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2019年小学英语各年级第二模块周清题一、根据你所听到的录音,给下列图片排列顺序。 _ _ _ _ _ _二、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。( )1、 A、favourite B、kite C、fish ( )2、 A、kite B、cat C、car ( ) 3、 A、doll B、puter C、dog ( )4、A、fish B、ship C、nose ( ) 5、 A、panda B、elephant C、tiger( )6、 A、Whats your favourite song? B、Whats your favourite color? C、Whats your favourite toy?( )7、 A、Its an elephant. B、Its a panda. C、They re lions.( )8、A、This is a tall tree. B、This is a short tree. C、This is a thin monkey.笔试部分一、写出下列单词的反义词。1、big_ 2、tall_ 3、fat_ 4、thin _ 5、short_ 6、small_-二、连连看。1、tiger 2、lion 3、monkey 4、panda 5、tree 6、elephant 三、选择填空。( ) 1、- Whats this?-_a tiger.A、Its B、it C、its ( ) 2、-What are they?- _monkeys.A、Its B、They is C、Theyre ( ) 3、Its _ elephant.A、a B、an C、the ( ) 4、This lion is thin. That lion is_.A、fat B、thin C、tall听力材料一、根据你所听到的录音,给下列图片排列顺序。panda tree elephant monkey tiger lion二、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。1、favourite 2、car 3、puter 4、ship 5、tiger6、Whats your favourite song ?7、They re lions.8、This is a short tree.四年级英语第二模块周清题听力部分一、听录音,判断正误。( )1、Amys got a book about Beijing. ( )2、London is the capital of English. ( )3、London is very small and beautiful. ( )4、Amy lives in Buckingham Palace. ( )5、Amys house is very beautiful. 二、听录音,选择单词。 A、about B、old C、river D、wide E、many( )1、The _ is very long.( )2、This is a book _ London.( )3、The window is very _.( )4、There are _ books on the desk.( )5、Big Ben is very _.笔试部分一、英汉互译1、很古老_ 2、在河上_3、又长又宽_ 4、很美丽_5、very famous_ 6、Big Ben _ 7、a book about London_ 8、Tower Bridge_二、写出下列单词的反义词。1、long_ 2、big _ 3、tall _ 4、up _ 5、new _ 6、short _ 三、选择题。( ) 1、Its a book _London.A、 for B、about( )2、Im _China. A、go B、from( ) 3、Its very big_very beautiful.A、and B、or( ) 4、This is the _ house.A、Queen B、Queens( )5、London is capital _ English.A、of B、at ( )6、There _ many boats on the river.A、is B、are( )7、The Big Ben is very ,very_.A、new B、old ( )8、The birds are singing_ the tree.A、under B、in( )9、What is the capital of England ? _.A、Beijing B、London( )10、The Tower Bridge is very famous and very_.A、beautiful B、new四、连词成句。(注意大小写)1、is she Japan from . _2、very big is Buckingham Palace ._3、house beautiful your is . 4、is capital Beijing China the of ._5、it long is wide and . 五、根据课文内容完成下列句子。1、This is the River Thames. Its _and _.There are many boats_ the river.2、This is Big Ben . Its very _. And its very _.3、This is Hyde Park. Its very _.4、This is Tower Bridge. Its very _.六、根据问句选择正确的答句。( )1、Whats this? A、It is my book.( )2、Is it big? B、Im from Shanghai.( )3、Where are you from? C、No, its small.( )4、Whats the capital of English? D、London.七、写出下列英语句子的汉语意思。1、London is the capital of English._ 2、Its very big and very beautiful._3、Is that your house._4、Hyde Pake is very beautiful._5、The Tower Bridge is famous , and its very beautiful._听力材料一、听录音,判断正误。1、Amys got a book about London. 2、London is the capital of England. 3、London is very big and beautiful. 4、Amy lives in Buckingham Palace. 5、Amys house is very beautiful. 二、听录音,选择单词。1、The river is very long.2、This is a book about London.3、The window is very wide.4、There are many books on the desk.5、Big Ben is very old.五年级英语第二模块周清题听力部分一、听录音选择你所听到的单词。( )1、 A、teacher B、dancer C、doctor( )2、A、this B、these C、those( )3、A、hard B、head C、hand( )4、A、grass B、glass C、class( )5、A、dancer B、dance C、dancing二、听录音选择你所听到的句子。( )1、A 、Did she learn any foreign language? B、Did he learn any foreign language ? C、Does she learn any foreign language? ( )2、A、Where did she sing? B、Where did she dance? C、Where does she dance?( )3、A、What is Linglings grandpa doing? B、What does Linglings grandpa do? C、What is Linglings grandma doing?( )4、A、Linglings grandma was a dancer. B、Linglings grandma was a dancer. C、Linglings grandma was a dancer.笔试部分一、英译汉。1、these _ 2、hard _ 3、learn _ 4、retired _ 5、class _ 6、dancer _ 7、study _ 二、选择题。( )1、_she learn any foreign languages?A、I B、Did C、Do( )2、Ten years ago, Mr Li _a teacher.A、was B、is C、were( )3、Yesterday he _to school by school bus.A、went B、go C、goes三、连词成句。1、learn your did grandma English (?) 2、is learning he English now (.) 3、do she did what yesrerday (?) 四、阅读短文,判断对错。正确(T),错误(F)。My sister is a pretty girl. She is active. She likes singing. Her favourite day is Thursday Because she has music on Thursday. And after school she can sing and dance with me.( )1、My sister is active.( )2、She likes singing.( )3、Her favourite day is Tuesday.( )4、She has puter on Thursday.( )5、She sings and dance by herself.听力材料一、听录音选择你所听到的单词。1、dancer 2、these 3、hard 4、class 5、dancing二、听录音选择你所听到的句子。1、 Did she learn any foreign language? 2、 Where did she dance? 3、 What is Linglings grandma doing?4、 Linglings grandma was a dancer.六年级英语第二模块周清题【知识点介绍】1、词汇: around duck soon dry lake picnic a lot2、句型: in the park 在公园里go to the park 去公园be going to 要,会,将要look at 看(着)have a picnic 去野餐walk around 四处走走what time 什么时候3、重点语法(1)be going tobe going to是一般将来时的一种表现形式,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,意思为“打算,将要”。其中be动词会根据主语的人称变化成am is are等不同的形式。例如:I am going to buy a new car我打算买辆新车。They are going to the park this weekend他们打算这周末去公园。be going to的否定式是在be后加not,即:主语+be+not+going to+do+如。Peter is not going to make a model ship彼得不打算做一个轮船模型。be going to的般疑问式是把be移到句首,即: be+主语+going to do+?如:Are you going to mend his chair soon? 回答为:Yes,I amNo,Im notbe going to的特殊疑问式则为:特殊疑问词+be+主语+going to do.?此外,be going to还可以表示根据目前某种迹象判断某事非常有可能发生。如: It is going to snow tomorrow看来明天要下雪.(2)学习疑问句WhenWhat time【重难点分析】1、be going to句型2、学习询问天气的表达3、掌握天气和气候的表达【突破难点的方法】1、引导学生熟读课文,记忆单词。2、出示各种天气情况的幻灯片,引导学生表达天气和气候。3、分组,分角色问答,操练询问天气情况的方法及其回答,指名表演。【检测题】听力部分(40分)一、请选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1、A、that B、what C、want ( )2、A、cola B、cold C、e ( )3、A、really B、eat C、tea ( )4、A、park B、dollar C、party( )5、A、drink B、chicken C、rice二、听问题,选答语。(10分)( )1、A、At twelve oclock. B、I am going to going to park.C、It is twelve.( )2、A、It is one ocolck. B、We are going to have a picnic. C、The ducks are very noisy.( )3、A、He is going to swim. B、She is going to play in the park. C、It is going to rain.( )4、A、It is ten ocolck. B、It is twenty dollars. C、I am going to jump. ( )5、A、Here you are. B、Thank you C、Youre wele.三、我是听力小能手,我来帮你排排队。(20分)( )I am going to go to supermarket.( )Good morning!( )What are you going to do tomorrow?( )How much is it?( )Morning!( )I want to buy some vegetables.( )Can I help you?( )Thank you.( )It is three dollars and twenty-five cents.( )Here you are.笔试(60分)一、把丢失的字母找回来,并写出单词的汉语意思。(10分)1、d_ck _ 2、p_cn_c _ 3、w_lk _ 4、n_isy_5、p_rk _二、一切行动听指挥。(10分)1、have(单数第三人称形式)_ 2、duck(复数形式)_3、play(动名词形式)_ 4、like(单数第三人称形式)_ 5、dont(完全形式)_三、手拉手,连线。(10分)1、What time is it? A、It is sixty dollars.2、What are you going to do ? B、I am going to play chess.3、When are you going to eat? C、It is going to rain.4、How much is it? D、We are going to eat at seven. 5、How is the weather is shanghai? F、It is twelve.四、我有慧眼,我来选。(20分)1、-_are we going to eat?-At six oclock.A、What B、How C、When2、we are going to eat _half past five.A、on B、in C、at3、I like _.A、cooking vegetables. B、cooked vegetables. C、cooks vegetables.4、The birds are singing _ the trees.A、on B、in C、at 5、We are going to have a picnic_ Saturday.A、on B、in C、at6、The sun is _A、shine B、shining C、shineing7、-What time is it?-_.A、Its twelve. B、Its banana. C、Its a clock.8、It is going to _windy in Beijing.A、/ B、be C、on9、_ are going to do tomorrow?A、When B、What C、Where10、The ducks _eating our picnicA、am B、is C、are.五、连词成句(10分)1、Is, it, raining, now(?)_.2、are, we ,cating, our ,picnic(.)_.3、noisy, ducks, the ,are, very(.)_.4、do ,they, going, what ,are, to (?)_.5、is, it, windy, going, tomorrow, to, be(.)_.听力材料一、请选出你所听到的单词。1、that 2、cold 3、really 4、dollar 5、drink二、听问题,选答语。1、When are you going to have a picnic?2、What did you do last week?3、Whats Simon going to do tomorrow?4、How much is it?5、Thank you very much.三、我是听力小能手,我来帮你排排队。1、What are you going to do tomorrow?2、I am going to go to supermarket.3、Good morning!4、Morning!5、Can I help you?6、I want to buy some vegetables.7、Here you are.8、Thank you.9、How much is it?10、It is three dollars and twenty-five cents.【单元检测反馈及对策】附送:2019年小学语文一年级下册期末检测题 (I)拼音王国1、快和字母宝宝一起玩找朋友游戏吧! bnhrydlHBANYDLR2、拼音超市里的词语真多,让我们找一找、连一连!chn sn 二月 绿草 g ll co 邮票 鼓励 r yun l 可爱 河流 yu pio h li 春笋 努力 k i3、做一次小警察,根据拼音送字宝宝回家,一定要看仔细,相信你可以把每个字宝宝都写得又正确又美观。sh jin mng xng xn kgng zu yun jn shng mng 4、给加点的字选择正确读音,在正确的音节下面打“”。干净(gn gn) 成长(zhng chng) 淹没(mi m)正月(zhng zhng ) 大夫(ddi) 感觉(jio ju)重量(zhng chng) 爱好(ho ho) 为难(wi wi)生字魔方1、我会变字小魔术,照样子加一加,变成新字。例:“采”:菜、彩、踩、睬“木”:、“马”:、“青”:、2、我把苹果娃娃送回家。认抓海识吐抱江捉响语河氵: 讠:扌: 口:3、照 样 子 你 能 把 两 个 字变 成 一 个 字 吗?试试吧! 子云日水走禾 己十白力中女 好词语乐园1、快乐小丑鱼,你能写出几对这样的词语吗?又 又 又 又 又 又 又又 又又 又又 2、相信你能填上合适词语。 一( )云 一( )花 一()鱼 一()苹果 一()河一()房 一()伞 一()鸡3、我们长得这样像,请你组词分清楚。 园( )纸( )为( )升( )休( )圆( )低( )办( )开( )体( )4、请你来做词语接龙小游戏。例:天 天空 空气 雨 放 句子天地1、我会组句子,并加上标点。 每天 我们 身体 锻炼 坚持 都 你们 吗 看见过 美丽的 西湖2、照样子写句子,我最棒。(1)、我喜欢画画。我喜欢( )。( )喜欢( )。(2)柿子熟了,红彤彤的,像一个个小红灯笼。_,_,像_。古诗乐园、把 古诗 补 充 完 整。 ( )( )( )( )( ),花落( )( )( )。锄 禾( )( )( ), 汗滴( )( )( )。、我在课 外 还 学 会了 很 多 古 诗,我还会默写呢!瞧,我会默写 阅读欣赏(一)一片一片的黄叶从树上落下来。有的落到水里,小鱼游过去,藏在底下,把它当做伞。有的落在岸边,蚂蚁爬上去,来回跑着,把它当做运动场。1这段话共有_句。2这段话中描写的动物有_和_。用“”标出写小鱼动作的词。3这段话中,“它”指_。小鱼和蚂蚁分别把它当做_、_。(二)春天,宽宽的河岸上,小草铺成了浅绿色的地毯,上面点缀(zhu)着各种野花:金黄色的蒲公英,火红的灯草儿花,浅粉色的野生菊大自然把它打扮得格外美。既然有草,自然少不了羊群。大大小小的羊儿,一会儿低头吃草,一会儿抬头欢叫。羊群远去了,我登高远望,就像一朵朵盛开的白牡(m)丹,镶(xing)嵌(qin)在绿毯上。1把描写颜色的词用“_”划出来。2短文中“白牡丹”指的是什么?3短文中“绿毯”指的是什么?快乐写话我们的生活五颜六色,充满了乐趣。同学之间、课堂内外一定发生过许多难忘的事,请你选一件,以日记的形式记下来。

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