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2019年六年级上-第一单元数学练习卷一、下列每组单词划线部分有几种读音,选出相对应的序号填在括号中。(10分)A、一种 B、二种 C、三种 D、四种( )1、safe pay afraid wake( )2、night rice fridge fhde( )3、food zoo room school( )4、apple what many another( )5、no front frog not二、为下列句子选出最恰当的答案(20分)( )1、Who s the woman _blue?A、in B、on C、with( )2、He usually _ lunch at twelve o clock.A、have B、has C、had( )3、We usually stay _ home _Sunday.A、at-in B、in-on C、at-on( )4、Is the yellow shin _ ? No, _ is white.A、your-my B、yours -mine C、your -mine( )5、_ any food in the fridge ?A、Is there B、Are there C、Have( )6、Flowers e out _ spring.A、at B、on C、in( )7、Mary is _ to see her grandmother.A、go B、going C、goes( )8、Open the door. _ open the window.A、Don t B、Not C、No( )9、There is a horse _ the tree.A、in B、on C、under( )10、We mustnt _ the street now.A、crossing B、cross C、crosses三、按要求改下列单词(12分)1、left(反义词)_ 2、big(比较级)_3、farm(名词)_ 4、box(复数)_5、we(宾格)_ 6、they(形容词性物主代词)_四、用所给词的适当形式填空(20分)1、What are the _( child ) doing ? They are playing football.2、Please give ( I ) _ the book.3、This is his bag That bag is _ .( she )4、I can speak _. ( China )5、I _( do ) my homework yesterday evening.6、Listen ! The girls _ ( sing ) in the classroom.7、It _ ( be ) cold in Beijing tomorrow.8、I can _( play ) football.9、I like _. ( swim )10、Her name _( be ) Kate.五、找出下列单词中不同类的一个,把序号写在题前括号中。(10分)( )1、A、cake B、ice cream C、bun D、book( )2、A、behind B、on C、kangroo D、in( )3、A、eye B、pear C、hand D、arm( )4、A、me B、you C、he D、she( )5、A、London B、China C、England D、America六、根据答语,给下列句子填上合适的疑问词(18分)1、_ is she ? She s eight.2、_ pen is this ? It s Sam s.3、_ is it ? It s seven o clock.4、_ are they ? They are cats.5、_ do you go to school ? By bus.6、_ students are there in your class ? Forty -five7、_ are you from ? I m from England.8、_ is he ? He s Tom9、_ do you like, pen or the pencil ? I like the pen.七、阅读短文,选择正确的一项(10分)I m an American boy . At school I have a good friend. His name is Li Ping. He s a Chinese boy. He s a twelve. We re in the same class -Class three, Grade Two. He s a good student. His brother s name is Li Hua. He isn t a student He is only five years old. Li Ping and his brother look like their father.Li Ping s mother is an English teacher, but his father isn t a teacher. He s a policeman. They work very hard Li Ping s mother is a good teacher. Her students like her very much. 1、( )Li Ping is _.A、a Chinese boy B、an American boy C、an American girl2、( )Li Hua is _ years old.A、twelve B、five C、seven3、( )Li Ping and I are in _A、CiassTwo , GradeTwo B、Grade Two, ClassThreeC、ClassThree, Grade Two4、( )The students like Li Ping s _ very much.A、father B、mother C、brother5、( )Li Ping s friend is _.A、an American girl B、an English teacherC、a middle school student附送:2019年六年级上Unit1同步辅导材料打招呼的习惯用语:1. 与熟人见面打招呼常用Hi或Hello,很随意。How do you do?是在正式场合,与别人第一次见面的问候语,回答也用How do you do?2. 早晨或上午与人见面打招呼时,可用Good morning。下午与人见面打招呼时,可用Good afternoon。晚上与人见面打招呼时,可用Good evening。(注:Good evening是晚上见面时的问候语,意为晚上好。Good night是晚上就寝前的道别用语,意为晚安)3. 见面时询问别人身体状况等,可用How are you? 回答时可用Im fine/OK/well, thank you. Just so soGuidance类别语言项目单词突破1. _interj. & n.谢谢 2. _pron.我(主格) 3. _pron.你/你们(主格)4. _v.是(单数形式) 5. _v.是(复数形式) 6. _adj.好的7. _adj.美好的;健康的 8. _adv.怎样;如何 9. _ interj.好;可以短语突破1. _早上好! 2. _下午好!3. _晚上好! 4. _你(身体)好吗?重点句型1. Hello/Hi! 2. Good morning, ! 3. -How are you? -Im fine / OK.4. Thank you. 5. Good afternoon/evening.必背句子1. Hi/Hello! 2. How are you?3. Good morning! 4. Good afternoon! 5. Good evening!语法1. 问候用语,感知人称代词I、you及be(am/is/are)动词的用法;2. 26个英文字母的发音、顺序和书写规范,能正确区分元音字母和辅音字母;3. 能根据字母中所含的元音音素正确归类。ExerciseSection A1. 观察下列单词的首字母,根据首字母排列顺序,将它们重新编号1) Maria 2) Kevin 3) Ann 4) Jane 5) Bobby _2. 写出下列字母相邻的字母1) _ Dd _ 2) _ Ff _3) _ Mm _4) _ Qq _5) _ Tt _6) _ Xx _Section B1. 选词填空:用am, is, are完成句子1) How _ you?2) _ you Zhang Hong?3) Lucy _ in Class One.4) Dale and Frank _ English.5) Hello, I _ Ann Green.2. 补全下面单词中所缺字母,写出它们的汉语意思1) t_ _cher( )2) _ _is( )3) th_ _k( )4) h_ _( )5) s_ _( )Quiz一、用书写体按正确顺序写出26个英文字母(20分)二、按字母表的顺序,给下列人物的名字排序(10分)Frank Helen Dale Cindy Bob Grace 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、用大写字母抄写下列单词(10分)1. fine 2. bag 3. he 4. afternoon 5. evening 四、根据句意及所给提示完成单词(15分)1. -Hi, Dale! H_ are you? -I am OK.2. -How are you? -I am fine, t_.3. Good _(早晨), Alice!4. Good _(下午), Bob!5. Good _(晚上), Cindy!五、连词成句,注意标点符号(25分)1. am I thanks fine . _2. Frank you are how ? _3. afternoon good Eric ! _4. morning Cindy good ! _5. OK I am. _六、补全对话,每空一词(20分)A: Hello, Lin Tao!B: 1_, Cindy!A: How 2_ you?B: 3_ fine, 4_. How are you?A: Im 5_, too.


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