We like . Lets play.4. A: you like ping-pong? B: No, I dont. I 三、模仿例句写句子。Model: soccer / yes Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. 1. dodge ball / yes 2. tennis / no 3. basketball / yes 4. volleyball / no 四、单项选择。( )1. A: you like soccer? B: No, I dont. A. Are B. Do C. Is( )2. A: I like badminton. B: I like tennis. A. do B. am C. dont( )3. A: Do you like dodge? B: Yes, . A. I dont B. I am C. I do( )4. A: Lets . B: Good! A. game B. play C. Im( )5. The soccer is big. The baseball is . A. light B. small C. happyUnit 5 Whats that?一、补充完整下列单词,并选出正确的中文意思。( )1. br n A.黄色 B. 棕色 C. 黑色( )2. d r A. 书本 B. 窗子 C. 门( )3. cl k A. 钟 B. 黑色 C. 镜子( )4. pill A. 枕头 B. 窗户 C.镜子( )5. bl nk t A. 地毯 B. 枕头 C.床( )6. wh t A. 粉红色 B. 绿色 C. 白色二、从右边找出正确的答语。( )1. Whats that? A. Yes, I do. ( )2. Is that a butterfly? B. No, it isnt. Its brown.( )3. Do you like green? C. Yes, it is.( )4. Is this a black cat? D. Hes my father.( )5. Whos he? E. Its a pink lamp.三、单项选择。( )1. A: Whats ? B: Its a cat. A. his B. that C. she( )2. A: Its a bed. A. that B. brown C. this( )3. A: Is that a blanket? B: . A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, I do C. Yes, it is.( )4.The shirt isnt black, its . A. small B. white C. thin( )5.A: ? B: No, it isnt. A. Is that a chair? B. Do you like steak? C. Whats that?四、看图,补充完整句子。1. A: Whats that? B: Its a .2. A: Is that a ? B: Yes, it is.3. A: Is that a green pillow? B: No, it isnt. Its a 4. A: Whats this? B: Its a Unit 6 What are these?一、选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词。( )1. gr pe A. i B. e C. a( )2. p ch A. ea B. oa C. ie( )3. p A. ire B. rea C. ear( )4. pl m A. u B. i C. a( )5. m ngo A. e B. o C. a( )6. p neapple A. a B. i C. e二、用下面括号里的词填空。( Are are Is arent grapes)1. What these? Theyre melons.2. Are these ? No, they 3. these pineapple? Yes, they are.4. that a peach? Yes, it is.三、给下列单词加上复数形式。(填上“s ”或“es ”)mango fish pear cherry box grape orange bus strawberry apple cheese pencil case 四、单项选择。( )1. A: What these? B: Theyre books. A. are B. is C. am( )2. touch, Gogo! A. Isnt B. Dont C. Not( )3. A: Are these ? B: Yes, they are. A. apple B. an apple C. apples( )4. Are these red cherries? B: No, . A. they arent B. they are C. it isnt( )5.A: I like . A. peach B. pears C. melon五、看图,补充完整句子。1. A: What these? B: Theyre .2. A: Are these ? B: Yes, are.3. A: Do you like ? B: Yes, I 六、根据图画情景补全对话。Jenny: Hi, Gogo. These grapes?Gogo: No, they .Jenny: are these?Gogo: Theyre . Do you cherries? Jenny: Yeah! I like them.Unit 7 Wheres my book?一、补充完整下列单词,并选出正确的中文意思。( )1. so A.裙子 B. 袜子 C. 衬衫( )2. m go A. 梨子 B. 葡萄 C. 芒果( )3. p ts A. 梨子 B. 桃子 C. 裤子( )4. sk t A. 裙子 B. 鞋子 C.袜子( )5. ja et A. 裤子 B. 外套 C.鞋子二、根据图画情景补全对话。Gogo: Good morning , Dad.Dad: Good morning , Gogo.Gogo: Where my ?Dad: Theyre the bed. Gogo: my book?Dad: Its the pillow.三、从右边找出正确的答语。( )1. Wheres my pen? A. Hes on the box. ( )2. Good morning, Jenny! B. Theyre under the table.( )3. Where are the oranges? C. Theyre mangoes.( )4. What color is the skirt? D. Its in the bag.( )5. Wheres Gogo? E. Good morning, Gogo!( )6. What are these? F. Its orange.四、单项选择。( )1. A: Wheres my pencil? Its the chair. A.under B.in C. between( )2. Where my pants? B: on the bed. A. is / Its B. are / Theyre C. are / Its( )3. A: Do you like basketball? B: Yes, do. A. they B. you C. weUnit 9 What time is it?一、将下列数字单词填补完整,并写上中文意思。1. ei t ( ) 2. th ( ) 3. s v n ( )4. e v ( ) 5. f ( ) 6. f e ( )7. t l e ( ) 8. n ( ) 9. t o ( )二、单项选择。( )1. A: What time is it? B: A. Is it one oclock? B. Yes, it is. C. Its two oclock.( )2. A: Is it six oclock? B: A. Its ten oclock. B. No, it isnt. C. Thats right.( )3. A: is it? B: Its a clock. A. What B. What time C. How( )4. A: is it? B: Its seven oclock. A. What B.Where C. What time( )5. One and three is four. So four and six is A. nine B. ten C. eight三、看图,补充完整句子。1. A: What time is it, mom? B: Its 2. A: Is it ? B: Yes, it 3. A: is it? B: Its 4. A: it two oclock, Tony? B: No, it isnt. Its 四、按顺序默写英语数字112。Unit 10 How many are there?一、按顺序默写英语数字120。二、翻译下列短语。1. 13个雪梨 2. 20件外套 3. 15个枕头 4. 14个篮球 5. 18盏灯 6. 16个笔记本 三、从右边找出正确的答语。( )1. How many pears are there? A. OK. ( )2. What are these? B. Yes, there are.( )3. What time is it? C. There are seventeen.( )4. Are there fifteen strawberries? D. They are peaches.( )5. Lets play ping-pong. E. Its twelve oclock.四、单项选择。( )1. A: How many are there? B: five. A. skirt / There are B. jacket / These are C. snakes / There are( )2. A: What are these? B: . A. Its a peach. B. Theyre cherries. C. There are mangoes.( )3. A: sixteen bananas in the boxes. A. There are B. They are C. Are these( )4.Is that orange door? B: Yes, it is. A. a B. the C. anUnit 11 Do you have plates?一、补充完整下列单词,并选出正确的中文意思。( )1. b l A. 床 B. 碗 C. 大( )2. kn es A. 叉 B. 碗 C. 刀( )3. s on A. 蝴蝶 B. 汤匙 C. 蛇( )4. f k A. 刀 B. 飞 C. 叉( )5. g ss A. 餐巾 B. 碟子 C. 玻璃杯二、选择方框里的词填空。have / has1. I spoons. 2. She a pencil.3. You chopsticks. 4. They books.5. He a fork. 6. Jenny a red skirk.dont have / doesnt have1. My father a lamp. 2. His friends apples.3. Gogo a glass. 4. Your sisters socks.5. They pants. 6. Tony and Jenny bowls. do / dont does / doesnt1. we have plates? Yes, we .2. your brother have pens? No, he .3. it have bananas? Yes, it .4. you have a dog? No, I .5. they have bowls? No, they .6. he have grapes? Yes, he .三、单项选择。( )1. A: Jenny spoons? B: Yes, she does. A. Do / have B. Does / has C. Does / have( )2. I have chopsticks, mom. A. dont B. doesnt C. isnt( )3. Do have forks? A. she B. they C. Gogo( )4. A: Does Tony have bowls? B: A. Yes, I do. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, he does.( )5. My mother knives. A. have B. has C. is四、看图,补充完整句子。1. A: Do you have ? B: Yes, I 2. A: your mother have bowl? B: No, she doesnt. She 3. A: I have Do you have glasses, Gogo? B: No, I . I have 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 10 页 共 10 页

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